Chapter 9

Smiling to myself I think about all the fun I'm going to have while in this Forest realm.

I mean, who hasn't thought about going back in time with powers and proclaiming him/herself as a god or goddess? I'm going to spread the religion of the Wolf God, Whelan, by creating an empire with me as the chief God!

(A/N: If you forgot, Whelan is the Mcs last name.)

I will help the Thevalon tribe conquer the land and enemy tribes to create an empire just to feed my ego and have an unlimited amount of warriors at my beck and call.

Just think about it, I can train a hybrid here for a hundred years but 1 year is all that passes on earth. I can pump out highly trained hybrid warriors every year on earth. And by the 20th century, I might even have all or most of the United States under my control.

And what's even better is that there are dimensions that I don't have access to at the moment that every month that passes on earth a hundred years pass in said dimension.

Like the Acathla realm, Angel was in there for about 3 months earth time but in Acathla for a couple of centuries.

But that realm is all about torturing people with souls, so I don't think I can inhabit it. But there will be a more suitable realm with just as fast a time difference.

I lean against the tree and close my eyes to rest till night comes. As I relax, a gust of wind blows past me and blows the leaf off my crouch.

Looking at my penis, I sigh in annoyance and think, 'I need some clothes.' I close my eyes and wait for the night to come.


As the sun sets and the moon graces the land with its light, the people of the Thevalon tribe head home to rest. Of course, a few lookouts are patrolling the camp and checking on the fence in case of an attack.

After all, they are at war. And good thing they are.

As I get ready to sneak into the camp, I hear movement and slight whispering on the ground a few hundred feet behind me. I sit on the branch and wait till the people get close to the tree I'm on.

After waiting for a couple of minutes, I see a group of 5 people hiding behind a tree from the camps lookouts off to the right of the tree I'm on.

They spread out, circle the base, and observe the camp as I watch them. They are scouting the base and are most likely from the Lupan clan, enemies of the Thevalon tribe.

After they circled the base a few times, they regrouped and left the way they came. As they were scouting the tribe, I memorized their scent so I can track them later. The Lupan clan is most likely planning an attack.

Now back to business.

The night just came, and people are going to sleep, so I need to wait till midnight when the majority of the people are asleep so I can walk into their dreams and make them dream of the Wolf God Whelan and warn them of the possible attack of the Lupan clan.

This will help them believe in the Wolf god as their savior.

After waiting a handful of hours for midnight to come, I get ready to invade the dreams of the Thevalon tribe people. But just like last time, I hear movement behind me on the ground.

I look and see 200 people in leather armor, armed with a variety of weapons.

The person leading them was a woman who looked to be in her early 40s, average looking but had a scar on the left side of her face from her forehead to her left jaw with a permanent scowl that made her look fierce.

She's dressed in fine-looking leather armor with hair reaching to the small of her back in a french braid. She picks out 50 people and tells them to go to the opposite side of the camp to distract the Thevalon tribe.

Watching them, I estimate for them to get in positions in about 30 minutes and then attack 30 minutes later.

Looking away, I sit cross-legged and close my eyes and mass invade all the Thevalon tribe's people's dreams. I made the dream simple, so I can warn them of the attack.

It started in woods where I appear in my wolf form and tell them I'm the Wolf God, Whelan telling them to pray to me and worship me and I shall protect them bringing them unprecedented glory.

I did the same for Thessalia, but I promised that if she spread my name and had her tribe worship me, I would cure her and give her and her tribe unprecedented strength.

Everybody accepted even Thessalia, and when they did, I warned them of the attack that's going to happen in an hour. As soon as I stopped the dream, everybody woke up and immediately rushed out of their homes and armed themselves.

All of this took about 20 minutes. But when the Lupan clan army commander saw that the Thevalon tribe people were starting to arm themselves and she immediately ordered everybody to attack.

When she did, the 150 or so people stormed the front gate, but the 50 people she sent to the back to put pressure on the Thevalons back were not in a position and weren't ready for the abrupt attack.

The small Lupan clan force are confused at what's happening, so taking this opportunity, the Thevalon tribe sends 100 people to attack them, and when they are done, pincer the Lupan clan attacking the front gate.

The Thevalon tribe only has a fighting force of just 200 like the Lupan clan with the rest of the tribe being kids or the old.

Sending half your force away from the front line instead of defending the front gate would be suicide, but because the Thevalon tribe is defending their homes, the older residents helped out by joining the front line making it so that there is an equal amount of defending as the attacking force.

With 150 people defending the front gate and 150 attacking, its obvious who is on the winning side. The Lupan is not going to breach the front gate anytime soon. And the Thevalon tribe is stalling waiting for the 100 man force to pincer the Lupan clans' main fighting force.

Standing at the front line of the defending force Thessalia spot the enemy commander points her sword at her and yells, "Yolanda, I'll slaughter you and your army placing all your heads on pikes around my tribe in the name of the Wolf God!"

Hearing what Thessalia said, the Thevalon tribe cheered for the wolf god and moral raised, and they started cutting down the Lupan clan troops with extra vigor.

Seeing this happen, Yolanda calls for a retreat, but the 50 troops in the back of the Thevalon tribe didn't hear her order. They are fighting against a force twice their size, and watching their friend and family getting killed was devastating.

So when they heard the Thevalon frontline cheering for somebody called the Wolf God, the few of them left immediately started running away.

Watching them run away, the Thevaolan tribe people didn't pursue but went straight for the front gates. But as they got there, the Lupan clan forces were already in the woods.

Some of the Thevalon tribespeople wanted to pursue them, but Thessalia said no and ordered everybody to attend to the wounded and help repair the defenses of the tribe.

The orders of hers made many of the people who wanted to pursue the Lupan clan quiet down and help.

The fighting only went on for about an hour and a half, with the Thevalon tribe losing about 40 people. Over half of that 40 are the old people who joined the defense. The Lupan clan, on the other hand, lost twice as many people.

After helping the injured, repairing the fence, and cleaning up the battlefield, it was already mid-morning. After everything was done, they built a massive pyre and burn the bodies of their fallen friends and family.

As for the enemy's body, they cut off the enemy's heads and put them on pikes around the camp. And now with the headless bodies, they took them into the woods and dug a massive hole and threw the bodies in.

They didn't bury the bodies, instead, they used them as bait to attract all kinds of animals which they captured for food. After getting quite a few animals, they burnt the bodies and made sure the forest didn't catch on fire.

After having done all that, they increased the lookouts, and everybody else went home to mourne and relax from the night's events.

When the war was happening, I sneaked into Thessalias tent with Theda over my shoulder. But I did find a fur Loin cloth that fit me on my way there, so I wore it. When I was in Thessalia's dream, I asked her if I was welcomed into her home, which allowed me to enter.

I set Theda on the bed and I sit in a random chair and wait till Thessalia comes to her tent.

She arrived after the funeral.


Walking in Thessalia started rubbing her eyes as she made her way to her bed. When she stopped rubbing her eyes, she saw Theda.

Rushing up to her, she grabs her face and says, "Theda, are you alright."

Taking this opportunity to answer for Theda, "Shes fine. She will wake up tomorrow afternoon."

Shocked and spooked, Thessalia spins around and draws her sword while yelling at me, "Who are you, and what did you do to my daughter."

Putting my index finger over my lips, I talk to Thessalia, "Shhh, you will alert the guards outside. As for who I am, my name is Shane, the first follower of the Wolf God. As for your daughter, she just accepted the gift of the Wolf God and will wake up tomorrow afternoon."

Surprised, she asks, "You follow the Wolf God and what do you mean the Wolf Gods gift!."

"Of course, I was the one who pleaded for the Wolf God to protect you guys. As for the Wolf Gods Gift, The Wolf God will bless those who he feels are worthy. So when he saw your daughter, he blessed her."

Looking at her daughter, then back at me saying, "Thank you, so my daughter will be alright!?"

Answering back, "Of course she will, the Wolf God has blessed her not hurt her. So calm down and sit with me. We need to talk."

Looking me up and down one more time, Thessalia finally puts her sword back into her sheath and sits in the chair across the table in front of me.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

"How about why you are at war with the Lupan clan?" I'm curious about why they are at war and if there are any more tribes in the area and if there is where are they. And the most important is if there are any large civilizations.

"We're at war with the Lupan clan because of our location. We are in between two mountains, and a river is not far from us, so we have readily accessible water sources, not to mention the animals and fruit that are on the banks of the river. But the most important are the mines we have in the mountains.

The reason my ancestor settled here is that she found a strong metal that doesn't chip, rust, bend, or dull during wars even for decades. She called it Valon, after herself, Thevalon. As for the other tribes, there are two more besides the Lupan clan. The Lupan clan is Southeast of us, the Ezo tribe is on the far west side of the mountain, and lastly, the Zitith tribe who is southwest of us.

The Ezo tribe is neutral, and we don't have much contact with them, but the Zitith Tribe was helping the Lupan clan fight us for a while till they started a war with Ezo."

Nodding, I ask her, "How about any large kingdoms or large groups of people?"

Shaking her head, "None that I got word of, all the tribes around the mountains only have a population of a few hundred except the Ezo tribe. They haven't been at war besides the recent one since their founding so they have almost 700 citizens."

Well, I can't say that I'm not disappointed, but I did get some useful information. Like the tribes around the mountain, where they are, and most importantly, the metal Valon.

Curious about the metal, I ask for her sword and she hands me it. Unsheathing it, I look at it and try to bend it and cut my self a little. It's stronger than modern-day steel and its way sharper. Even with my current strength, it would take everything I had to bend or break it.

When I was done playing with the sword, I handed it back to her and got back to businesses.

"The Wolf God has asked me to heal you and bless you with his gift. After all, he can't have you die before you spread his name!"

Nodding in a little excitement, she asks, "How is he going to bless me."

Smiling, I vanish from my spot and appear behind her. Shocked, she tries to turn around, but I bite into her neck while simultaneously having her drink my blood from my wrist.

After a couple of seconds, I stop and bring her to her bed and lay her next to her daughter.

I lick my lips clean the blood and couldn't help but feel that hers and Thedas' blood is the tastiest I've had so far.

It's noon right now, so Theda will wake up in about 12 hours and Thessalia in 24 hours.

Just as I lay Thessalia down, I heard footsteps coming my way from the front door of the tent. Thinking quickly, I use a Glamour to make myself look like Thessalia while also hiding the mother and daughter from view.

(A/N: If you don't know what a Glamour is it's basically an illusion.)

I sit behind the desk that has some maps and reports on it as the footsteps stop before the tent door, and I hear a voice.

"Chief, I have a report." Curious at what she has to say, I call her in.

Walking in, I look at the woman and remember her standing behind Thessalia during the fight against Theda.

"So what's the report?"

"Well now that everything is repaired, the injured tended to, and our fallen in the heavens, the army is calling out for blood and want to attack the Lupan clan." Saying that she looks at me with anticipation.

Looking at her and thinking, 'She wants to attack and so do i.'

Thinking for a couple of seconds, I speak, "Then we will attack and finally end this war. Tell the scouts to scout ahead and report any findings. We will attack in a day!"

Excited, she places her fist over her heart and quickly walks out to do what I told her to.

'And so begins my conquest to build myself a kingdom in another world! Smiling, I listen to all the noise and cheers going on outside.