Jealous My Ass.......

Kang Y/N's POV

I was about to punch this dude but I remembered that I promised yoongi I won't fight today I sighed as I looked at yoongi who was already looking at me while dancing with his so called fiance I glared at him making him look away smirking.....I sighed but suddenly I saw taehyung coming my way smiling "hey hi again " I smiled back at him "hi there " I said he cutely smiled and showed me his hand half bowing "will you dance with me ?" how can I refuse such a cute and handsome man I smirked as I gave my hand in his and glared at jeon fucking jungkook "yes sure why not " and he pulled me in the middle of the hall where other couples were already dancing...

Jungkook's POV

The glass that was in my hand was about to broke but bambam took it away and looked at me "what the hell dude,don't tell me your jealous?" I glared at him as I stood up "jealous my ass " I took off my coat loosen my I opened 3 buttons including collar button ..I rolled up sleeves making the girls over here drool over me as I kept glaring at kang Y/N who was bust smiling with my own brother how dare she refuse me.....I looked at bambam and winked at him ,he smirked understanding and stood up going towards where the music system was...I looked at daeun who was sitting talking with her brothers i smirked as I swiped my hair back removing my tie....

Daeun's POV

I was talking with kai and taehyun until jungkook came and said something that made me choke on my drink...."hey daeun will you dance with me ?" I looked at him I swear I won't lie he was looking so hot like sexy and handsome I never knew he was this handsome until now ...I looked at kai and taehyun they were as shocked as me I just sighed and said "no thanks " but he didn't listened and said "I won't leave your side until you say yes " my heart skipped beats ....what is this why am I feeling so nervous he is just the jerk I sighed "Just for now " I said as I gave him my hand he smiled sweetly and pulled me to the dance floor ...he held me by my waist and pulled me closer heart was beating 4 no maybe 1000 times faster...I looked at him as he was already looking at me smiling ....he got a bunny smile ..."see it was this simple " he said as he spinned me around and pulled back to him..

Kang Y/N's POV

I looked down as I felt shy for the first time since I was born ,no man made me feel this nervous like this man makes me not even yoongi "look at me Y/N i won't eat you " he said giggling cutely as I smiled a little and looked up I met his eyes I again saw the same emotions .....but I can understand what they are ..."are you fine ?" he said as I looked at him confuse and said "what was wrong with me am fine though " he laughed a little as he spinned me around and pulled back at him as i kept my hands on his shoulder and his hands grabbed my waist..."am sorry " he said slowly as he pulled me closer "for what?" I asked as we swayed together to the rythem "I know you liked him " I looked at him suprised "was it that obvious?" I said pouting he giggled and nodded cutely and spinned me around and now my back was facing him "don't worry you will find someone who will love you truly whom you will also love truly " I smiled .....

Authors POV

Bambam smirked as he took the mic and changed the music "partners change " he said in the mic as everyone laughed and changed partner....he smiled satisfied with the couples .....As he saw his bestfriend with the girl his bestfriend wanted to dance ....He smirked as he himself got down and a girl asked him to dance with her he gladly accepted it....