Power Level... Not a chapter..


Physical strength all passive strength..not ablities...

Physical Strength Based Level:

1% - Human Peak strength like Captain America (Not transform) (This is just his default strength but Threat level may increase if uses other abilities.) [Increase Destruction Capabilities when Transformed or Shifted on 2nd to 5th form]

5 - 8%- Strong Supernatural Like the Originals, and werewolves that surpasses and beyond Human capabilities.(If Silver rampage and Threat level may increase if uses other abilities.) (Not Transformed) [Increase Destruction Capabilities when Transformed or Shifted on 2nd to 5th form]

15% - City Destroying capability (If Silver rampage and Threat level may increase if uses other abilities.) [Increase Destruction Capabilities when Transformed or Shifted on 2nd to 5th form]

(AN: Clarity here...

If Silver rampage and no one will stop him he can ruin a city by destroying building and stuff but if someone stop Silver well he can't destroy a whole city using that level of strength only. Same with the other level of strengths and using other abilities Increases what silver will cause so even if Silver has a city destroying capability that doesn't mean he can destroy a city with one punch or power, only few Planetary Level threats (Omega level Mutant) or a Solar level threats capability can do that, he can destroy building and stuff if no one stops him With that strength he can destroy a city if leave alone rampaging which is never gonna happen. The words written said that City Destroying capability means their is only a possibility that he can destroy a city with that level of strength.)

25% - Country Destroying capability (If Silver rampage and Threat level may increase if uses other abilities.) [Increase Destruction Capabilities when Transformed or Shifted on 3rd to 5th form]

35% - Continental Destroying capability (If Silver rampage and Threat level may increase if uses other abilities.) [Increase Destruction Capabilities when Transformed or Shifted on 3rd to 5th form]

45% - Planetary Level Destruction ..(If Silver rampage and Threat level may increase if uses other abilities.) [Increase Destruction Capabilities when Transformed or Shifted on 4th to 5th form]

60%- Solar System Level destruction (If Silver rampage and Threat level may increase if uses other abilities.) [Increase Destruction Capabilities when Transformed or Shifted on 4th to 5th form]

(This is the threshold of strength..every percentage adds more power... compared before it reaches 50% their are big difference here )

75%- Galaxy Level Destruction (If Silver rampage and may increase if uses other abilities.) [Increase Destruction Capabilities when Transformed or Shifted to 5th form]

100% - Universe Level Destruction (If Silver rampage and thremay increase if uses other abilities.) [Increase Destruction Capabilities when Transformed or Shifted to 5th form]

So.. When he's in human form he does have the Universe level threats and strength but he's 'Small' compare to the Universe so the destruction he can cause is minimal even in 4th form and may take looooong time to destroy the Universe, but when in 5th form... that's different he can punch a planet crush A Sun and Boom destroy many shit.. so yeah Size matters....