Hate You .....Same Here..

Kang Y/N's POV

As the partner changed I came to someone else I looked up and for my baddest luck it was that jerk jeon jungkook.....I sighed as I tried removing my hands from his shoulder but he held my waist tightly and pulled me closer and said "Why already running away ?" I sighed as I rolled my eyes and said "leave me " but he didn't listened and kept swaying i glared at him ,he showed his tongue teasing me I was about to kick him but then I remembered the promise aishhhhhhhhhhhh he turned me around now my back was facing him he pulled me closer leaving no space between us ...he leaned in and kept his head on my shoulder I stood there shocked what the hell does he think he is doing ...."Why are you like this ?" he said as I rolled my eyes and pushed him away a little "what do you mean?" he smiled and said "I mean why you never look at me like other girls do " I glared at him as i now turned around myself and held him by his shoulder I leaned in and whispered in his ears "because I hate you ,am not like the girls around here I am me " i smiled as I patted his shoulder and left him there ....

Jungkook's POV

Daeun came back to me I swayed her in my arms as I kept thinking about Y/N she hates me ....well I hate her too and now I want to break her more and I will do it .