Your My HateFul Love.....

Y/n's POV

I opened my eyes when I felt him pull away from the kiss and looked at him "I know you can't deny me love~~~" He said smirking after biting his lower lip sexily....I closed my eyes for few minutes how much I wanna get lost in those brown eyes of him which are not that brown yet holding a light pitch of black which always make me loss my mind..."Baby" he again said those dynamic words against my ear...."you are mine ,I'll make you mine and no one else can touch you no one...not even your so called husband ,not even you yourself baby " He whispered against my cheeks sending shiver down my whole body..."ahhh" i yelped in pain when he suddenly bite the skin under my ear...which is the most sensitive...."aha found it babe " he said as he gave a long suck to my skin and again bite it ...making me scream under him ,i held his both hands which were on my sides...."jungkook please" i whispered as he continued his soft yet hard kissed all over my neck like a devil...marking his territory...."please what baby ? " He asked biting my jawline as he now looked at me in my eyes....those eyes i wanna kiss them so bad...."Say darling~~ what is it ? do you want something ?" He asked as he now fully removed his me a whole look of his body his right hand was fully tattooed...wait when did he got tattoo's "i know am hot and am all yours baby " he said making my eyes widened in shock why I can't just stop him...he again started kissing me but this time...the kiss was different like before .....the kiss contains so much care and love...and respect...there was no lust,no hate ,no urge....I missed him i closed my eyes as I responded to him forgetting everything around me i gave in.....

Jungkook's POV

My body shivered when her hands clasped my arms and she kissed me back ....fuck i missed her ....I fucking missed her way to much....I kissed her more faster ...more better and more importantly....this time more lustfully....hell yes my love for her will never die it will never...."jungkook" she gasped as I pulled away for her to breath....I looked at her eyes so innocent i don't wanna ruin it.... should I just forget about her ? no you will not you will die everyday without her...I kissed her again...but this time my hands also started there work....

Y/n's POV

My eyes rolled back when he started leaving hickeys on my neck and his hands rubbed against my whole Body as if he was measuring it and memorising it so he will never forget....he pulled me up with him and removed the bathrobe from I'm only in my lingerie ....I looked away as I tried to hide myself thanks to the dark night and the darkness he couldn't see me that much but the moonlight coming from the window is making him visible in front of me ...those long hairs of him falling on his face ,that body which can make any girl go crazy...He has six pack abs....and those tattooed hand was adding more beauty to him..."Don't hide your beautiful,always beautiful for me " Jungkook said as he took my both hands in his and kisses both of the palms ...making me close my eyes and give myself to him...

Soon enough we both were naked...his lips touching every corner of my body...started from my forehead to my eyes to my nose to my lips to my chin to my jawline to my neck to my cleavage and currently on my them cute little smooches...he made me giggle...I am forgetting everything I only know him ,my love the man I love...and will always love ....."ahhh jungkook ahe " i moaned when he took one of my Bossom In his mouth my hands clutching tightly on his he smirked and talked while still keeping my Bossom between his lips "Your all mine love you can scream as much as you want let everybody know who you belong to " My eyes widened at his statement but before I can complain he started sucking my blossoms one my one as his one hand went to take a tour of my lower body was burning under his every touch...making me forget about every fucking kisses to my stomach he went down...looking at my womanhood shamelessly i tired to close my legs but he held them apart and said "no it's mine you can't hide it from me...."My eyes rolled back when he kissed it...."jungkook ahh please noo" i whispered Lowely he smirked....and got up hovering above me again his hand caressed my hairs loving as he said "are you ready to be mine kang Y/n oh sorry I mean Y/n ?" my eyes widened when he said Y/n what the hell am i doing but before I can protest i felt a sharp pain on my lower region did he just took my virginity "AHHHHH" i yelled as I bite his shoulder in pain making him yelp too from pain or pleasure i don't know "stop it jerk ! it hurts like hell ahh" i yelled as I slapped his move him but he just laughed "oh wait baby it will be pleasure soon " he said as he moved again inside me making me throw my head back in pain...fuck this ain't right but I love one and only love is taking my first time...what am I even thinking this is wrong...."Ahhhh" i yelled as he started moving in & out of me creating some magical yet painfull and pleasurable fraction "ahhhh babe now your only your first and your last....your mine only mine " he whispered dominantly making me kiss his lips hungrily I've already losed myself....He kept fucking me like there's no tomorrow and I kept moaning and screaming everytime he made a move...which made my throat dry i know at this rate whole house can hear us...but fuck it i don't care about it atleast not now...

He pulled out as he cummed inside me...making me sigh..."we are not done yet " he said as he picked me up and settled me on him "ride me " he said as I rolled my eyes "no way jeon ---" he kissed me and slid himself inside me making me roll my hips in pleasure "fuck yes baby just like that " .....

His hard dick inside me burning my insides are making me go insane..."ahhhhh Y/n baby I'm I'm close " he said as he bite my jawline i closed my eyes as I felt myself coming too.....

Time skip....

He made me take a bath as he settled me in front of the mirror now drying my hair..."look in the mirror baby we look like a couple , a happy married couple " he said as I looked at the mirror...."but you know what...well never mind I have something to tell my hyung i mean your husband kim Taehyung is still virgin and for my bad luck your his first will he feel when he will know that his one and only love and wife is not even virgin hmm ? " Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at him..."You know what " i said as I got my voice back and tears ran down my cheeks..."what baby girl~~?" he asked still drying my hairs.. as he looked at me "You are indeed my Hatefull love Jeon Jungkook " I said as he throwed the towel away...."Yes I love you the most and I'll also he hating you the most...because my love was never like this...he wasn't this selfish..." i said as I stood up in front of him..."But no one can change the fact that your mine...and will always be mine...Even if it's a hatefull love baby " He said smirking ....I rolled my eyes "Am not yours...Baby i was never and will never be....Your Just My Mysterious Hateful Love..." i said as I turned my head to see the mirror and there was the proof ...."look in the mirror Jeon " He looked at it ..."the proof of our Hateful love ....Which you Gave me " i said as I looked at my tattoo on my back shoulder..."Y/n ...." he I smirked "You can leave now " i said as I took of my robe in front if him and wore a T-shirt and shorts of mine..."You think you can play with me !" he yelled still staying in his towel i picked his clothes and throwed at him "the door is there by the way thanks for tonight I had fun " i said as I smiled at him....