Get Ready.....

Author's POV

Her breath hitched as she heard what there butler said....."princess ?" ....she immediately kept the call making her way out of the club...towards her car....She can't think anything ..straight as the fear which was in her heart came real...she immediately started the car towards her house at full speed not caring what will people doesn't matter now....

Mark parked his car as he waited for Y/N he immediately saw jungkook and Y/n coming out of the club...he opened the door for them....they both dropped jungkook at the bambam a daeun also followed them..bambam took jungkook to his room as daeun sat inside the car with Y/n "are you fine what's wrong? Y/n your hand is bleeding " daeun said worried ...but little did Y/n cared about it she sighed as she told mark to start the car ..."Daeun ahh ms.park..passed away" as soon as Y/n said that daeun's eyes widened in utter shock....."let's go there we can talk later...does your father knows ?" Darin asked as she composed herself from the shock completely aware of the situations that are gonna future..."no " Y/n said as daeun internally cursed.. without wasting anytime she took her phone calling Y/n's uncle Mr.kang..who was probably sleeping now.

Jeon Jungkook's POV

I sighed as I looked at bambam who was cursing at me for my behaviour "you freaking made her hand bleed again " bambam said as I cared less .now..I sighed as I looked at him "look am not in any mood to fight with you just leave I wanna sleep " I said as he chuckled and said "exactly that's what I thought since when did you started caring for girls ?" I sighed as I layed on my bed...for now I don't wanna think about it ....I saw it with my own eyes...yet she is denying can it be possible ..did I saw wrong or something? but I was in my whole mind I didn't even drank...I sighed I think I need some sleep..I'll talk to her tomorrow.....

Mr.Kang's POV (Uncle )

My phone rang as I saw who it was ,it was daeun I sighed as I picked it up "yes daeun ?" I said Y/n must be drunk..or did she do something again.oh gosh this girls really I smiled but suddenly my smile fell down as I heard what daeun said "Ms.park is no more samchun ,me and Y/n are going to her house please come fast..." my heartbeat fastened as I looked at the clock.....hyung I have to tell hyung ..but I can't leave Y/n there if hyung got to know about this he will kill my little Y/n no no I have to go there....

kang Y/N's POV

I took a deep breath as I got myself ready to face the situation....I know my father doesn't give a shit about this...but her daughter is also the responsibility of my father.....and my father has to pay for what he did....I sighed as I got out...daeun following me..mark followed us too "are you sure?" Daeun said as I nodded as yes.."get ready " I said as mark immediately nodded ...the doors were opened as I got inside...I heard loud crying.....I closed my eyes....."Y/n let's go " Daeun said as I nodded as we came in further I saw the maids...and a girl sitting there ....beside ms.park's body...her back facing me....When the maids saw me there eyes widened in utter shock as they kept looking at the girl and me....."how did it happen?" I asked as the doctor was also shock...."princess " the doctor said as I looked at him...same with the girl.....but my breath hitched when she turned around to face me.....her..eyes widened same with how is that possible?????????

Daeun's POV

I rubbed my eyes am I seeing I seeing right ?????.