I Like You.....I Love You Too.

Jeon Jungkook's POV

As Hannah was dragging My girl I held Y/n's hand and said "walk with me babe " Y/n just looked at me and said "hmm araseo " why am I feeling jealous she's just her sister....why am I getting bad vibe from her...so the girl I saw kissing that boy that night was hannah and not Y/n ....I sighed...soon we got to the dinning room and Samchun saw us holding hands he raised his eyebrows "why are you guys holding hands ?" he asked as both me and Y/n looked down and Y/n said "Umm samchun Me and Jungkook Are dating " samchun choked in his water....as we both immediately gone to him "you okay samchun?" I said as he looked at me "yaaaaaaa you punk if you dare to hurt my Princess I swear I'll make sure you Appa beats you up " he said as he held my ear "ahhhh samchun I really like her trust me " I said as Y/n said "ahh samchun leave him out hurts " samchun left my ear as Y/n immediately rubbed it....

Authors POV

"woahhhhh what a awful sight it is...yaa when you punched him do you think it didn't hurt ?" bambam said done with this couple as all of them laughed...Eating happily but little did they know once they reach Seoul everyones life was gonna turn up and down....

Kang Hannah's POV

I watched how my sister and the boy that I fell for were enjoying eachothers company ...my life does really sucks ...this playgirl fell for someone for the first time ..and he has to be my own sister's boyfriend...gotta wait until they breakup now...or I think I should move on ..I looked at jungkook who was staring at Y/n like his world exist in her...I chuckled "Hannah do you have a boyfriend?" bambam asked as everyone looked at me I glared at that bambam and said "no I don't am a playgirl for you information so stay in your limits " he immediately chuckled "and your telling that to another player " Daeun said as we all chuckled "Me and jungkook we both are...I mean now only me player " bambam said as I smriked and looked at Jungkook so this playgirl fell for a playboy ?

"Hannah where will you sleep ?" samchun asked as I smiled at him and said "with Y/n if she's okay with it " I looked at her as she smiled lovingly at me and said "why would I not be okay with it ...and I have many things I wanna share with you and I want to know you more " i smiled back at her ....I sighed in relief even though God took away my mother he gave me another family ...

Kang Y/N's POV

Soon everyone gone to there room as me and jungkook decided to take a walk....around the park ..."Baby ?" jungkook said as he suddenly stopped and back hugged me putting his head on my shoulder "hmm ?" I said as he held me tightly and said "look at the sky isn't it looks awesome " we both looked at sky it was not full of stars there only 9 to 10 maybe...the sky was dark...it felt like nothing exist near us ..."you like me right ?" he suddenly asked which made my heart beat faster.."ofcourse I do babe and you ?" I asked back still staring at the sky "I like you too I promise I won't break your heart & I won't let you break mine too " he said that it made me chuckled I turned around as I cupped his face in my hands...."I Like you " I said as I pecked his lips...."I love you too " he said as he kissed me ....