At The End of the I'll be the one getting hurt...

Kang Y/N's POV

I explained to them how jisoo loves yoongi and all first they were not believing me thinking that I was joking but no i have decided i don't wanna ruin a pure souls life ..i know it will hard for yoongi but no i won't let it happen even if I don't know what is exactly love is but I know it has so much power....I believe in love even though I haven't fallen in love with anyone...I smiled as I looked at them they sighed and said "araseo if you are these determined " .

Jungkook's POV

I heard everything she said as I was behind her table an unknowing smile came on my face maybe because of her kind heart or maybe because my sister don't have to suffer...bambam looked at me and said "jungkook ahh Kang Y/N is really way to kind and perfect..." looked at him and said "so ?" he smiled sadly and said "don't drag her in your game she's not even close enough to the girls you like " I rolled my eyes I know this very well even I don't want to drag her but my heart doesn't listen to me it beats 4x faster when she talks to me ....whenever she's near me it feels like whole world has stopped even I don't want to accept it but it feel likes am falling for her ...but I won't let it happen because I know at the end of the day I'll be the one who get hurt because she will never accept me ....I sighed and said "let's go to library " he nodded as we got up as we reached the library bell rang ...

Kang Y/N's POV

The bell rang as we stood up and made our way towards library we said bye to taehyun and kai as they have classes ....."Y/N " felix said as he put his arm around my shoulder and daeun did same as I was walking in middle of them "what ?" I said as he smiled and said "owwwww I can't believe my little puppy is this group up " he ruffle my hairs as I glared at him and started running behind him "yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you bunny wait " he ran fastly inside the library...I smiled as daeun laughed following us .....As I got inside the library I started searching for him ..there was no librarian because she is not fine she is off this week .....I made my way towards the book shelfs "Puppyyyyyy" I heard him from behind so I turned around and baam my head banged on something muscular I rubbed it as I looked up it was jungkook ....when did he became this muscular..."yaa move " I said as he smirked and said "girl you bumbed into me and instead of saying sorry your yelling at me " he said as I rolled my eyes and said "it's not my fault you came suddenly " I made my way to the table where everyone was present ....I sat on the empty chair ....and soon jungkook came too and sat beside me ....

Daeun's POV

I looked at jungkook who was looking at Y/N I know they both fight but the way jungkook looks at her from that night is not normal ....he has so much emotions in his eyes ....I sighed as I decided to concentrate on what they were talking but I can't....there is something wrong with jungkook because as long as I know his not a boy who will fall for a girl nah never his the biggest player of this whole university..."Daeun you okay ?" bambam said as I looked at him and said "am fine " suddenly a idea popped up In my mind I smirked as i looked at bambam and said "bambam ?" he looked at me smiling "yes ?" he said as I smiled back and said "after this meet me on the roof " he nodded smiling....somethings is fishy and I will find it out soon .