I'll Take Care..Of Her...

Jungkook's POV

We were walking here enjoying our time as I kept looking at her she was looking kind of pale ..."are you okay baby ?" I said as she smiled and said "am fine baby " I smiled but as I touched her forehead she was burning like hot fire...."you have fever Y/n ...your not fine let's go to hospital " I said as I picked her bridal style...but she held my neck as her one hand slide on my shoulder "I don't wanna go to hospital I hate hospital take me back to hotel, I'll be fine once I take some medicines " she said slightly her voice getting low...I sighed as I took her to her room....the door wasn't locked so i just entered...."what happened to her Y/n are you fine honey ?" Hannah said as she immediately cleaned the bed as I kept Y/n on the bed, hannah held Y/n's hand....In her ..as i looked at her....why does it feel like she will be the reason of my and Y/n's breakup....I sighed as I immediately called a doctor if she doesn't go to doctor, doctor can come to her....

Hannah's POV

"what is wrong with you Y/n ?" I asked her as she opened her eyes little.....my heart beating fast...I don't wanna lose anyone now.....I just got back to my family....I just found out about my own sister & family I don't wanna lose them...I don't wanna see them In pain "what happened to her Jungkook shi ?" he looked at me as i asked him "she suddenly started getting pale and her body temperature became high she is having a fever don't worry I called the doctor " I nodded as he said that but then I looked at her right hand which has a bandage around it and was bleeding "why is her hand bleeding?" as I said this jungkook immediately looked at her hand ...."oh my God" .....he said under his breath...

Soon the doctor came ...and started treating her hand first "Mr.jeon I told you that the cut is deep and she already losed so much and the fact that she didn't even changed the bandage and it looks like she forced her hand on something that made the cut open again...." I sighed as i said "talk to me am her sister tell me how should I treat her I'll take care of it tell me all the precautions " I said as he started telling me everything.

Y/n's POV

I woke up as I felt someone sleeping beside me I opened my eyes thinking it must be kook but I was wrong it was my sister..."are you fine now ?" she asked worried as she checked my temperature "am fine what time is it? and where's jungkook ?" I asked with my low voice "just sleep we will talk tomorrow you need rest hmm" she lovingly patted my head as she offed the lights and lovingly like my mom always do she pulled me closer in her arms,patting my head she told me to sleep...did I made them worried ...did I made jungkook worried again.....just let us reach Seoul I'll make sure we go on a proper date ..I smiled and moved a little hugging my sister back....

Jungkook's POV

I sighed as I kept looking at my hand ...which a little stain with Y/n's blood since I held her hand....how come I didn't even noticed her hand was bleeding and how can the cuts opened that's when I remembered the thing that happened in club...I dragged her by her right hand...not caring about wound...aishhhhhhhhhhh I want to make her feel my love...but why does everything turns upside down....I hope when we reach Seoul we will get a proper time together.