Was It All Dream ?

Jungkook's POV

I came outside the house to take a drink am so trustfated (I mean frustrated) I wanna drink ...I took my phone out and called bambam as he picked it up "yes bro ?" the other line said as I sighed "legs go to club " I said as I heard okay let's go I kept the call...I got inside my car.....what are you doing to me Y/n....Why you out of all the people you have to hurt me this badly ....I hate you but I can't I love you but I can't do that too now...

Y/n's POV

I packed his bag as I thought of it ,i think this little things are the only I can do for him..."Y/n " I heard his deep voice behind me..."Is there something else to do ?" I asked him as I looked at him ,he sighed as he held my hands in his hands and looked in my eyes saying "your my wife not my maid honey ,if I need something I can take it myself your my wife, my queen okay ?" my tears started coming out of my eyes...as I remembered something...

Jungkook: I love you ,you know that right?

Y/n : I know ....

Y/n : why so romantic Mr.jeon ?

Jungkook: anything for future Mrs.jeon ..

"Y/n Hey what's wrong why are you crying ?" my thoughts got interrupted by Taehyung as I looked at him...so this is my reality now..."was it all dream ?" unknowing those words left my from my mouth..."what do you mean I don't understand anything ,are you okay ?" Taehyung said as I sighed "am am fine just got carried away..I I just miss my family Tae if you don't mind can I go to my I mean our family house till your gone for the trip ?" I asked him as he smiled wiping my tears away he pecked my forehead showing a sign of respect "Y/n I want you to know that your my wife not my maid or employee if you wanna do something you can do it ...you should do it " he said as I smiled this man is really so sweet and caring why god why did you had to make this sin of me hurting this pure Angel infront of me..."so are you coming to drop me ?" He asked as I nodded smiling .

Taehyung's POV

As she gone out of the room to take her jacket my heart clenched.....why does she keeps crying ? is there something I don't know ? it hurts it freaking hurts when she cries...I only wanna see her smiling her happiness is my happiness and her sadness is like my deepest sadness....Just wait until I come back from Paris I'll make sure that she will never cry..."Tae are you ready ?" I heard her voice as I smiled "yeah let's go " I said taking my carier with me...

Jungkook's POV

Those eyes .....which uses to hold whole universe have lost there shine,that smile which made me feel like having thousands of butterflies inside my stomach is like now a deathbed...why why why did it happened ?

It hurts it hurts like hell to see her in other man's arm, damn it hurts when she called his name even though he is my brother I really wanna have all the answers to my questions....I looked at the time 1 Am...She must be cuddling with him..oh wait I forget they both don't share a room I chuckled I should get going cause I know there's no one waiting for me, or caring for me...there's no one who will wait for me....if I go home early or late....

Author's Pov

Jungkook walked inside the house as the maid opened the door..."young master " the maid greeted him as he chuckled "where is everyone?" He asked letting the maid know that he is wasted..."Master Taehyung is Gone for his trip and Mrs.Kim is sleeping in her room " The maid said as jungkook looked at her..."what but he just got married yesterday ? aren't they supposed to go together ?" He asked stumbling a little "His gone for business trip young master, I'll take you to your room now " The maid said as she held him she has done it many times...whenever he came home drunk she was the one who took care of him....from the very beginning she saw him as her child..."is she really sleeping ?" He asked as the maid nodded proceeding with her work she heard him chuckling sadly "Am fine just make sure she is safe and she doesn't feel lonely " he whispered under his breath which was loud enough for the maid to hear "your wish my command young master "

The maid got out of the room as she locked the door and turned around she got starled by the figure standing infront of her..but she immediately greeted the figure "Mrs.kim how can I help you ?" the maid said as she looked at the girl who's eyes were on the locked door worry flashing like a star shooting in the sky in her eyes...the maid smiled a little..."umm is jungkook home now ? did he eat ? is he fine ?" The girl asked worry showing in her voice as the maid got to know which was suppose to be a secret from the world...."He is home,sleeping he is drunk Mrs.kim " the maid said as the girl sighed "I I was just worried because tae is not home and his responsibility is on me as his sister-in-law " the girl said as the maid nodded a mischievous grin appearing on her 50's aged face..."I understand Mrs.kim you may sleep now I'll take care of him I've been doing it since the beginning don't worry " the maid assured with a little bit of taunt knowing it will hurt on the right place ..."Thanks " was the all thing she heard as Y/n got inside her room leaving the maid alone..."And they said I don't understand anything " the maid chuckled alone "I hope you get your happiness back again young master..." that was the last thing the maid said before going to her room.