
Jungkook's POV

I smiled as I took the flowers..Y/n is back at hotel samchun told me..I'll go and say sorry for that day maybe I saw something wrong..I know she will forgive me..I smiled as I got inside the lift ding....The lift door opened as I started walking towards her room owwwwww how much I missed my baby...I just want to hug and kiss her and tell her that I missed her.....I knocked on the door as she said "come in " I opened the door and saw her sitting on the bed...she was wearing a black crop top with Jean's and a jacket wait this is not her style of dressing well whatever she can where whatever she wants ...I smiled as I gave her the flowers "am sorry baby I am really sorry for that night " I said as she kept looking at me maybe she is too angry....I held her hand as i pulled her closer to me hugging her....but as i hugged her...her scent it wasn't the same as before what's wrong with her...suddenly the washroom door opened what who was in the washroom...?

Kang Y/N's POV

I came out of the washroom in the bathrobe as no one was there accept hannah...I looked at the front and saw jungkook holding her she held flowers in the other hand...did he got confused...shit he still doesn't know..."Heh?" he said as he kept looking at me and hannah as hannah was definitely enjoying his jungshook face ..I sighed as I called his name "jeon jungkook what are you doing here ?" I said as he looked at me "did I missed you that much Y/n that am seeing two of you ?" he said as he rubbed his eyes cutely "Y/n I'll be at samchun's room ,come down for dinner okay ?" hannah said as I nodded she gone out smiling at jungkook who was still shock at what happened "jeon jungkook.." I said as he looked at me "am I seeing things or am I really getting crazy for you ?" I chuckled and said "no your not seeing things babe" I moved towards him...and hugged him as I missed him "I missed you " I said as he hugged me back "it's not dream though " he said as I pinched his hand "ahhhhhhhhhhh that hurts " he yelled as I looked at him "now see it's not dream " I said as I moved towards my bag to take out clothes...."what's going on ?" he asked as he sat on the bed shocked "Wait for me here I'll explain " I said as he looked at me "and where are you going ?" I showed him my clothes "to get changed" he smirked and said "why not inform of me baby ?" I rolled my eyes this flirt really .....

Time skip

"so your telling me she's Ms.parks daughter and your twin sister?" jungkook said shooked I smiled looking at his face "hmmm" I said as I cupped his face "now don't you dare get confused between us ....its me kang Y/n who's your girlfriend not kang hannah " he smiled as he cupped my face too squeeshing it he said "and I missed my girlfriend so much " I smiled as I squeezed his cheeks too "and I missed my boyfriend tooooooooo" we giggled as he said "baby am sorry for that night " I sighed and said"its alright baby mistake happenes " he chuckled and kissed my cheeks and forehead making me giggled "ahhhh since when did you become this romantic?" I asked him giggling as he again pecked my nose and said "since you became mine " I chuckled "then can I kiss you ?" he said as I looked at him is he really the playboy jerk I used to know...I nodded as yes as he smiled pulled me closer .....kissing me I was about to kiss him back but suddenly the door I pushed him back..not knowing I he was sitting lightly."ohh yes hannah ?" I said as she smiled and said "did I disturbed you ?" I looked at jungkook who was now down on the floor with his hands on his head definitely done with me "ahh no what happened say " I said smiling as she giggled and said "lets go Y/n samchun is calling us for dinner " she held my hand and was about to drag me but jungkook held my other hand "excuse me sister...where are you taking my girlfriend?" jungkook said it in a cocky way I looked at him confused as hannah replied back cockily "excuse me Mr.bunny but she is my sister and I can take her wherever I want" I laughed at the name "Mr.bunny hahahahaha " we both laughed as jungkook looked at me and said "babe ..I'll come too " I hannah rolled her eyes at jungkook what is wrong with both seriously....And why does it looks like am going to get crushed in between this two's fights...oh gosh help me