LeT Me See Myself Please....

Y/n's POV

The sky is looking so nice ,so calm and clear I wonder when my life will be like that ,as I was in my own thoughts a knock on my door startled me making me come back to reality "come in " I said as I looked at the door it opened and the person came inside ofcourse who would it be except jungkook "what do you want ?" I asked as he smiled locking the door behind him and stood in the corridor "only two things " He said as he smirked michevilousy "which are ?" I asked as I folded my hands "You & yourself " he said as I rolled my eyes "what a shameless boy you are your girlfriend must be waiting for you mr.jeon jerkkook " I said as he chuckled and started walking towards me while taking off his jacket "what the hell kook I said don't cross your line !" I yelled as I moved back not because I'm scared of him it's because I'm scared of myself...when it comes to him ,I always I'll always lose myself...

Jungkook's POV

I looked at her as she moved back at every step I took ahead...is she scared of me now ? I know she loves me she will till the end its already flashing in her eyes even though she will not say it I know it...my heart knows it ,it sounds funny coming from a playboy doesn't it ? heart, love ,care,trust ,affection all this things they weren't included in my life "why Y/n ?" I asked as I looked at her who just bumped into the wall behind her I smriked as I stood infront of her close to her....I wanna feel her....close to me,close to my heart .

Y/n's POV

My breathing halted when I felt his sharp breaths on my neck he is too close to me ....dangerously making my heart beat as hell "why Y/n ?" he asked as i looked at him confused "what what do you mean ?" i asked confused "why did you had to be this bad to me....why did you had to make me love you this bad that now I don't wanna live without you...hell I can't live without you now !" He said as he slammed his hand on my right side making me close my eyes please don't make me cry again...please "Jungkook leave " I whispered as tears welled up in my eyes I closed them tightly I know it will hurt him to see me crying...I know he is doing it on purpose..."cry baby I wanna see you crying open your beautiful eyes and let the crystal ball's fall from them hmm " he whispered tucking a stran of hair behind my ear

I moved my head as no as I tightly closed my eyes..."why baby ? just let me see you crying huh ?" he whispered this time sensually in my ear as he bite my earlobe ,my hands clutched his shirt tightly as I felt vibration all over my body "jungkook please leave " I whispered back "no baby not until I see you crying " he whispered again moving to kiss my neck as my hands clutched his shoulder tightly "Jung---" my words stucked inside my throat as his lips landed on mine...I opened my eyes for a second and closed them again as the soft caressing of his lips on mine was continuing ...making my heart beat like crazy...without thinking twice I let my lips collide with him ,replying his lips every hug ,every touch making him smile in the kiss...tears fell from my eyes which touched his cheeks making them wet...but he didn't stopped instead he kissed me more passionately making the kiss more sensuall and painful, his tongue fighting with mine not for dominance but to show that he missed me...just like I missed him...I let him do what he wanted as I waited for my dream to break...yes dream , being with him is like a dream now which i hope I'll never wake up from but just like a normal dream you have to wake up one day...

We both pulled back as we both breathed heavily ,his forehead on mine "open them please I wanna see myself , I wanna see myself baby please " he whispered as I finally opened my eyes...immediately meeting his eyes which were warm ...just like a warm place you need when you come back from a huge storm of cold... "I I'm sorry " I whispered as he chuckled wiping the tears that left my eyes "shushhhh let me meet myself.....your eyes don't close them...because only they can help me meet my real self ..." he whispered as tears left my eyes nonstop "you know I hate it when you cry right ? " he asked as I nodded as yes but his grip on my cheeks tightend as a smirk played along his beautiful pink lips "but now I love it ,you wanna know why?" he said as I moved my head as no closing my eyes but he forced me to open them by tightening his grip around my cheeks and said "because everytime I'll make you cry ,it will hurt me ....the pain I'll give you it will come back to me through your tears "