Only 2 Choices......

Y/n's POV

Me and jungkook got separated on airport as we reached Seoul he said tonight we will go on a date I just said yes ,I'm feeling like I just woke up from a dream as I reached Seoul....

I looked at my sister who was walking beside me talking with daeun...we got inside our car as the driver was already waiting for us ....

how am I gonna face my mother and Mr.Kang (father ) will they accept hannah....?

Hannah's POV

We got inside a car as the driver was silently driving ,I looked at Y/n who was silent too maybe thinking about something....after 30 minutes we reached a house not a house but a whole palace it was way bigger than my own home in USA ....Y/n walked inside as she held my hand.

Y/n's POV

I held her hand as I dragged her inside and all the maids and guards bowed to me but got utter shock after seeing Hannah behind me....I nodded at them as the retrieved and I saw taehyun my brother there with wide eyes rubbing his eyes "noona ???????? did I missed you that much ? that am seeing you double ?" he said as I smiled I looked at hannah "umm he is my--i mean our brother kang taehyun " she smiled at me and looked at taehyun with love in her eyes "EOMMMAAAAAAAAAAA" he yelled sarcastically as my mother ran downstairs in worries "WHAT HAPPENED?" she yelled as she looked at him and not at us..."noona noona noona " he said stuttering on his words...I sighed she looked at me and her eyes widened "Y/n..." she gasped as I sighed and hugged her as she kept looking at hannah she hugged me back as I looked at hannah who was looking at mom as tears welled up in her eyes...."Eo-eomma ?" she gasped as my mother looked at her from head to toe "Hannah ?" my mother said as I gasped how did she know ? what is going on ? my mother went and cupper hannah's face as she looked at her carefully "You you know me ?" hannah asked in horror "how would I not know my own daughter ?" mother as my eyebrows knotted in confusion.....

"Welcome back home daughter " I heard my dad saying as I looked up the stairs and saw him standing there his hands inside his pockets as he looked at me into my eyes ,as I maintained the eyes contact.....I watched how hannah ran into his arms upstairs and he hugged her...

Mr.Kang's POV

Hannah hugged me as she started crying and complaining "why why you didn't came home appa? why you didn't come eomma waited for you she waited for you " she said shuddering as I calmed her down but she pushed herself away from me "YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY MOTHER'S DEATH MR.KANG " my eyes widened just staying with Y/n for 2 has influenced her this much? "mind your tongue kang hannah maid show hannah her room and Kang Y/n follow me now " I said as I looked at Y/n who was looking at me with nothing but hate in her eyes oh my daughter ....

Y/n's POV

Here I'm my father siting infront of me as I stood infront of him "why ?" he asked calmly "it was coincidence " I said as he chuckled "well than you took responsibility of your sister?" he said in a mocking way i sighed as i looked at him "yes and I'll make sure she gets her all rights and the whole world knows that she is daughter of this house too " I smirked as he smiled and said "well then am proud of you but first listen to me " he gestured me to sit as I took a seat and he gave me a file I took it and read the papers...they were the property papers which held mine,hannah and taehyun's name ..."I'm giving her all rights she deserves I'll even announce her as my daughter infront of whole world ...but" I looked at him this old man for the once I thought he is doing something right but no he has to bring but in between "but what ?" he smirked "you have to get married to My friend Mr.jeon's son " my eyes widened mr.jeon ? jungkook's dad "why would I marry ?" I said as he chuckled "look if you marry the boy I want ,everything will be fine if you don't obey me I swear it won't take me long to kill your sister too " my eyes widened at him "what do you mean by sister too ?" I asked as he chuckled "oh come on dear do you think Ms.park seriously died was a coincidence?"

I came out of the office as I looked at the leaving room and saw hannah finally laughing and talking with mother...the tears which I held started falling one by one....2 choices

I chuckled as I took out my phone and called him...."Hey babe " he said from other line as the voice melted my heart but it hurted so bad ...."Let's meet jungkook ahh " I said as he asked "what happened your voice doesn't sound good ?" I smiled he does understands me I wiped off my tears as I bite my lower lip to hold my tears back "meet me in 1 hour at Dream Hotel " I said as I cut the call without giving him time to talk .....