Don't Come Back....Never...

Kang Y/N's POV

After the 10 minute of full silence the woman finally spoke "how can I help you ?" i looked at her giving a cold glare with a forced smile on my face..."I heard you have a daughter same age as mine " i said as her breath hitched I think I got the weak point....huh "What do you want First Princess ?" she said but this time her voice was painful...."That's what I thought...where is the respect that I deserve " she kept looking down...and said "please tell me what you want and leave First Princess " I laughed..."what I want ....I want you to never come back in my dad's life " she finally looked at me...."what are you shocked Ms.park...don't forget am the kang Y/N no matter how deep the secret Is I'll find it " she looked down as tears welled up in her eyes..."I'll not princess but I just want to meet him once before I die..." I hissed in disgust "what did you get Ms.park...?" she looked at me confused ..."I I don't understand you " I laughed as I got up & moved towards her...and pinner her in her place my face dangerously closer to her....."what did you got from being a slut of my dad ?" her eyes widened as I heard jungkook gasped too....."princess mind your tongue " I moved back clapping my hand sarcastically "wowwwww look a slut is telling me to mind my tongue." I took deep breaths as I hold my tears.....and looked at her sternly "Where's your daughter?" I said as she looked at me with her tears flowing down ...."she's gone please leave her out of this she doesn't know anything " she pleaded I smiled and said "am not that cruel to tell her that her mother is a slut of my dad " I growled she gone down on her knees.....and said "I'll never come back but please let me meet him once before I die...." she said as I looked at her...."now you know how much it hurts when your man ...oh wait he is not even your man ....when the person you love with your whole heart....doesn't gives you attention but loves someone else...." I the tears felt down....."do you remember how my mother used to cry...?" I said growling hardly as I looked towards the photo frame which was of my dad.....I smirked..."don't you dare do anything behind my back ms.park remember that time I was young and a child...and helpless but now am and adult....I won't even hesitate to kill you " I said ....

Jeon jungkook's POV

She growled angrily as she looked back at the woman who was on the floor crying hard...."this is my last warning stay out of our lives...I'll give you all the money and property you want but don't even dare to think of coming back to Seoul...I won't hesitate to kill you and make your daughter....An alone child " she said as i looked at the woman i was about to help that woman but then I heard glass broke.....i looked there .

Authors POV

Y/N broke the frame by punching it hardly...the glassed were on the floor and in her hand....making her hand bleed hard.....Ms.park gasped as she called Y/N name in worry ....jungkook had enough he held Y/N wrist as Y/N jerked it away she walked closer to Ms.park and said "this is my first and last warning ms.park....don't come back....never ever" ....jungkook sighed as he bowed to Ms.park he held Y/N hand and dragged her out of the house....

Jeon jungkook's POV

As we came out mark followed us....I looked at her she broke down crying hard...."i i hate her......i hate my father....I hate both of them " she I hugged her but suddenly her whining stopped as I pulled back..."Y/N Y/N open your eyes baby " I said as I sighed....and looked at her hand which was bleeding nonstop....."mark...lets go to the nearest hospital " I pulled her inside....what is your story ...kang Y/N...