Selfishly Ruined .....

Later The Evening

Author's Pov

Yoongi drives towards kim's mention as daeun and Hannah sat behind making him feel like a driver but his blood started boiling when he heard what Hannah was talking " does this cat have no work or what ? " she whispered loud enough to let Yoongi as if she was doing it on purpose yoongi growled hard as he stopped the car and looked at back seat but his anger went away as he looked her face it reminded him of his first love Y/n .....he sighed "stop back talking about me before I throw you out of this car " he yelled at her looking away as she just chuckled and looked away too making daeun feel like a bone between meat....

Meanwhile At Kim's mention

Y/n's Pov

I wore a black dress as Taehyung also went to dress up the maids have been cooking dinner for them...I feel so comfortable yet suffocating feels like I have a freedom yet I'm in a prison ...I sighed as I put the brush down and looked at my ring...I took it and wore it ,it's beautiful so beautiful but it doesn't look good on me....I closed my eyes but the flashes of jungkook's lips on mine came dancing immediately...I opened my eyes as I got up when I heard a knock on the door....

As I opened the door there he was ....Kim Taehyung my husband...standing there in a neavy blue shirt and a black pant...the shirt was tucked neatly inside his pants as the sleeves were pulled up till his he opened the 2 buttons from collar showing his fine collarbone maybe finer than mines..."take a picture it will last long " he said as I looked at his eyes....guiltness immediately rushed inside me...I looked away..."no it was just your looking too handsome...What if my sister and my friend flirt with you?" I lied while biting my lower lip hiding the tears..."don't worry even if they do I have my eyes only for you " he said smiling as he patted my head that's it ,it's enough for me to have a butterfly in my tummy and a sharp pain in my heart....his caring is making me go crazy this man is having feelings for me...while I'm breaking going to hell for being this selfish. I'm selfishly Ruined....

Author's POV

Jungkook looked at the girl who just came inside his house...his shared house with his brother and sister-in-law it's funny but he can't laugh because it was his situation....he sighed "Mr.jeon" the girl greeted him while bowing to him he just nodded "you know what you have to do right?" he asked her as she nodded while still looking down.....they both came inside as the girl sat on the couch with bambam as jungkook was unknowingly waiting for one person to come downstairs...he was eager to see will she look today...he left many love bites oh he mean hickyes on her....he smiled as she showed up wearing a turtle neck in the morning soon as he heard heels clicking on the stairs he looked up ...but his heart clutched badly as he saw the scene...his love...his only love was walking downstairs with his brother her hand in his his brother was looking at her like she was his world....but she is mine world...whole universe jungkook thought as he bite his lower lip jealousy talking over but his heart clutched when he saw her fake smiling ...her eyes were little red...was she crying ? He thought as he held himself back from just running upstairs and taking her in his arms and telling her that everything's gonna be fine.....He chuckled as he realized what he just thought...he is totally ruined .....ruined by his selfishness now.....