Chapter 8

The next thing I see is trees in every direction I look. And these trees aren't like the common trees on earth, they are as big and thick as a redwood on earth!

Taking my mind off the gigantic trees I close my eyes and concentrate on my hearing to find some native life. But all I heard was some birds singing and animals fighting in the distance.

Opening my eyes, I look around and try to figure out where to go to find intelligent life. Rather than simply guessing and going in a random direction, I pick a tree and climb it to the top.

Arriving at the top of the 300ft tree, I looked around the area with an unobstructed view.

When I was on the ground in the shadows of all the trees, I couldn't tell how hot it was, but now that I'm at the peak of the tree and the sun is above my head, I can easily say it's about 120 degrees Fahrenheit!

On earth, the highest recorded temperature was in the 130s. Seeing as I appeared in a random place and the heat is already in the 120s, it's safe to assume that it can get hotter. But to me, it's just slightly warmer than on earth.

Moving on from that, I look around and spot smoke rising in the air in a clearing a few miles ahead. Since there's a fire, there might be intelligent life or just a wildfire.

Climbing down the tree, I reach the ground and shapeshift to my wolf form and ran to the clearing.

When I get closer to the clearing, I slow down and hide to observe what's going on.

In the clearing, there's a wooden fence surrounding a field of tents made of animal furs. Because the fence is tall, all I could see are the tops of the tents, so I shapeshift to my human form and climb the tree till I could get the whole view of the camp.

Sitting on the tree branch, I look over the camp and finally see the natives, and there's a few hundred of them.

Because of the hot weather, they all have darker skin, short dark hair, and they all are wearing fur loincloths, or skirts and the women have extra pieces of fur covering their boobs. Looking at the woman, most of their boobs are on the smaller side, none of them going over a C-cup.

Some of the women and men have tattoos on their arm, stomach, and chest. They look like runes or magic sigils. I wonder what they are for?

The more I look at them, the more they remind me of the Saiyans, from Dragonball, as they are a warrior race.

After looking over the camp and its natives, I look to the biggest tent and see a crowd of people standing in front of it surrounding two people.

One woman who looks to be in her mid-30s, and is dressed in fine furs, with a highly decorated shield in her left hand and a well-used sword in her right hand with her back to the tent.

Where she's standing and the way she is dressed and the quality of her equipment, I think it's safe to assume she's the chief.

The other woman who looks to be in her late teens or early twenties is standing opposite of the chief and has fur clothing just as nice as the chief, but her sword and shield looked newer, indicating less experience.

I concentrate on my hearing to listen to the crowd talking, so I know what's happening. They speak a different language, but the faceless clan had translated it into English in one of the books I took from them, which I then memorized.

"I can't believe that the chief's daughter is trying to take her mother's position. Although Theda is a great warrior, just as good as her mother was at her age, she's still too young and has only been in a few battles."

"Right, Chief Thessalia is the best warrior the Thevalon tribe has had in almost a century. Only the founding member of the tribe, the The clan ancestor, has more war achievements than her and but Thessalia has brought the 100-year war between us and the Lupan tribe from the losing side to the winning side!"

"Theda is going to be the next chief after her mother steps down. I don't get why she is trying to get the position right now!?"

Opening my eyes after getting to know the situation.

The Thevalon tribe is ruled by the, The clan, like a small Dynasty. And the daughter of the chief is trying to dethrone her mother. And are at war with the Lupan clan.

Looking back at the mother(Thessalia) and daughter(Theda), I see them getting ready to attack. As they were staring at each other, both of their eyes slowly started to emit green light. But after a second, Thedas' now green eyes stopped getting brighter but Thessalias' didn't.

Looking at Theda, I can see her muscles tightening up and taking this opportunity, Thessalia dashes at her daughter and shield bash her, Theda tries to dodge but, she's too slow and falls to the floor.

Before Theda can attempt to get up Thessalia holds her sword to Thedas' throat. Knowing she's defeated Theda grits her teeth and slaps away Thessalias sword and gets up.

Staring at her mother, she says, "I will defeat you next time!" After saying her piece, she turns around and walks away.

As Theda walks away, Thessalia tells everyone to leave and walks into her tent.

Looking over the camp and their equipment again, I'd say they are in the iron age. This is just a small tribe of a few hundred people but there might be bigger civilizations in the world.

I watch as Theda walks out of the encampment and into the woods right below me. I climb down the tree and shapeshift into my wolf form and follow her.

After following her for a while she arrived at a fruit tree. She picks one and sits under the tree and starts eating it.

Watching her eat it and seeing her enjoy it makes me want one. So I walk up behind her and pick one with my mouth and start eating it. It's as big as an apple, but when you bite into it, it has the same texture and taste as a watermelon.

I love it!

While I was enjoying my Melon Apple, Theda heard me munching on them and quickly turned around in a defensive stance.

Finishing my melon apple, I start to slowly circle Theda.

"What creature is this? It looks like a wolf, but its eyes are different!" After saying that, Theda attacks me. But before her sword was near me, I appeared behind her.

Her sword struck the air where I was at. Looking confused, she turns around and sees me sitting behind her.

Widening her eyes in horror, she says, "How did you do that!?" While she was staring at me I vanish again appearing behind her. She turns around, but I vanish again.

I keep doing this until she falls to the floor on both knees in despair with her sword and shield by her side giving up. I stop playing with her and shapeshift into my human form and use my telekinesis to put a leaf over my private parts.

When I turn into my human form, Theda stares at me in shock stuttering, "H-h-h-how d-did, w-what are you?"

Crouching in front of her, I smile and say, "I have been blessed by the wolf god, Whelan. I prayed to him one day saying I wanted power and he answered by giving me the power of the wolf!"

Lifting her chin with my fingers, "The Wolf God has seen you and has sent me to inquire if you want the power to defeat your mother."

Widening her eyes, she says, "Can the Wolf God save my mother. She was badly injured during the war with the Lupan clan, and she gets worse with each fight she doesn't have much time left." She looks at me with hope.

'Ohh, so that's why she was trying to replace her mother. This is even better! She will definitely accept.'

Grabbing the back of her head, making our foreheads touch staring in her eyes and say, "The Wolf God can save her but, you have to accept the Wolf God's blessing. Pray to him, worship him, and he will bring you glory!"

As soon as I finished talking, she responded, "Anything to save my mother." Her eyes firm and without any hesitation.

Smiling, I tilt her head and bite into her neck, draining her just before she passes out, I slit my wrist and have her drink my blood.

When done she passes out, and I pick her up and walk back to the tree I was on to look over the camp. Getting back to the tree branch with Theda, I place her on the branch next to me and wait for night to come.