Chapter 4

"Who said i was human?" Looking him in the eye i transanform to my vampire form to the shock of the surrounding vampires.

"What, you didn't know?" Tilting my head a little I hypnotized him to get the answer.

Bowing his head and then answering me, "I wouldn't dare lie master, you smell like a human not of a demon."

Nodding, I unhypnotize him. Usually vampires can tell demons from humans by smell or intuition. I don't know why I would smell human but that's fine with me.

Taking off my coat, I roll up my sleeves and take off my shoes and socks.

"What are you doing and how did you make me speak against my will" The leader yelled at me as the rest of the vampires started to get ready to attack.

"I'm going to kill you." I tell him as I look at him like he's an idiot which he immalley got ready to jump at me.

But before he attacked I took a step towards him and disappeared and half a second later reappeared in the same spot but this time with his head in my hand which turned to dust just a second later!

Looking at the rest of the stunned vampire I disappear again and taking a little longer this time I reappear again with all of them turning to dust except 1!

Who finally reacted to what has happened and immediately dropped to his knees begging to spare him.

"Look me in the eyes" as he lifted his head and made eye contact. I hypnotized him,"fight me!"

Standing up he immediately threw a right jab to my face, I tilt my head to the left and knee him in the stomach, as he's holding his stomach in pain I elbow his back making him kneel on, stepping back to get some space. I kick his head clean off!

Lookin at the pile of dust thinking, 'That was anticlimactic. He was just to slow!"

Shaking my head I put my socks, shoes, and coat back on and jump up through the hole landing back on the deck.

Where Kathy quickly ran up to me and grabbed my arm,"Can you teach me how to do that?"

Looking at her, "Kathy you're only a handful of years younger than me, so we're about the same strength, you can do what I can."

"Oh" saying that she looked a little disappointed.

"How about we fight each other, we are about as strong as each other and this can give us fighting experience."

"Good, then will start tomorrow" saying so she lets my arm go as we make our way back to our room.

On my way to the room I make everyone forget about what happened and quickly start the voyage to the new world.

It is a little weird that the vampires were in the middle of the ocean but one probably got hungry and killed the ship's people and left themselves stranded, like idiots.


The rest of the journey to America nothing happened, but for the remaining month me and Kathy fought. And we didn't pull punches. There was a lot of blood, broken bones and a few times in our blood lust appendages were cut/ripped off.

But everything healed, when something was cut off we just picked it up and put it back and it was good as new in a few days. There were a few times when the wound would leave scars, which I contribute to the werewolf venom.

Although it won't kill us it did make the wounds scar that's about all.

During the spars I had the most wins mostly because I remembered some of the fighting moves I saw on the internet in my past life. But kathy was copying my moves which put us in a stalemate for a while until i started figuring out how to counter the moves!

And this process just kept repeating until we finally arrived in Manhattan, New York.

The reason I came to America was to carve out my own territory, which I was thinking of California to rule over. In my past life I was born there so I'd feel more at home and not to mention that it is one of the richest states in modern america.

It is also home to many of the richest cities in modern america. But now that i'm in manhattan why don't i try and get a slice of the pie!? I'll stay here for a while to find some other people to turn to create a force of my own.

I think I'm going to go with quality over quantity!


*15 Years*(1773)

It's been 15 years since I have been in Manhattan and it has been going well. I have gotten 3 more pack members! Two women and one man all three of them were turned by kathy.

About three years after arriving in Manhattan Kathy found a boyfriend, Micheal, he was in his early 20s and was shy but confident in the right moments.

After being together for a year she turned him into a hybrid, I was against it at first but after giving a few demon hunting jobs he showed that he has excellent patience.

As for the girls they are twins, Elizabeth and Ann, also in the early 20s that Kathy found about to be eaten by some demons that she quickly killed. Turns out they come from a rich family and turned out as tomboys and their father didn't like that so they ran away from home.

Personally I like them, not just because of their almost glowing blue eyes, dark hair, stunningly beautiful face, and curvy body, because together they have flawless teamwork fighting together. And unlike most rich noble women of this time they're not stuck up.

And I of course took them lovers! I hadent had sex since coming to this world. And let me tell you one thing: superhuman stamina!

Of course I couldn't have the new members go around and turn people willy nilly so I had to hypnotize them against it. It was harder on them then others, but because of my training and them still being young it worked.

I had them find the oldest vampires in the city to hypnotize and control who then made their own gangs as a fighting force and information network.

Besides that I also started a real estate business and clothing store, Whelan estates, and Wolf clothing. Whelan is the family's last name, it means wolf. Which is perfect for me.

I started the businesses in manhattan and quickly bought land or hypnotized people for it. But I started branching off into queens and the likes.

As for the clothing I just started making clothes a decade ahead of time or just refined and improved the current times. Which turned out to be a hit.

With our physical strength and financial strength we have all of manhattan under control. Of course there's still demons going around and causing trouble but that won't last last long. I'm hypnotizing some of them and making them spies so i can get information on my enemies.

But I don't plan on expanding my territory any further. Manhattan is just fine right now and it will help me with taking over california.

But on my business side I'm expanding them to wherever I can all over the place.

On other news, the american revolutionary war is about to start in a couple of years.

I won't help them right now. I will be more focused on defending manhattan from the enemy demons and the invading british army that will occupy new york and will use the chaos to their advantage.



As the Revolutionary war went on I had to defend from a few different demon clans for a while till I had the spies sabotage them and I started the counter attack!

After killing most of them all of them escaped after that, except one clan. The strongest clan was the Faceless clan.

They look just like humans except they don't have a face, it's just blank. They use magic to fight and absorb the life out of humans to feed. The war between them and us went on for 5 years.

They had about 100 faceless but also had older vampire minions.

All the vampires on my side were younger than 200 and didn't even stand a chance against them. So we would use them as cannon fodder to distract the faceless and catch them off guard and sneak attacking them.

That worked for a while but they caught on for real quick.

When i tried to go after one of the 3 generals using this tactic their king appeared out of nowhere and staked me in the heart with a 6 foot long wooden pole!

But before they could do anything else, Kathy, Micheal, Elizabeth, and Ann appeared and quickly grabbed me, fighting off the enemy forces and retreated.