One Team ???????

kang Y/N's POV

soon my uncle came as we stood and bowed to him and our professor came too..we sat and my uncle started telling us something.."as you guys are toppers of last year and always top in class this is the special task for you guys giving by national education team " I looked at him after hearing "does it contains Mark's?" I said and my uncle nodded saying "ofcourse it does it will 35% of your finals " my eyes widened I can't let this go.... "so you guys are one team from our university " my eyes widened again me and jungkook in one team never....

Authors POV

Bambam looked at daeun as daeun was already looking at him in awe....both of them looked away...felix and yeonjun shared glares as Eunwoo was unbothered watching Y/N ...meanwhile Y/N and jungkook were already glaring at eachother ..."sir can't we be divided in 2 teams?" jungkook said as Y/N nodded in agreement all of them looked at Mr.kang in acceptation but he nodded as no and said "the meeting is dismissed " and gone out leaving the students groan in frustration....."So Kang Y/N from Arts department will be responsible of whole group " Y/N glared at her professor done with the shit he just spoke ..."and jeon jungkook from science department will be 2nd assistant leader for the team and other things both the leaders can discuss and remember please get your works divided today and submit the names and works list by today's class end to me and Mr.Han " and the professors went out after launching a bomb on students.....


Jeon jungkook's POV

I stood up as I started walking out of the Conference room but kang Y/N called my name as she came and stood beside me and said "yaa come to cafeteria we need to talk " I smirked and said "baby not in cafeteria let's bunk the lecture after lunch okay ?" I said as I patted her head just the way my brother does but she yeeted my hand away and said "araseo then meet me at library and bring this boys too " I nodded as she started walking away with her two friends ....I smiled as I saw her figure walking away....."waoahhh how can someone be this sexy ?" I heard Eunwoo so I glared at him he looked at me and said "bro what was that glare was for ?" before I could say anything bambam held my hand and said "lets go eat jungkook am hungry " ..

Kang Y/N's POV

As we entered the cafeteria I saw my brother so I came toward him as daeun gone to bring lunch I sat down "why what's wrong sis ?" I looked at him and said "nothing Hyun ah we are going on a trip " he smiled and said "really when ?" I sighed and said " Saturday " he nodded and said "all the best than but which classes are going?" I looked at him and said "I think A1 section is going first from Science and Arts department " he nodded and said "araseo " .....soon we were having our lunch felix came and sat infront of me "yoooo hyung where have you been ?" kai and taehyun said to him as I laughed and felix said "guys I missed you I've been out of country with my dad " I rolled my eyes and said "yea you were not here that's why that jeon jungkook dared to bully our taehyun and kai " his eyes widened and he said "so the fight the whole university is talking about was yours and jungkooks ?" I nodded and he laughed clapping his hands he said "woahhhhhhhh not in last 2 years you never fought you guys didn't even knewed eachother but at the last year hahahahah lmao " I rolled my eyes and said "whatever dude " he smiled and said "so what is it you wanna tell me ?" I nodded as I got there whole attention and I said "so as you guys know yoongi is getting married " all of them looked at me intensely "so what's the plan to break it ?" felix said but I sighed and said "no we don't have to break it we have to fix it " there eyes widened as they all looked at me suprised "are you okay Y/N ?" felix said as taehyun came and started checking my temperature I sighed and said "guys am fine and in my all senses " .