The Silent Jealousy Vs The Loud Jealousy !!!!

Y/n's POV

I smiled as yoongi oppa patted my head gosh I was so worried that he won't be talking to me again but am glad he understood me..."Thanks oppa " I said as he just sighed and said "you know I'll support you, but if anything goes wrong I also won't hesitate to slap you did you got that ?" He said as I smiled nodding as yes "okay okay now can we all go to leaving room ?" Hannah said as I smiled "is everything fine at home..?" I asked as my heart clenched home.....I miss my home....My people's...My mother,My brother....Even though I don't wanna accept I miss My so called father too.....I sighed "why did taehyun didn't came?" I asked them as Hannah sighed "he is angry at you ,he is not even talking with me....he says that everything happened because i came in your life " she sighed as I tired to console her.."no Hannah it's not like that he is a child don't mind him " I said as suddenly tae came inside me room "Am sorry but can I talk to Y/n ?" He asked as yoongi oppa chuckled and daeun said "she is your wife brother-in-law you can take her ,you don't need our permission " I sighed as I smiled and said "yea she is right Taehyung shi " he nodded showing his boxy smile as they went out to leaving room "umm Mr.Kang called me earlier and he asked us to come for a dinner tomorrow at your house " Taehyung said as I sighed now what is he trying to do "he said to bring jungkook along too so what do you say shall we go?" Taehyung asked I looked at him this man seriously stop being this caring and Kind towards me it's killing me..."umm yeah sure but let's ask jungkook first if he is comfortable for it ?" I said as Taehyung nodded "well let's go dinner is served and jungkook have someone to introduce to us " he said as I frowned introduce Someone ? I sighed as I followed him downstairs...soon we got to the dinning table wait a minute why is jungkook sitting with a girl well I don't have anything to do with him.....but...leave it....

Author's Pov

Jungkook smirked as he saw how shocked Y/n looked when she saw him with the girl he knewed it will work...ofcource it will she loves him as much as he will hurt her to watch him with Someone's else....She has to taste her own medicine too...."Guys ,hyung and sister-in-law this is My girlfriend Kim Yoonah " As jungkook said those words Y/n drink which she just drank came out of her mouth while choking her as hell....

Y/n's Pov

I choked hardly on the wine as I looked at jungkook the hell did he said ? girlfriend ofcource what do I expect from a playboy "are you okay ?" Taehyung asked while patting my back I nodded "yeah am fine thanks " I said as I decided to ignore that burning sensation on my throat and heart and decided who put on the show which I was trying hard since yesterday...."Good to meet you Yoonah shi " Taehyung said as she smiled bowing at us...I looked at her she is beautiful but not more than me...though or maybe she is....I sighed "this is my wife Mrs.Kim Y/n " Taehyung said as she bowed to me too I did same "nice to meet you Yoonah shi " I said as others introduced themselves...."shall we eat now ? am hungry as hell " I said as all of them laughed "you are always hungry Kang.. I mean Kim Y/n " yoongi oppa said as I smiled "yeah right Kim Y/n " I said while looking at jungkook as he was already looking at me...ha how you like that jerkkook?

"So how about our new married couple feed eachothers something sweet first ?" Hannah said as I looked at her a little taken back what is she trying to do this idiot girl...."Yeah that's right " daeun said as I was about to protest...oh hell yeah if he can go to other women I can also focus on my husband....(what a joke of eternity LMAO if you don't focus on your husband that do you focus on your friend's husband or what ?)

Author's Pov

Yoongi sighed as he regretted coming here ,meanwhile Hannah was confused and enjoying the show,daeun was at the edge of throwing plates at her bestie and her bestie's ex....who were busy showing off there so called non existing love for there so called partners....

"have this yoonah yaa its the best dish " jungkook said as he fed the fired pork wrap to Yoonah as she eat it because it was her job ..."why would you feed her a dish ? here Tae have this ,this chicken tastes the best here " Y/n said as she fed Taehyung chicken while Taehyung was happy from inside because what can a fool in love can do ....

Jungkook's blood started boiling as he saw Y/n and Taehyung being so lovey dovey he clenched his hand...."oh Yoonah baby your getting late you should get going now " he said through his greeted teeth as he held her wrist and pulled her out towards the door without giving anyone a chance to say something, Taehyung was about to say something but his phone rang "hello ? yes appa ?" He said as he picked it up " okay sure I'll be there yeah see you " he said as he kept the phone and looked at his wife "Y/n yaa I have to go to a business trip with appa urgently to Paris...I'm really sorry " he said as he looked down....Y/n sighed "it's okay I understand I'll pack your bags " she said as he nodded as others also stood up "we will also get going it's late now " As they all gone...Y/n and Taehyung gone to his room to do the packing....

It's funny how one is the silent jealousy which defiantly need some actions and the other is loud enough that it needs no words ....