My Way To Make Your Pain Less......

Jeon jungkook's POV

Soon we reached the place where they make tattoo we got outside of the car and I opened the door for her she got out and looked at the building and said "yaaa where is this place that it took this much time to come ?"I rolled my eyes and said "it was only half an hour though " she sighed and said "where are we ?" I sighed and said "itaewon this is my friends tattoo parlour " she nodded and said "let's go then " ...

Kang Y/N's POV

As we got inside it was really good shop I got inside I saw some boys who were looking not so well ...suddenly jungkook came and held me by my shoulder "let's go " and dragged me with him , as we got inside he greeted his friend and I greeted him too "what brings you here bro with this beautiful lady " aish he is also a jerk like this jerk beside me jungkook chuckled and said "We are here for the tattoo " his friend nodded and said "do you have any idea like what type of design you want or something " jungkook nodded and said "I have choosen one " his friend nodded and said "okay then let's go where do you wanna get it ?" jungkook looked at me and said "on her left shoulder " my eyes widened ohhh my God its gonna hurt so bad ...."araseo let's go inside " I looked at jungkook "will it hurt?" I said as he laughed a little and said "don't worry am here " he is talking like his gonna take my pain away ....

Authors POV

Y/N was there laying down on the bed as the tattoo artist was getting ready .....and jungkook was there writing down the words which is gonna be Y/N's tattoo....jungkook gave the paper to his friend when his friend looked at it his eyes widened "what is this ?" he mouthed as jungkook's friend tried to read he did his eyes widened "are you sure ?" his friend asked jungkook ....jungkook held his friends hand and pulled him out of the room and said "This ....has to be temporary and this permanent " His friend sighed and said "are you sure ?" jungkook chuckled and nodded ...."but don't tell her that this one temporary tell her everything is permanent " his friend nodded.....

Kang Y/N's POV

I closed my eyes as i heard the machine oh my God what should I do should I run away its gonna hurt suddenly someone came and sat infront of me it was non other that jungkook "what are you doing ?" I said silently he chuckled and said "give me your hand " I looked at him so done "what ?" he smiled and said "do you want something to bite on ?" my eyes widened what bite ..."is it gonna hurt that much ?" I said as tears automatically welled up in my eyes he chuckled and said "no it won't trust me " he took my hand and kissed the back of it I was suprised by his actions ,suddenly I felt the tip of the machine on my skin...."look in my eyes " I heard jungkook whisper really close ....I opened my eyes which were closed because of fear and saw him so close to my face my hands still in his hand as...."umm Ms.i think you should sit instead of lying " I nodded as I sat on the bed and jungkook sat infront of me ...the top which was given by this shop was tight one only my shoulder was visible...I looked at jungkook ...."okay only another word is remaining now " he said as jungkook's Grip on my hands tighten what the hell am the one who is getting tattoo why is he feeling scared "yaaa it's okay it didn't hurt that much " he chuckled but then the pain came I was about to scream but I felt jungkook lips on mine making me shut ......whole world stopped ....I can't see,hear or feel anything accept his lips on mine my eyes were widened as I stared at his face which was so close to mine his eyes were closed ....he moved his lips ....the rythem of his lips telling me to move mines instead of pushing him away I gripped his hand tightly as I closed my eyes following the rythem of his lips....

Authors POV

The tattoo artist chuckled as he finished his work leaving the two love birds from his Point of vision alone there ....Jungkook got to know that his friend left but he has no intention of breaking the kiss instead he held her head from back as he held her waist pulling her more closer, he didn't wanted to end this moment any soon ,the feelings of her lips on his ....moving with the same rythem....He bite on her lower lip which caused her to gasp and he took the chance to put his tongue inside her mouth.....tasting it all ...It was driving him crazy...he never felt this desperate for any girl ....

Meanwhile Y/N was getting out of breath as she tried pushing jungkook away which worked he pulled away as he looked at her face which was now red as tomato he chuckled as he pulled her for a hug rubbing his hand on her soft hairs he said "Its done ....."

Kang Y/N's POV

I got inside the car first as Jungkook was paying oh my godddddd I can't believe I kissed my enemy...seriously how can I kiss him back .....He came and sat in the driver seat as he looked at me "does it hurt ?" I nodded as no without looking at him...."hey look at me ,don't you wanna know what your tattoo is ?" he said as I looked at him and said "about the tattoo we will talk later but why the hell did you kissed me ?" he ruffle his hairs and leaned in making me flinch a little and said "it was my way to make your pain less " ....