I Am Not Kind.....Anymore..

Kang Y/N's POV

I opened my eyes as I felt a sharp pain on my right hand ...I looked at it someone was treating it....I looked away because the pain was unbearable like somewas pulling out my bones out of my hand...then I remembered what happened earlier...I closed my eyes...how can I be so evil ?.....she was crying....she was begging me but I kept calling her slut and kept telling her not to come back.....even though she is on her last stage....But wait what about her daughter?

Jeon Jungkook's POV

The doctor finished dressing as he talked with mark...I looked at her in anger and pain ...what is she hiding ? "yaa kang Y/N" I said as she looked at me and got up..."let's go " she said as she throwed her card at mark...I sighed at her attitude .."I'll follow you sir " mark said as I nodded following her...she got inside the car as I sat beside her..."what's wrong with you?" I said as she kept looking out of the window..."nothing is wrong forget what you saw today " she said as I sighed ruffling my hairs I took her left hand in my hand caressing It softly "you know you can tell me " i said she looked at me and said "am okay "in a cold voice....the bitch Kang Y/N is back I think....

Daeun's POV

we came back to hotel as it was almost 4....as we came in some students told us that we are going to club tonight....I smiled as I started walking towards my room.....felix followed me "stop following me " I said as he sighed and said "can't you give me a chance?" I sighed as I turned around to face him "are you for real ?" I asked him as he looked down nodding as yes ..."you freaking kissed that girl infront of me " I yelled at him as anger took over me..."I told you thousand times it was her who kissed me " I sighed as I looked at me "I'll think about it but it doesn't mean that I forgive you " ....I came inside my room...

Bambam's POV

They were in realation? how come I didn't knowed about it though .....so she says she will think about it ,does it mean I have no chance?....gosh where is jungkook why isn't he back yet ?

Kang Y/N's POV

"Ms.kang ?" mark said as I looked at him "listen carefully mark whenever ms.park will take her last breath don't forget to inform me ,I'll be here until I come here you can't let the funeral happend do you get me ?" he nodded as I looked out of the window "but why miss ?" I sighed and said "her daughter make her passport ready if she doesn't have one yet " Mark's eyes widened as jungkook looked at me in shock "ms.kang are you sure " I nodded as mark said that ..."I don't think except Ms.park someone is here to take care of her...no matter whatever happens she is also the daughter of kang.....if my dad won't take her back ....me the kang Y/N will bring her back because she has all the rights ....."

"Are you sure it won't hurt you ?" jungkook said in a calm voice as I nodded and said "the child didn't do anything wrong it's not her mistake " .....both mark and jungkook sighed..."I'll make sure Ms.kang everything will go like you said..don't worry " mark said .

Time skip.

"kang Y/N wait for me " jungkook said as he held my left wirst..."what is it ?" he sighed and hugged me tightly I closed my eyes I needed it ...."I know am no one to you ...but don't go hard on yourself....don't be bad ....because i know your kind ..." he said as i pulled out and said "I am not kind....anymore " ...