Making Love..


Readers this chapter is important so don't skip it I know it contains 21+ part but you can just read it and thenforget forget it I made sure the words aren't that vulgar and all so yeah you can read it *

Y/n's POV

I let myself drown in him,I want him,i need him...i need his love for me to live ...I opened my eyes as he pulled back and joined his forehead on mine...breathing heavily..."Why are you not crying anymore ?" he asked in a low whisper chuckled "if my crying is gonna make you happy I'll happily cry for you ,but my crying only makes you I won't cry anymore and anyways I don't have any tears left to cry."

Jungkook's POV

My hands clenched in fist as she said she won't cry anymore....she understands me way to much doesn't she...I looked at her as she was lost in her own thought without thinking twice I picked her up on my shoulder and started climbing stairs to take her to my room..."Jungkook what the hell----" her words couldn't get complete I spanked her butt "did you just slapped my butt ?" she yelled as she was struggling to get down I smirked as I spanked it again "oh no baby girl I spanked it " I said as we reached my room opened the door and locked it behind me..keeping her on my bed as she was bewildered.

21+ Content Ahead Read On Your Own Risk..

Y/n's POV

I looked at jungkook what the hell is wrong with him ,he is not the jungkook I know "I'll make sure you cry in pleasure babygirl " He said as she started removing his shirt my eyes widened "no jungkook your not in your right mind " I said as I stood up to leave but he held my hand pulling me back to my place ..."don't resist me babygirl I know you want me too " he whispered in my ear as he bite my earlobe making me close my eyes I I can't resist him anymore .....I lost all my senses when he started kissing my neck...nibbling on the skin before biting it and them smoothing it with his wet tongue...I clutched his smooth hairs between my I arched my back from the pleasure giving him all the access to my body...he made us lay on the bed as he hovered above me not stopping the process of marking me eyes kept rolling back as sinful moans left my the clutch on his hairs of my hands tightened with every kiss as it went down & down...

Soon enough he took of my I looked at him already in his his lust...I'm already lost...I'm lost....I lost myself to him...."I..." I want to say i love you I want to tell him I love him...but I can't I don't know why ...I can't "say it " he said as he started roming his hands on my whole body...."I want you "

Author's POV

Jungkook sighed as his tears welled up in his eyes ,knowing that she isn't really gonna show her love to him anymore.....he chuckled "I fucking hate myself for loving you this much ,I'll make sure I hate you from the core too " he whispered as he pushed himself inside her...joining not only there bodies with eachother but there souls to eachother....He started slowly..

Jungkook's POV

I am not in hurry hell I don't wanna leave her anymore...I don't wanna stay away from I don't want her to leave my side ,I don't wanna see her in other mans arm...I don't want her surname to be Kim I want it to be jeon...I want her to be mine not only by body,name or by law...I want her to be mine with her heart,her soul....I want our souls to be together I wanna feel her every breath close to me..I wanna feel her every touch close to mine if that's even possible...I wrapped her legs around me I pulled her close to my body taking her warmth to mine...I joined our I felt her breathing mixing with mine...letting our soul connect with the kiss i made love to her...

Y/n's POV

His kiss which was slow and loving showing how much he loves me ,how much he longs for me....I kissed him back telling him how much I want him ,how much I long for much I love him...His slow thrust were showing the love ....."I love you " he whispered as he bite my lower lip again.....I closed my eyes arching my back,holding him tight....we are not doing sex...we are making love....the love which is not to be shown to the world(ofcourse you can't fuck infront of whole world lmao ) which is only between us...The need for eachother...the need of our souls...the Carve of our souls...the carve of our love the carve for eachother....

The love making session continued whole night

I closed my eyes as we fell down on the bed..laying in eachothers arms..."sleep " he whispered as I kept looking at him I love him...I want him..I can't live without him..I'm not gonna get afraid of anyone anymore I want him to be with me..."I wanna talk to you tomorrow do you have time ?" I asked as I looked at him hoping he would say yes "hmm let's talk about that tomorrow am tired let's sleep " he whispered as he pecked my forehead crowing me with his kiss making me his queen...I closed my eyes sleeping in his arms listening to his heartbeat....'I love you 'I said in my mind but I'll say it to him tomorrow.....

Jungkook's POV

She slept as I kept looking at her...her beautiful eyes which I love the most ....I pecked she slightly moved but went back to sleep again..I smiled such a baby....I want her to be with me not only by her body...but by her name...I want her to be Jeon Y/n not Kim Y/n,

I want her to be with me not just for the time being but for whole life...I wanna take away her every pain and give her my every happiness.....

I pecked his lips for the last time..."goodnight " I whispered.

Next morning

Y/n's POV

I woke up as I felt my whole body paining as hell...I looked beside he wasn't there oh yeah university has started ...he must have gone to university today...I looked down and saw I was already wearing clothes..he must have done it.

Today is special day I'll tell him...everything ,I'll tell him i wanna be with him...I'll tell him how much I love him....