Start Of The New Hell....

Jungkook's POV

I sighed fuck it ,I just wanna have her for myself ,give her all the happiness but is it that hard to do ? is it that hard for her to come to me....."Here " I looked up and saw bambam "thanks " I said as I took the water and drank it "you know she must have her own reasons " he said while taking a seat beside me I chuckled and gulped down the water "And you know she can tell me those " I said as bambam nodded his head while smiling "fool in love you are jungkook " he said as I clenched my fist "fucking stop calling me fool before I break those teeths of yours " I growled hard as he sighed "whatever we have to go to university tomorrow " he said as I rolled my eyes "I ain't going " I said as I laid on the couch and trying to sleep I don't wanna go home ,I might regret what I'll do once I see her "Oho at this rate you will never be a doctor jungkook " he said as i sighed doctor...i always wanted to be one why ? because when my mother was diagnosed with the illness she never showed to any doctor she said that they can't help her...but I want to become a doctor and treat thos poor peoples and prove her that doctors can treat every human...."I'll go " I said as he smiled .

Y/n's POV

I took a long bath and decided to eat something so I came downstairs because I know jungkook won't be coming back anyways it's already 10 PM in the night ,there are still no maids I guess they will be coming tomorrow I took out some milk and poured it into glass and sat on one of the chairs drinking it while thinking about everything that happened ...suddenly my phone rang I looked at the ID.. Taehyung...I immediately picked up "hey beautiful " he said as I smiled a little "hey how are you ? did you eat ?" I asked as he chuckled on the other side "am fine and I eat on time how about you ?" he asked as I looked at the main door...."yeah am fine too I eated on time too " i said as i was worried ,what if he comes home drunk again ? "sorry Y/n but i have to go now I'll be back soon don't worry " he said as I sighed "take care " I said and kept the call...

And started drinking again...but the main door opened as my heartbeat fastened ....The footsteps can be heard behind me clearly "What the hell are you still doing here ?" His voice growled angrily as I gulped on my saliva ,I don't have to be afraid of him ,he is jungkook the man whom I love...I looked back and saw him starting at me with those eyes which holded nothing but hate...looks like I did really lost my love

"I asked something what the hell are you still doing here didn't I told you to get the fuck out of my house " he growled as he walked towards me ..."Who the hell you think you are to tell me what to do !" I yelled back as he was now getting on my nerves ..."oho looks like got some courage here " he said as he stood right infront of me now "Jungkook are you drunk again ?" I asked as he chuckled "am not so shut up " he said as I looked at him...."whatever I kept the dinner in the fridge so eat it " I said as I tried to move away from him ...but he held my arm...and pulled me back dangerously close to him that I can literally hear his heartbeat because of the height "Didn't I told you I don't know what I would do if I see you again " he whispered as he held both my hands behind my back with one hand...and the other came to my chin to make me look at him "jungkook why are you doing this ?" I asked as tears started welling up in my eyes again..."Oh no baby don't cry yet this is the start of your new hell,don't cry yet " He whispered as he brought his face closer to mine his cold breaths heating my face as I closed my eyes feeling him so close to me..its making me go crazy "Open your eyes baby I want you to see how your hell looks like " he whispered as he bite my lower lip...making me open my mouth but he took the chance and pushed his tongue inside my mouth directly kissing me ....what kind of kiss is this ..he started walking backwards still holding my hands...but he left them but as I tried to move them he again held them above my the wall hitted my back now...shit he trapped me ,His other hand started roaming on my breast and waist making me go crazy....why am I so in love with this man that I can't even resist him now..