Chapter 7

Arriving back home I don't see the girls in the living room, so I look for them and find them in Kathys' room together. So I leave them to themselves and go to my study to sit down and think.

It's 1783 right now, and the American revolutionary war just ended. The only thing of real interest to happen in the next 10 years will be George Washington being elected president in 1789.

I want to be there just for the hell of it.

And I can't think of anything of real importance to be happening between 1790-1800 to me.

The only thing I can think of that would be beneficial to me would be the Louisiana purchase in 1803. If I remember correctly the government spent 15 million dollars to buy it from France.

I want to help the government pay for it so I can get some of the lands and they would be in debt to me.

But that's far in the future, right now I want to start a newspaper company. Like the New York post so, I know what's happening in my territory and I can also use it to spread the word faster about my businesses, increasing my profits.

So in the next 20 years nothing will happen that I care about.

The only thing I need to worry about is strengthening the foundations of my Whelan estates and Wolf clothing brand and expanding them. While simultaneously making the New york post.

I think I will only create a few more companies and instead start to invest in other companies. I rather not spend my whole life taking care of a shit ton of different businesses.

I need a human family to be the figurehead of the company so I don't have to manage them every day. Giving me more time to study magic.

So on the to-do list.1) Be at George Washingtons' inauguration just for fun.2)Start the New York Post. 3)Strengthen the foundations of my company and expand them.4)Find a human family to be the figurehead of my company.

As I was going over my to-do list Kathy, Elizabeth, and Ann came into the study. Looking at Kathy and seeing she has stopped crying but still has red puffy eyes and drooping shoulders I'm glad I killed Michael.

Yes I get it I have two women but Elizabeth and Ann are ok with that. Kathy isn't into sharing even when my relationship with Lizzy and Ann started she tried to talk the girls out of it and was mad at me because of it.

"Brother, we have something to tell you." Saying so, she and the twins sit down in front of me.

Curious, I ask, "What?"

"You know me, I like to travel and explore, but since we got to Manhattan, I haven't left and instead been fighting battles since I got here. I stayed to help you and when I got together with Micheal I had another reason to stay, but now that we have control of Manhattan and Michael left, I want to travel the world."

So it has come. I knew Kathy loved traveling, and we have spent the last 25 years in one place. it was only a matter of time before she left and did her own thing.

"So I want to leave and travel around for a while. And, I want Elizabeth and Ann to join me." They all look at me nervously this time.

It's not too surprising that the twins want to explore the world. They have never been out of new york and now they have the opportunity to travel and explore the world, of course, they would go.

I don't have any problems letting go and have fun. They can protect themselves just fine, and I don't have to worry about Elizabeth and Ann cheating on me.

Because I am the original Hybrid, I can enter the dreams of all other Hybrids no matter the distance. Doing so, I can track them at any distance and make sure they are not doing anything they're not supposed to.

And they know that.

Nodding, I respond, " Fine, you can go but you have to follow some rule while you are gone." Excited the girls smile and look at each other and then back at me.

"While you are traveling you can't sire anybody unless you ask me first. If you see an unknown demon retreat right away, you don't know how strong it is or, if it has friends nearby. And while traveling collect any book that looks old or is in some unknown language for me."

They quickly accept and hug me before leaving and starting to pack for the trip. They will be leaving tomorrow morning so Elizabeth, Ann, and I have fun till the sun rises.

When morning comes, we all make our way to the port and I hypnotize the whole crew. Getting everything loaded, I hug them and say we say our goodbyes.

Watching the boat leave, I feel both sad and excited at the same time. Sad because I'm going to miss them, and excited because I'm going to start putting my full focus into learning magic.

I'm still learning the basics but glamors/illusion magic is the easiest for me. Probably because I can hypnotize people. I'm also training my telekinesis, it's a bit slower but not by much.

After I get better at them, I will start going over some other things. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*5 years later*(1788)

After seeing the girls off the first thing I did was find some a human to be the public face of my businesses. It wasn't long until I found the right person.

His name is Connor and is in his mid-thirties. He's from Ireland and moved to London and then to American just as the war ended. He has dark hair and dark brown eyes.

I used my blood bondability on him to make him loyal and changed his last name to Whelan and put him to work. I taught him how to manage the businesses, and after doing that I left and started to put all my focus on studying magic only checking up on him once a month.

Over these 5 years, I have advanced far in my illusion magic. I would regularly go out and test it on humans and demons alike making them see absurd things. As for telekinesis, I can lift about 3 times my weight without a problem.

After I felt like I got enough mastery over them I started looking into the information on the different portals the Faceless clan left behind.

After reading all they had, I picked one dimension they opened up and explored before to do the same. It said it's a forest/Mountainous area, with a faster time flow. One earth year is equal to 100 years there! And from the descriptions of the native people they sound a lot like humans.

Except for a few differences.

Like both males and females are both reported to have enhanced strength and speed, but the women can freeze a person with just a stare! So it's not a reach to say that the women have a higher social status.

They are described with light brown skin, tattoos covering their bodies, and very aggressive and warlike.

So I collected all the ingredients, memorized the incantation, and started to build the altar for the portal. I dig a basement and carve a doorway out of a boulder I found there.

It looked like your typical arch doorway with 3 steps in front of it and all kinds of runes around it. Which is meant to anchor the portal to the doorway.

Before opening the portal I leave a guide on how to open the portal just in case and instructions for Conner to follow while I'm gone.

I do the same for the girls. It's been five years since they left and they told me not long ago that they will be back in 2 years or so.

Finishing all that I cast an illusion to hide the basement just in case and now I'm finally ready to open the portal!

Setting up the ingredients and saying the incantation a blue tear appeared in the middle of the arch doorway and it grew bigger until it couldn't anymore.

Looking at it in excitement i double-check everything so i don't get stuck in there i immediately jump into the portal.

As soon as I did I felt the energy the portal emitted and I immediately knew that the stone I used to build the altar would not survive that much energy which would close the portal!

But it's already too late to turn back, plus I planned for this just in case and I can just build one in the Forest Realm.And if even that is not possible then i left step by step instruction to recreate everything.

The next thing I see is trees in every direction I look. And these trees aren't like the trees on earth, they are as big and thick as a redwood from earth