Chapter 3

So I smile and make my way to the hotel!

Standing on the street below my hotel window I jump up to the window grabbing the ledge and climb through the window.

Looking at Kathy still the same as I left her, I then check on the other woman still sitting on the chair.

Seeing as everything's the same as when I left them.

I go back to my bed and start to sleep waiting for Kathy to wake up.


Hearing a loud gasp I snap my eyes open and look at Kathy taking quick deep breaths.

Getting up I stand next to Kathy and rub her back telling her everything is fine. After a few more deep breaths she calms down and she sits on the edge of the bed facing me as I do the same.

"So how are you feeling?" Looking at her i ask in slight concern, not for her safety but because i don't know what happens when somebody is turned into a Hybrid.

"Im fine but there is this itch in my throat that and it's annoying" Caressing her throat as she was speaking.

"Oh, that just means you're hungry." I look at the woman sitting saying, "come here and sit next to my sister."

When i was done speaking she got up and sat next to Kathy, who immediately growled and transformed into her vampire form, which looked exactly like mine, and started drinking the woman dry.

While Kathy was eating I was thinking about my abilities, Dream Manipulation, Blood bond/Blood rising, and Animal control.

When I sire somebody they only inherit Animal Control, doesn't matter if they are a vampire, werewolf, or hybrid.

But as I sire someone I can also choose if they can have Dream Manipulation, which i gave to Kathy. But I can't do that for Blood bond/rising ability. Those two are exclusive to me.

During the trip from Ireland I had used Dream Manipulation on a few people. Dream Manipulation is manily for information gathering and physiological torture.

I also used animal control, this power is self explanatory. But what's cool is I can see through the animals eyes.

As for Blood bond/rising I haven't been able to try them out.

The Blood bond is when I give a human some of my blood and I drink a little of theirs. Making it so I will be able to sense their location, read their thoughts and emotions forever!

And for Blood rising, A destroyed vampire who still has his ashes together can be instantly brought back to life just using some blood, Human blood can bring back the same vampire but as a newborn with very less powers - like a reset. Vampire, elf or fairy blood will restore the vampire as he was before destruction and finally, dragon blood will make a vampire far more powerful than before.

When Kathy drained the woman dry she wiped her mouth and the dead woman fell to the floor!

Clapping my hands to get her attention,"Alright, we have to get moving we have a boat to catch!"

She looks at me surprised so I go on and explain, "There is a ship going to theNew World we are going to hop on!"

"Cool, then let's go, hehe I will get to explore a new land!" Excited, she started to tidy herself up as I put the body under the bed.

When done we both walked out of the hotel and arrived on the street. Stopping the nearest person and hypnotizing them into telling me the directions to the harbor.

Getting the directions we make our way there as we stop at some stores on the way that peaked our interest.

When we arrived at the harbor I caught the scent of one of the guys from the tavern so I followed it to a ship. Spotting the captain on deck ordering the crew around Kathy and I stepped on board as the captain spots us.

As he walks towards me I raise my hand for a handshake which he returns. Before he can question me I yank him in for a hug as I stare in his eyes, hypnotizing him.

"We are your niece and nephew joining you for the voyage!" When I was done I saw him nod so I let him go. He looks at both of us with a joyful smile and takes us by the arms to the captains quarters where we will be staying.


So its been about a month on the boat and its been incredibly boring. The only thing that kept me from swimming my way there was exploring the dreams of its crew and the handful of passengers.

As I was walking through their dreams and nightmares I also was creating a few.

There was this one married couple and the husband was beating the wife and I didn't like that. So I went in his dreams and kept giving him nightmares of everything I could think of. Which gave the wife a bit of a break and him no sleep.

But as I was giving nightmares to the husband, I was giving another male passenger "Visions of the future"!

Of course they weren't really visions of the future. I have him dream of events that I would orchestrate making him believe God is talking to him. So one night I gave him a "Vision" of the husband beating his wife to death.

Then I had the husband punch the wife in front of the man. As soon he saw that, not even giving the husband an opportunity to hit her again he attacked the husband and in a rage killed him.

When he calmed down and saw what he'd done he freaked out but the wife calmed him down. And together they threw the body overboard, and telling everybody that he fell overboard.

Now they're inseparable. It was fun playing matchmaker.

But other than that past time I was also helping Kathy control her hunger. During this whole trip I forced her to hold a cup of blood when she's hungry and when she gives in to the temptation I snap her neck knocking her out.

Although brutal, it's effective. But she's still young and has time to learn.

Walking out of the captain's room I look up at the sun enjoying the warmth. After a bit I started looking for the captain and finding him on the deck.

"Uncle, when are we going to reach the new world"

"Haha, what is the sea not to your liking, we will be there in less then a month." As he was speaking the guy up in the crows nest started yelling.

"There's a ship with the flag of Great Britain in the distance!"

When we heard that we turned around and in the distance a ship was just sitting still.

Taking out his telescope the captain looks at the ship for a few seconds then puts away his telescope.

"Alright men sail towards the ship there might be survivors"

After giving the command the crew get to work and we head that way. While they were doing their job I was staring at the ship. With my heightened sight I could see a handful of people peeking through the portholes.

Narrowing my eyes I head to my room to get kathy. When I see her I tell her what's happening as we make our way back to the deck.

When we finally arrived close enough to board the ship I could see that the deck of the ship is covered in blood with bits of flesh here and there.

"Jesus, what has happened here!"

"God protect us"

"It looks like a slaughterhouse!"

"Shut up men and get your weapons, we are boarding the ship and looking for survivors!" Yelling at his men and getting them under control the captain goes to his quarters and coming back with a sword and pistol.

After the captain and 4 other guys boarded the ship, Kathy and I followed behind them. When we get on board we search the deck for anything but find nothing, so we head down into the ship.

When everybody went in I stopped the captain and listened to the crew. Hearing them talking and making noise but then they suddenly stop!

Before I can complete my thoughts a hand broke through the floor grabbing my ankle and yanking me through the floor.

Crashing on the floor below I shake my head to dispel the dizziness and look around me. Surrounding me are 10 people or to be more accurate vampires, I could tell because of their faces.

Seeing their faces in real life makes me all the more grateful for my wish, they have a face a mother could only love!

Standing up I pat the dust off me and tidy up my clothes. After taking my time and ignoring their growls, I start speaking to them.

"So, you guys need something." With my hands behind my back I gave off a nonchalant attitude.

"Shut up human or I will kill you where you stand!" Looking at the speaker I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Who said i was human?" Looking him in the eye i transanform to my vampire form to the shock of the surrounding vampires.