Always Remember ......I Love You...

Jungkook's POV

I got ready as Y/n sended me the room number and address why she wanna meet in a hotel. Weird but gotta go anyway I am excited to spend today with her .....

Time Skip

I looked at the door the room number is right ...I knocked on it as the door opened she smiled while asking me to come in...why do I feel like waiter ????

"Room service?" I joked as she laughed "yes " she replied taking my jokes well "what did you ordered miss ?" I asked jokingly as she smirked "my man jeon jungkook " she replied I chuckled as I came inside and she locked the door...

Y/n's POV

I closed the door as tears again welled up in my eyes never in my life I thought I would cry for a man like this after yoongi....."what happened love ?" he asked as he sat there on the couch I smiled at him "nothing happened i just wanted to see you " he smiled at me lovingly don't give me that smile jungkook ahh my heart is breaking apart...

Time skip

we both had our I kept looking I missed him...."what should we do now ?" he asked wiping his mouth with a tissue I took his band and pulled him up "have a dance with me " he looked shock when I said that "remember how much you refused to dance with me before ?" I laughed at his comment.

Yoongi's POV

I smiled as I took the chocolates out of my car and made my way inside only to get bowed by guards I bowed at them back and made my way upstairs but saw Y/n going inside the library so I followed her silently to give her suprise her...

As I came inside I back hugged her lifting her in my arms.. to spin her around"WHAT THE HELL WHO ARE YOU ..??" She yelled scaring the shit out of me because of her sudden scream I left her and she fell down while I backed away..."what is wrong with you ?" I asked her irritated with her behaviour she looked at me and scoffed "what is wrong with me ? what is wrong with you or whatever you are !" I looked at her what is wrong with her is she behaving like this because am marrying jisoo but she herself told me to do that !

"what the hell Y/n ? you only told me to marry her and now your acting like you don't know me anymore are you really gonna be like THIS !!!!!!" I yelled at she looked at me with a pity look "don't give me that freaking pity look "

Y/n's POV

I listened to his heartbeat as his arms were around my waist warming me up as we moved to the rhythm "jungkook ahh " I said as he hummed in response "I Love You..." i said as he stopped in the middle i can hear his heartbeat fastening as I said those words....I smiled idiot man...."what did you said will you say again ?" he said but this time he pulled me back and looked into my eyes "I said I love you " I said looking into his eyes as he smiled and cupped my cheeks pulling me into the most passionate kiss I've ever had .....I closed my eyes forgetting everything and leaning to him...enjoying every moment I wanted ,forgetting every problems I had I let myself get flowed in his river....His lips colliding with mine as my lips followed his lips rythem.....I opened my eyes with full of tears as I saw his eyes closed as he fully gave himself to me.....I broke the kiss because of the lack of breath and looked at him as he slowly opened his eyes...and looked at me "Always remember.....I Love You..." I said again as I kept my forehead on his....letting his breath engulfe with mine...."why are you crying ?" he asked wiping away my tears with his thumb which kept falling nonstop "Am just happy " I said ,i lied to him...."Don't cry love it hurts here " he said as he took my hand in his kissing the palm of my hand he placed it on his left chest where his heart was beating inside his ribcage tears left more as I hugged him letting myself get involved in him ,taking his scent on me....I cried harder.....

Jungkook's POV

She hugged me more tight as if she is afraid that I'll leave her this made me smile watching her being afraid of me leaving her made me smile and feel warm inside...I missed this feeling ,this feeling of someone being protective of me...someone being scared to lose me ....just like my mother used to do ...tears welled up in my I hugged her back...I promised something to myself....that I never did before ...I promise myself ..I'll never let this woman cry again....I'll never let this woman get hurt never .....and most important I'll never stop loving this woman Kang Y/n.....

"Please Always Remember I love You Jeon Jungkook Remember That I'll never Hate you .....never even when you will hate me...I'll always love you " She said as I smiled and hugged her more tight "I Love You Too....Kang Y/n..." I said.....