Flirty Kook.....

Kang Y/N's POV

After half an hour we reached our place.....I was playing with my phone until someone called me ,I picked it up "hello ?" the other line immediately started talking "Ms.Kang it's me Mark " I sighed as I looked out of the window and said "yes what is it ?" he chuckled and said "I found out about the women you wanted to know she's in USA " my heartbeat fastened....."exact location?" I said as he replied immediately "New York " I sighed in relief...."araseo you did great now take all of her information.....everything every single thing " he said yes and kept the call as I smirked in satisfaction....."yaaaa let's go eat something " my attention was now on jungkook I sighed as i remembered the kiss aishhhh "what ?" I said as he chuckled and got out and opened the door for me "since when are you this gentleman?" I said as I got out he smiled and said "since the day you are a girl " I rolled my eyes here comes the flirty kook again ...we got inside the restaurant and ordered our foods

New York...

?????? POV

My head feels kind of heavy because of the drinks I got up and looked at the mirror "you look great honey " I said to myself as I ruffle my hair getting ready to take a bath ...I took a bath and got downstairs and saw my mom "you awake ?" my mom said as I smiled and hugged her kissing her cheeks "yes mom I missed you " mom chuckled and said "come on let's eat " I nodded ....I looked at my phone no phone calls....i sighed in relief and talked to my mom "mom when is dad gonna come I miss him " my mom smiled and said "Honey try to understand he is busy ,but don't worry he will come back soon " she started coughing ....."did you take medicine ?" i said worried she nodded ....

Back To Seoul ,south Korea

Jeon jungkook's POV

I watched her as she enjoyed her food which made me smile ...."do you know where we are going for trip ?" she nodded as no and said "perhaps daegu or Busan?" I smiled and said "perhaps, can't say " she nodded and asked "dude can you now tell me what is that tattoo?" my breath stopped for a minute as I heard what she said.....I chuckled and said "go home and check yourself " she rolled her eyes and said "dude it's on my left shoulder backside, how can I see ?" I sighed and said "so what you want me to take a picture and show you ?" she nodded as yes happily,I smirked and said "araseo let's a book a room then " she looked at me confused "why ?" she asked as I laughed and said "you want me to pull your clothes down right here infront of everyone?" she rolled her eyes and said "no need I'll tell daeun " I sighed as I started eating but then she said something "yaaa but did that tattoo artist drew the tattoo on my mole ?" I looked at her "what do you mean ?" she sighed playing with her chopsticks and said "I have mole on my both shoulders " my eyes widened as I smirked and said "want me to check it ?" she poked her tongue inside her cheeks which made her look pretty sexy fuckkkk how much i wanna taste that lips again .....

Kang Y/N's POV

Such a flirt he is seriously...."yaa eat slowly you will choke on your food " he said as I sighed and looked at him "stop being so caring it's not you " I said as he frowned and said "what do you mean ?" I rolled my eyes a d said "nothing " suddenly my phone rang it was Taehyung oppa so I picked it up "hello oppa ?" I said as I heard giggles from other line "Hello Y/N where are you ?" I smiled and said "at a restaurant eating dinner and you ?" he chuckled and said "am at home " I giggled and asked him "did you eat ?" he said yes and asked if jungkook was with me I said yes ....after some talking he kept the call as we finished our dinner and jungkook decided to Drive me home ...

Time skip.

I got down without waiting for him to open the door this time ..."goodnight kang Y/N " he said as he came out I turned around and looked at him "Will you stop being so caring its cringy " I said he chuckled and said "really is it cringy or are you afraid that you will fall for me " I glared at him and said "get lost have a bad night " as i was about to walk towards my house he held my wirst and pulled me back and pecked my forehead "thanks for today .....I really enjoyed your company " he said in a whispered I looked up and I saw the sincerity in his eyes....but there was something else in his eyes what was that I didn't understand it ,I kicked on his leg which him yell in pain "that's for kissing me " and I ran inside the gate ....

Jeon jungkook's POV

Ahhhhhhhhhh this witch ahhahhh my leg owwww I sighed as I looked at her figure which was running away ....the gates closed as she fully disappeared...I smiled but then ....someone called me hyung "yaaaaa hurry come home where the hell are you ?" I sighed and said "hyung I have some work in itaewon I'll come home late "I kept the call ....