Stop Staring Or I'll Make You Blind..

Kang Y/N's POV

As we discussed and got out works distributed we wrote down our names and works infront of our names and I said "I'll announce it one more time so remember your roles and bring the things we need " they all nodded as I glared at jungkook who has been staring at me all the time I was speaking "Daeun and bambam will take report " they both nodded "eunwoo,yeonjun " both of you will take care of our things like books ,pens and all" they both nodded "Jungkook,me and felix " will be taking pictures " both of them nodded and felix said "so we are distributed in the team already " I nodded and said "yea so we can get It done early and it will be easy to complete it fast " they nodded as I looked at Eunwoo and said "you will make PPT ..eunwoo shi " he smiled and said "sure " I smiled back and looked at felix "felix you will arrange the notes in one file with your good handwriting " he nodded smiling .

Jungkook's POV

I glared at Eunwoo and felix both of them are my friend but why am I getting jealous it's not like they will eat her or something but am getting jealous I just want to claim her as mine what if someone else takes her ...I sighed as I looked at Y/N who was already glaring at me she sighed as she stood up and said "yaaa jeon Jungkook follow me " she got up and gone towards the 5th shelf ...I looked at them and they said "go what are you waiting for " I nodded.

Daeun's POV

As jungkook gone behind Y/N I glared at bambam and said "yaa you follow me " and I started walking towards he followed me .

Jungkook's POV

As I came she was there standing leaning on the wall I smiled as I came towards her more closer she sighed and said "what are you doing ?" I looked at her "what do you mean you were the one who called me " she rolled her eyes and said "not that what the hell do you think you were doing while staring at me whole time earlier " my eyes widened a bit did she notice well then great I smirked as walked towards her ...

Kang Y/N's POV

instead of giving me answer this jerk started walking towards me which made me flustered but I kept calm ....his big figure hovered over me making me look small ....when did he became this big he put his both hands beside me making me trapped between his arms and said "yes I was staring and I will " I smirked as i rolled my eyes and said "ohhh looks like someone is falling for me already ?" he smirked and said "not even in dream but you know what?" I glared at him done with his attitude as he continued "instead of falling in love why not just one night stand and close the feelings ?" my eyes widened as I slapped him....he smirked I held his collar and said "mind your tongue am not any girl which will be ready to jump in your bed jeon jungkook ...and one more time I caught you staring at me I'll not hesitate to make you blind "