
Jeon Jungkook's POV

Its been 10 minutes she's still not back here should I go and check up on her.....i decided to "yaa I'll be back" i said to bambam as he nodded I started walking towards the washroom but wait I can't go inside it's a ladies washroom...I sighed as I waited out there.....but ....suddenly I saw Y/N I smiled I was about to call her name...but what I saw broke my heart into millions pieces.....Tears welled up in my dare she ....I sighed as I decided to leave them there....I came back as I sat on the counter...."give me drink " I said to bartender as he nodded....

Kang Y/N's POV

Goshh.....this pain killing hand...I sighed as I got out of the washroom...I accidentally got my hand wet...which was already injured...I sighed as I got out...and saw jungkook drinking....wait why is he drinking like this and this much ?...I sighed as I sat beside him I patted his shoulder "what's wrong?" I asked as he looked at me but not with affection but pure hate....his eyes were literally full of he gulped another glass down...."yaaa what's wrong with you ..stop drinking .." I said as I held his hand with my injured one...."Don't you dare open your sluty mouth kang Y/N " my eyes widened after I heard he doesn't sound like that though ...before I can say anything he kissed the point that it hurted my lips.....I pushed him ..."jungkook stop " I said as he chuckled coldly "let's go " he held my injured hand "ahhhhhh" I yelped in pain but it didn't affect him...not at all...

Kim Taehyung's POV

I smiled as I saw her can someone be this beautiful....suddenly a call came on my phone I looked at it and picked it up "yes bambam ?"I said as he sighed and said "hyung something is wrong with jungkook ....he drank so much and dragged Y/N mercilessly with her " my eyes widened "go behind know jungkook loses his shit when he is drunk...hurry up" I said as I kept the call shit I can't even go there and why did he drag her...though? what should I do ?

Author's POV

Daeun tried to stop jungkook but he didn't listen he dragged Y/N with him...she kept fighting back but due to blood lose and her hand was paining now....because of the force jungkook put on it....blood was coming out ...but it didn't affect him.....He pulled her inside a room as he jerked her away forcefully which made her fall on the floor with a thud...her eyes started rolling as the pain was unbearable and tears started rolling her her past started appearing.....

Kang Y/N's POV

The flashback started coming infront my it can't be happening now....."you deserve to die....Kang Y/N " I closed my eyes as I heard the woman's voice.....ringing in my ears...i looked down and saw my hand bleeding...i looked up and saw jungkook and his tears which brought me back to present.....he sat down on the floor..tears flowing down as he looked at me "Kang Y/N....I like you I really do ..but why did you had to cheat on me ?" he said in a broken voice which broke me down..."what what the hell are you talking about jeon jungkook....i i didn't cheat on you " he scotted closer angrily as he held my hand....hovering over me...on the floor he yelled....."Then Why the hell were you kissing that boy ?" my eyes widened at his yell...."what the hell are you talking about ?" I yelled...but suddenly my phone rang....I looked at the ID mark...I pushed jungkook he did...I picked up the call...."hello ms.kang where are you ?" I heard his voice "at club why mark ?" I said as he sighed and said " no more " the whole world crushed Down...."how how can that be possible you said she still have 1 more month?" I yelled as he sighed and said "am coming to pick you up miss I'll tell you everything then " he said as he cut the call....I looked at jungkook who was already looking at me ...."Jungkook ahh let's go I'll drop you to hotel i i have to go somewhere " i said as i held his hand but he jerked it away...."first answer me why did you ....." before he can process I kissed him....calming him down....."look at me " I said as he was looking away....he looked at me .."I didn't kissed anyone ...maybe you saw something wrong baby ..but please listen to me...I really have to go now " he sighed as he kissed me...softly...and hugged me "don't....leave me...please" It broke my heart I hugged him back..."I I won't baby...but for now let's go back to hotel.."