
Jungkook's POV

I woke up as my head is hurting like someone just beat me up with a rod fuck I shouldn't have drank that much last night...I opened my eyes but the light is too much it took me few seconds to adjust to the brightness as I did I looked around and saw I'm in my room....."Here Young master " I heard the maid saying as I looked at her "it's a bad morning ajhuma " I murmured as she chuckled "here " she gave me a painkiller and water as I took it "what would you like for breakfast ?" She asked as she waited for my answer "i honestly don't care I'll eat whatever hyung eated " I said as she smiled "Master Kim is Gone to business trip " she said as I looked at her did I heard wrong ? whatever "araseo make whatever you want,wait what day is it today?" I asked her as she smiled "it's Tuesday " she said as I smiled "Oh today is your holiday is the other maids gone " I asked her as she smiled nodding "okay just make my breakfast and go I'll take care of other things go go go " I said smiling as she smiled "okay young master "

Time skip

Y/n's POV

I sighed as I woke up...what the hell why no one wake me up today fuck it ,I looked around the room..wait who's room is this again ? I rubbed my eyes ahh I totally forget am married , I got up and started doing my daily routine

time skip~~~~

taking a look at the mirror I smiled and decided to call my husband After 3 rings he immediately picked up "Hello ?" I said as the other line said "did you eat ? are you fine ? " I smiled a little "am fine and I just woke up I didn't eat yet how about you ?" I asked as the other replied the answers and I kept the call and decided to go downstairs to eat whatever they made... As I came downstairs there no maid is there holiday or what ? I sighed as I made my way towards kitchen and saw ajhuma cooking while Jungkook was there smiling and talking with her....I smiled "Oh Mrs.kim good morning " ajhuma greeted me as I smiled bowing to her "please call me Y/n " I said as she smiled "please have a seat both of you I'll serve you breakfast " she said but jungkook interrupted her "ajhuma you get going I believe my sister-in-law can take care of the house now since she is awake get going " he said looking at me smirking this jerk..."Yeah ajhuma I'll take care " I said as I had no choice "sure but if you Need anything just call me or you can ask young master " she said as I nodded and she gone away ..."Serve me breakfast am hungry Sister- oh wait no one is home...I mean serve me my breakfast babygirl am hungry " He said I rolled my eyes "stay in your limits ko--jungkook " I said as he laughed "wowwww baby kook to jungkook huh ?" He said as he caged me between his arms..."You know you don't have to act now " he said making my blood boiled I looked at him "what do you think of me a slut ?" those words left my mouth without any thoughts "what did you said ?" He said in a strict tone as his glares were burning down my body "WHAT DID YOU FUCKING SAID ?" He yelled while holding my arms tightly almost as if he will rip them off "STOP ACTING LIKE YOU LOVED ME WHEN YOU LITERALLY BROUGHT ANOTHER GIRL YESTERDAY !" I yelled back as he started laughing "so what you want me to sit back and watch my one and only love live her life with her so called husband how can you be so selfish Kang Y/n ?" He said as my heart clenched he is right "Right ....I I'm not the girl you loved anymore ....I I'm sorry my mistake ...you you can do whatever you want whatever you wish whatever you--" the words got cutted by jungkook's lips crashing onto mine as I closed my eyes letting the tears falls and kissing him back.....it hurts it hurts to say all those things to him....it hurts badly but I don't know what to do should I tell him about what Appa said ? Will he believe me ? but then what about Hannah ? She just lost her mother she doesn't have anyone else.....but..what about my happiness do I really have to give up on everything ? On my persons? On my love...? I opened my eyes as I looked at him who was already looking at me "I--" before I can finish he said something which I never wanted hear..."I hate you Kang Y/n " he said as my words got stuck inside my throat tears were still falling which didn't go unnoticed by him "Don't cry baby save them...because now for the rest of your life you will have to live with them...I'll make sure they will stay with you forever " he said as he wiped my tears away which kept falling non-stop....I lost ,I lost the only thing I had ....the only person I hoped will hear me...."What happened baby ?" He asked as he kept looking at me ..."I'll serve you breakfast " I whispered in a low voice "Sure thing " he said moving away as soon as he gone from the kitchen ...I fell down I lost him....I lost my love he he will not love me ....ofcource after everything, after every decision I took I deserve this hate but damn it hurts bad ....It feels like it all fell down.....

Author's POV

jungkook slumped down the door as he heard her crying, it hurted him ,every tear that left her eyes it went straight like an arrow to his heart ..."I Hate You " he whispered as his own tears left his eyes without his consult.....

Hannah stopped at the halfway as she heard the sobs coming from the bedroom ....She looked around and decided to take a step ahead and saw Her brother taehyun sobbing in his sleep "D don't leave leave me noona, I'll I'll be a good boy...I I won't wake you up please " he whispered crying as she looked at him ...She sighed as she wiped his tears whole consoling him....."I'll make sure I make everything fine..." she whispered.