Dinner ?

Taehyung's POV

I was busy with some files suddenly my phone ranged I picked it up it was Appa "yes appa?" I said still looking at the file "tae you guys have to go out for dinner tonight so tell jungkook to come bring bambam too " I looked at the file confused "but why ?" my father chuckled and said "with jisoo and son-in-law yoongi " I sighed and said "araseo " and kept the call I'll just go pick up jungkook after my short meeting .

Kang Y/N's POV

All the classes were finished for today as I came out I didn't brought my baby today since driver dropped me and taehyun because my baby (car ) is not feeling well (basically not working well ) as I came out with daeun I saw someone whom i never expected leaning on his car looking at the sky with his hands in his pocket he was looking awesome "what the hell are you doing here ?" I said as he looked at me and opened the door for me "hop in " I sighed as I got inside daeun and taehyun sat in passenger seat , as he also came in driver seat "now tell me what the hell are you doing here yoongi oppa ?" he smiled and said "we are going out for a dinner " I rolled my eyes and said "you should go with your wife " he chuckled as he started the car and said "yea she's coming too " I sighed as I looked out of the window....

Jungkook's POV

As I got out I saw my hyung already waiting for me, I smiled as I walked towards him "I brought my baby though " he smiled and said "we have to go out for dinner ,driver will take your baby home " I nodded as I sat inside and hyung looked at bambam "yaaaaaa hurry up you lazy ass" he yelled at bambam who was in his own world since he came back from rooftop.....

"where are we going though ?" I said as my hyung chuckled and said "for dinner with jisoo and her fiance " I rolled my eyes but then I remembered what Y/N said in the cafeteria to her friends I smiled..."what's wrong kook ?" hyung said as I said "nothing am just happy for noona " he smiled nodding and said "am happy too " .