Party Means Eat,Drink,Dance...

Kang Y/N's POV

I was getting ready for the party as daeun was inside changing her clothes I wore a black dress well black colour is my favourite..."yaaaaa how does it looks " Daeun said as she came out wearing her white dress..I rolled my eyes and said "bitch you look like a ghost " and she rolled her eyes too and said "yes and you look like devil " we both laughed yeah this the way we compliment eachother .....Soon we finished our makeup and wore our heals and got out to leaving room ...."ohhhhh fish my stomach hurts " I said as daeun looked at me and said "is it today ?" she said as I looked at my phone screen and said "nope tomorrow but I guess its starting to hurt " she nodded and we got down and sat on couch waiting for our bros oh well my brother and kai came down wearing there black tuxedo and kai was wearing a white well we have a date and thats our little brothers "shall we?" taehyun said as I laughed and said "euuuu bro I swear your girlfriend will run away " and gave him my hand as I stood up "wow you guys look awesome " mom said as we all smiled nodding but she came and said "but look at your face Hyun and Y/N " we both sighed and said " Umm it's alright we are couple " and all others laughed .....

Mom got inside the car as we got inside other well I don't wanna go with mom most of my dads friends doesn't know me and taehyun we never really liked socialising.....

"So what are we gonna do in party ?" kai asked as I smirked and said "well party means eat ,Drink and dance " they laughed and said "as always " and I started the car ...

Jungkook's POV

It bore as hell all the girls here are staring at us but I don't have any interest because am still not in good mood no matter how much I try still the image of that girl punching me comes inform of me I gulped down the wine and told the bartender too give another which he gladly did bambam came and sat beside me and said "Broo c'mon don't be like this look we have so many beautiful butterflies here " he said waving his hand to the girls ...I rolled my eyes and said "My little brother is not in good condition because of that girl ,I don't think I can have any pleasure tonight and honestly there is no one my type here " ....he sighed and said "bro bro " I sighed and said "what ?" ."Isn't that the girl kang Y/N who beat you in the morning " my eyes widened when I heard what he said and turned to look where he was looking oh fishhhhh ......I smirked and said "ohhh well I wasn't in mood but now am fully in mood " bambam looked at me and said "really shall we find a girl then " I looked at him and said "ohh bro not for that am really in not state to enjoy today but I said am ready to fight and take my revenge " his eyes widened and he said "nooooooo wayyyyyyy not here jungkook ,Taehyung hyung will kill us " I rolled my eyes and said "well she will start the fight first don't worry " ....i gulped down the wine as I saw her happily chatting with her friend and brothers.....Well I won't lie she was looking mindblowinginly hot and beautiful......