Trustfated (Sorry sorry I mean frustrated)

Y/n's POV

I woke up when I felt my phone ringing i took it and without looking i picked it up "hello ?" i said as the other line immediately started talking "Y/n baby how are you ,are you fine are you alright ?" it was daeun's voice i sighed as I remembered everything that happened last night..."yes everything is fine taehyung gave me another room ,he said he doesn't want us to rush " I said as I looked towards the ceiling and I broked his trust.. "well that's so sweet of him but what about jungkook ?" i rolled my eyes hearing his name "what about that asshole remember we broked up " i said as she chuckled "okay then me and yoongi are coming to meet you get up lazy ass and yes Hannah will be coming too since she says she wanna meet you " i sighed as I just said yes and kept the call..."i should get up " i said to myself and got up...

Time Skip...

I wore a full turtle neck and full sleeves because of that jerk...hickeys are all over am gonna look in tae's eyes i feel like cheating ,i feel like two timer...

I should go down now my body hurts and am I got out of my room i got greeted by Taehyung..."Good morning Y/n " he said smiling aww am feeling so guitly...."good good morning tae " i said as he smiled and held my hand pecking the plam of it ...making me feel more guilty than ever..."let's go have breakfast your friends are coming to meet you " i smiled at his remark and we both walked towards the dinning table only to be meeted by Jeon jerkkook and his best friend bambam...."good morning Hyung and Y/n " bambam said smiling as I smiled back at him and sat beside tae "good morning hyung and sister-in-law..." jerkkook i mean jungkook said as I rolled my eyes "morning boys don't you have classes today ?" Tae said as the maids served us breakfast "no today is holiday " jungkook said while eyeing me from top to bottom .."okay Y/n " tae said as I looked at him "yes honey ?" i said on purpose the pet name huh how you like that jeon jerkkook "when you will be joining classes honey ?" tae played along i smiled "maybe after 5 days " i said eating my breakfast "why don't you have any studies?" jungkook said as I glared at him "oh I do have them brother-in-law but as you see i got married yesterday only so gotta have some quality time with my husband any problem?" ....

Bambam's POV

I choked hard on the sandwiche as Y/n gave me water meanwhile jungkook was busy glaring at Y/n what the hell is going on aren't they supposed to be sad and hurt what the hell is wrong with them fighting ?????? Did they really loved each other and now they are fighting instead of being Sad and hurt gosh they are mysterious as hell.....

Author's POV

Jungkook bited his lower lip he was trustfated (sorry sorry I mean frustrated) "what happened kookie ?" taehyung asked worried as Y/n tried hard to hold her laugh at the Nick name she used to call him kook and all but kookie and this well build man ...lmao what a joke of eternity...."nothing hyung am going to my room " Jungkook said as he stood up pissed off.."aren't you supposed to finish your breakfast first brother-in-law " Y/n said as jungkook felt the urge to show her right on the wall in front of him and ask her to shut up and stop calling him brother in law he sighed as he controlled himself and said "be a good girl yourself sister-in-law don't mind my bad boy behavior" And he went away and left Y/n laughing but she controlled one understood what happened....