Welcome To Hell Mrs.Kim Y/n....

1 Week Later...

Y/n's POV

Here I am looking at myself in the mirror who was a wearing a beautiful white gown...looking exactly like a doll who is ready to get married I should be happy it's the special day of my life....I smiled ,a crooked smile...."Y/n what are you doing am telling you stop this you said you loved jungkook ?" my sister yelled I looked at hannah "Loved...it was all past i never loved him Hannah he is just a player " I spitted back keeping a stone on my heart I spitted that poison out...."WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ?" yoongi yelled from the other side as I smiled at him "didn't I told you I wanted to marry someone like taehyung ?" I said as he sighed and looked at me "you are faking everything, you can fool the world ,you can fool yourself but not me Y/n....I know you more than you do ! " he said as he got up and said "I know something is wrong but I can't help you until you tell me what's wrong? so idiot woman tell me what is wrong? why are you doing this for GOD SAKE YOU SAID AM IMPORTANT IN YOUR LIFE !" he yelled which made me flinch he never raised his voice at me...."Please understand me oppa " I said in a breaking voice as he sighed and left the room angrily as I wiped my tears off as I looked at hannah who was also angry on me ...i smiled at her "why are you being like this why are you this angry ?" I asked as I wiped my tears off and looked at her "Y/n he loves you " she said as she referred to jungkook...."I know " I said as I looked at the mirror I smiled but then I saw bambam entering the room...."can I talk with you Y/n alone ?" he said as he looked down hannah left the room...."did you do it ?" I asked in a low tone "I did but he is in worst condition Y/n I've never seen him like this why are you doing this ?" he said concerned,confused at the same time "thanks is he also here ?" I said bambam chuckled "ofcourse it's his brother's wedding whom he love so much and that also with the girl who he loves so much " he said in a mean tone ....

"let's go my daughter it's time for the wedding " My father came inside smiling happily.....

Taehyung's POV

I watched how jungkook wasn't talking with anyone...I tried talking with him but due to work and the wedding I couldn't give him much time....I sighed am a bad brother I guess....I looked at the door when Y/n walked down the aisle with her father...she was looking beautiful way more beautiful that I can't even Express, she was the most beautiful girl and person I've met in my life and will ever meet .....My love i smiled...As her hand came in my hand .....soon the i do ceremony started "Do you Kim taehyung take kang Y/n as your beloved wife for the rest of your life till the death aparts you both ?" he asked the priest as I smiled "I do " he continued "do you kang Y/n take Kim taehyung as your beloved husband for the rest of your life till the death aparts you both ?" he asked the same to Y/n....."I I Do " she said slowly is she nervous?..... "please exchange rings " the priest said we both exchanged the rings and he announced us "I announce you as husband and wife you may kiss the bride now " he said as I smiled at him and looked at Y/n who was looking down all the time...I held her hand....in mine and pecked her forehead as she looked at me for the first time....since she came inside the hall....Her eyes were full of tears ,they lost the shine they held before.....what is wrong with her ???? did she married me without her consonant ? But soon she smiled at me ....but no words came out of her mouth...as she opened it and closed it...again ....

Author's POV

He sat there he watcher her walk down the aisle he watcher her being married to his own brother....He heard her saying I do....He watcher her slipping ring on his brother's ring finger...he heard the Priest announcing them Husband and wife.....He watched everything with his own eyes while pool of tears were threatening to come out of those poor eyes ....He listened everything that concerned to her...that is related to her...every single comment which others made she looked beautiful extremely beautiful any man would fall for her....as they both stood there smiling for the photo's they looked like made for eachother a perfect couple....Mrs.Kim Y/n....That is her name now...that is her introduction now...wife of Kim Taehyung and his sister-in-law.....He chuckled as he gulped down the scotch which was already his 7th shot .....he didn't mind when people's were looking at him ,he didn't mind what people's were talking about him...."She looks so good Taehyung's gonna be blessed " he heard as he ignored it and got up when he saw her excusing herself he stood up and followed her ....to the dressing room...

Y/n's POV

What just happened I came inside the room as I looked at my left hand...a ring was there...a ring of someone's name whom I don't even love...I I got married to somone I don't love....I I can still stay happy right ? I looked at the mirror and whole world stopped my breath hitched when I saw him behind me staring at me from the mirror...."Hello There Mrs.kim Y/n " he said sarcastically as he locked the door I turned around "what the hell are you doing here jungkook ? why are you locking the door ?" I said as I moved back when he moved forward towards me...."oh nothing much sister-in-law ohh sister-in-law doesn't sounds well how about babygirl ?" he said mockingly as I looked away tears threatening to fall "well Mrs.kim Y/n am just here to tell you that....." he took deep breaths as he smirked ....."welcome to hell Mrs.kim Y/n ".