Better Stay Away.....

jungkook's POV

My eyes widened when she said am following her why in the world I'll follow the girl who beat me up ...."yaaaaaaaa am not following you I came for shopping with my brother " I said and she looked behind me and said "where is he ?" I looked beside me tae hyung was just standing beside I held his hand and showed her "look here he is my brother " and hyung nodded ,she Clapped her hands and said "wowww I can't believe you have such a handsome brother" I rolled my eyes why I became a puppy infront of her "now will you shut up " I said as she knocked on the door and said "yaaa come out are you okay ?" her friend came out and looked at bambam and looked down and said "am okay but this idiot almost gave me heart attack " I looked at bambam who was looking down guilty I swear to God I'll kill this kang Y/N...

Kang Y/N's POV

"Baby just let's go it's enough " yoongi oppa came and said as I sighed and glared at that junglebook and said "you better stay away from my sight or else I won't hesitate to break your teeths " and smiled at that handsome and he gladly returned It, must be destiny....Yoongi oppa pulled me as we paid the bill and got out moving towards the Gucci shop "what happened?" oppa said as I held his hand and said "that jerk who looked like bunny was bullying our taehyun so I punched him " yoongi oppa sighed and said "that's why you have a bruise too" he touched my lips with his thumb and caressed it ...peoples think yoongi oppa is cold but no his not it's just he a calm person but his really caring and loving person...I have a little crush on him but I can't tell him and my father will never accept it it's better the way we are now ...

Time skip

yoongi oppa gone towards his car leaving us since he have to go I sighed as I looked down sadly "ah never mind you will meet him again babe " Daeun said as both taehyun and kai nodded I smiled at there words and said "shall we go now my mother will be waiting for us " they all nodded as we got inside my car and I stared driving ..

Kim Taehyung's POV

As we got inside our house mom looked at us and said "welcome guys would you like some snacks?" I smiled and said "sure send them in our library " jungkook looked at mom and she said "jungkook ah why you didn't picked up my call dear ?" but all he did was "because I didn't wanted to " and gone away I sighed when will he accept mom just like he did to me .....I got in my room and remembered that girl I mean how can I forget her she even beated jungkook ....She is beautiful and powerful and the way she talks is really daring I think I should talk with her but what was her name again .....

kang Y/N's POV

We got inside and my mom was there so we came in dining room where the snacks were already ready we got our seats and mom said "you guys gotta behave In the party ,okay ?" all of us nodded me and taehyun shared glances and smirked at eachother and daeun noticed it and smirked kai was busy talking with my mother.....Suddenly I remembered that handsome boy oh shit I forgot to ask him name hmm I sighed yaa kang Y/N you playgirl....I said to myself "Y/N remember no fighting " I looked at mom and said "well you know I don't make fake promises so I don't promise it depends on situation " and got up to go to our secret room "yaaa noona where?" I looked back and said "uri secret place " and he said "okay will be there " .....