A Little tired I lay on my back with Ann still on my dick laying on my chest as I pulled Elizabeth into my embrace.
"That was the best so far!" Saying so the girls moan in agreement, "Lets go again." Placing Ann under me we start going at it again.
Slowly opening my eyes I move to get up but my arms are under Ann and Elizabeth. Remembering last night i smile. We went at it till the sun peaked over the horizon.
When i moved i woke up Ann, looking at her rubbing her eyes as she sits up naked i ask her, "After i was staked how long was i out?"
Looking back now fully awake she responds, "Little less than 10 hours."
Nodding i wake up Elizabeth so we could wash ourselves. There's a lot of bodily fluids. Most of it being blood which stained the bed, sheets, and blankets.
After washing up, I sat down with the girls and ask what happened after I passed out.
After getting me to somewhere safe the faceless clan attacked which forced my pack to respond and barely made it a stalemate. Kathy and Michael are fighting them right now.
Nodding I tell the girls to join up with Kathy and Micheal to launch a final attack.
While the faceless clan are distracted by them I will get behind them not expecting me to be alive. Plus this will give me an opportunity to use the darkness that the vampire side of me gave to me.
After a couple of hours of waiting everybody was gathered and headed for the faceless clan. Over the years of war less than a quarter of their clan is left.
The only ones we need to worry about are the 3 generals and the king.
Hiding in the showers I see my pack starting to attack the faceless clan. Because of the abruptness of the attack they aren't as prepared to defend as they could be.
As the faceless clan is defending I stick to the shadows and arrive behind their building and spot some guards which surprisingly are humans.
Because of the attack they are on high alert, i could kill them quickly but not before they alert the others. Thinking of a plan I slowly make my way to the corner of the wall surrounding the building.
I quickly take one guard out as I put on his clothes with a hat on. He, like all the other guards, had a sword that was hanging on his waist.
Hiding the body I followed the route I noticed the guard was taking and after getting ready I yelled at the other guards that I saw some movement behind some trees.
All but one quard came running to see if there was an intruder. When they rush in front of me I grabbed my sword and threw it at the guard that didn't come. Which arrived in his head.
After killing that guy i break the neck of the 5 guards in front of me so there is no smell of blood. I collect all their bodys and stack them in a hiding place.
After finishing that I walk into the building. I have to kill the king to get revenge for myself and have the faceless clan surrender.
The King and the three generals are out front defending from the attack.
Walking through the building I finally spot the king so I quickly go to the shadows and hide.
The king is never more than 10 feet for one or more generals to defend against any possible assassins which would give the king to get away.
Looking around I spot a vampire not far away from me so I walk over to him and Hypnotize him before anyone notices me. I gave him orders to go to the front line and kill as many faceless clan people he can.
I do this to three other vampires and I start inching my way closer to the king as I can without being spotted. A couple of minutes later chaos started to break out on the front line which forced the king to send two generals away to deal with the problem.
Now there is only one left but I don't want to take a chance of the king escaping. As I was quickly thinking of how to get the last general away from the king I see Elizabeth, Ann, Kathy, and Michael in the faceless clans front line. Killing everything near them.
Just as I saw them the last general saw them and without the king's word it joined the other generals to fight against my pack.
Now that the last general was away from the king it's the perfect opportunity.
Lowering my center of gravity and with every bit of strength I jump towards the king. Mid flight to the king i transform to wolf form.
About 6 feet away from the king he turns around and sees me. He prepares to defend himself but it's already too late. Less than a second later have his neck in my mouth.
Landing on the ground I use all my strength to bite through the faceless clans neck, decapitating him!
With his body and head falling on to the floor i place my paw on his head and howled as loud as I have ever done since coming to this world.
When I howled the fighting stopped and just stared wide eyed at me and the head below my feet. Using this moment the generals were distracted, my pack quickly killed them.
Now in chaos the faceless clan army starts to escape so my army slaughters as many as they can.
Transforming back into my human form I pick up the king's head and wrap it in a cloth I found on the ground.
After doing that I tell my pack to search the building for any valuables and mystical knowledge. After telling them what to do I took the head and left to our house.
After a couple of hours I finished cleaning the Kings head of all the flesh. Now i have my first trophy. But it's kinda creepy. It has the shape of a human head but no eye sockets, nose cavity, or mouth.
When i was admiring my trophy my pack came back and brought all the loot they found in the Faceless clans headquarters. They literally tore apart the building and dug six feet into the ground!
They came back with almost a 100,000 dollars in a combination of paper money, Gold, silver, jewels, and jewelry. That's like 6 million dollars in modern times!
But the most valuable of the loot they brought back was hundreds of books.
From different races of demons and how to deal with them, to magic, and different kinds of knowledge of different kinds of dimensions.
*3 years later*1783*
During these years I spent a majority of my time reading the books about different demon races and learning some simple magic tricks.
Now that all of manhattan is under my control we have been just lazing around and have fun doing what we want.
The only noteworthy thing that happened in these three years was that Michael and Kathy broke up.
While Kathy was out of Manhattan to visit some of our stores that have been robbed a few times Michael used this opportunity to cheat on her.
The only reason she found out was because she came back early and micheal smelled like sex and another woman. They had a huge fight, words were said and eventually they started fighting!
I broke it up and told Michael to leave manhattan. But I couldn't have a person out there sireing Hybrids. I did hypnotize them not to sire people but it can always be broken and I couldn't let that happen.
So i had Lizzy(Elizabeth) and Ann comfort Kathy then i tracked Michael and quickly and quietly killed him. I incenterated the body and then spread his ashes all over the place. I then took multiple showers to get his smell off me.
I hadn't told anybody what i was doing so they will think he is off in some corner of the world doing whatever.
As I was walking back to my house I spotted a butterfly flying between different flowers. And it got me thinking about the butterfly effect.
When i first came to this world i was going to follow the plot to use it to my advantage. That is why I let Angel kill our parents. And why haven't I met him since then.
And in the future I was just going to be a passive bystander to the plot only helping here and there.
I have been in this world for 30 years and if there is one thing I have learned during this time is that this is MY LIFE. I will do what I want when i want. I remember a quote from my past life that will define my future.
Chaos is opportunity.
So fuck the plot!
Instead of this being about Buffy and her friends let this be about ME and my friends!