Opening Of The Past Scar's ......

Jimin's POV

We both got inside the room as I looked at Y/n who was busy getting out of her clothes i smiled "want some help baby ?" i asked her as i went towards her she looked at me and nodded as yes i chuckled as I gone towards her now standing behind her helping her out of the jacket "how can you get it stuck every single time you wear it huh ?" I asked as I removed it from her she turned around putting her arms around my neck pulling me slightly closer "maybe because I know you are there behind me to help me ?" she said as I smiled "ohooo don't smile like that jimin I know you can't see " she teased as I glared at her "what did you said ?" i yelled a little as she started laughing while running away (author nim stating truth though Y/n ) .

Time skip

Y/n's POV

I got freshed up and wore a simple Floral dress, Which was white one with pink and yellow flowers..well yeah my style did changed after giving birth to my child..I looked at jimin as he took his clothes ready to go get changed and freshed up "is Cooky still with tae ?" I asked as I looked at him ,he nodded "well I'll get freshed up you go downstairs and chat with them I'll be down soon okay ?" he said as I nodded before going inside the washroom he pecked my forehead and went away...I sighed as I decided to go downstairs....

As I went downstairs I saw cooky already sleeping on tae's lap I smiled but my eyes widened when I saw a angry Man....Who was non other than min yoongi Jang Jang man boong boong I immediately ran towards him as he opened his arms even though he was anrgu "Min yoongiiiiii I missed youuuuuuuu" I said as I went in his arms...he wrapped his arms around me almost spinning me in the airs..I giggled "am still angry though " he said as he put me down and ruffled my hairs "am really sorry I really wanted to come to your daughter's birthday but jimin was really busy with his work " I apologise as he rolled his eyes at the mention of jimin yean did i told you my bestfriend hates my boyfriend "whatever i fucking didn't even invited him I invited you and my little bunny " he said as I smiled "hey come on it's been 3 years and your still angry on jimin !" I argued back as he shrugged as he said "not my fault okay he was worth it he litrally----" i pecked his cheek as I know he will stop talking his eyes widened as I laughed and said "wheres jisoo unnie ?" I asked as I took a sit beside tae "Umm maybe in room ahh yeah right she is making yoonji sleep " he said as I rolled my eyes what kind of husband he is don't even know what his wife is doing exactly "Well I have to go I had a urgent call so have to go to company " he said as I nodded and he went away I looked at the was almost 8 we will have dinner at 9 PM...

"how have you been ?" taehyung asked in his deep voice as I looked at him smiling "well have been great what about you Mr.ex husband ?" I teased him as he scoffed "ohoo look who's talking ms.ex wife " he said as I laughed a little "so have you been ?" I asked seriously as he smiled genuinely "happy a little sad because you left but still happy " he said as I nodded and looked at cooky "when did he slept ?" I asked ruffle cooky's hairs a little "it's been half an hour " my eyes widened as I heard tae "so you have been siting like this since half an hour omona your leg must be asleep now let me take him to room tae " I said as he nodded and said "shall we go out for some time I have so many things to share " I looked at him...I do have so many things to tell him..."sure I'll just tell jimin " I said as I picked up cooky in my arms and walked up stairs as I gone inside the room saw jimin doing his hairs.."yaa who you trynna impress now ??" I asked jokingly as he smirked proudly "don't smirk you look funny as hell " I said as I put cooky on bed tucking him inside the duvet "you ,you and only you my love " he said as I laughed a little "okay baby umm can I go out with tae we will back before dinner " I said as I looked at him ,he sighed as he looked at me "how many times should I tell you ,you don't need to ask me for permission baby your free to go wherever you want whoever you want ,what I want you to do is just inform me before going out " he said as he cupped my face "go and come soon I'm hungry as hell and cooky will be awake till then too I think " he said as I nodded slowly tiptoeing i pecked his lips quickly "Bye babe " I said as he was still statue i laughed as I came out....and saw taehyung already waiting downstairs.

Jungkook's POV

My heartbeat fastened as the gate of my house opened I looked over at soo-in she was in awe it was her first time coming here ,she did meet my parents but she never came to this house...she didn't met tae hyung or his wife....I sighed as I parked the car the maids immediately came and the guards too greeting me happily "welcome home back young master " they said bowing as I smiled "thanks guys I missed you all " I said as I hugged them one by one...Then came the head maid dear ajhuma I hugged her...I felt like I was back in my mom's arms...I missed her warmth "am sorry ajhuma " I said as she patted my head "it's alright Young master come let's go inside " she said as I nodded and looked at soo-in she was still in awe and shock "umm guys I have someone to introduce to you all " I said as I held her hand "meet soo-in my girlfriend "I introduced her as they all greeted her.."I'll prepare room for you both " ajhuma said as I nodded We both came inside as jisoo noona was already there standing to greet me or should I say beat me ??????

Author's POV

"Finally you decided to show up " jisoo said as she hugged her little brother "am sorry noona " he said as she just nodded understanding him "who's this beautiful lady beside you?" she asked as she let go of the hug "oh yeah noona she is my girlfriend Soo-in and soo-in ahh she is my noona Mrs.min jisoo " jungkook introduced them as they greeted eachother "go get freshened up and get down for dinner I'll go tell others okay?" jisoo said as the couple nodded making there way towards the room...

As soon as they left Taehyung and Y/n Came inside almost arguing "Yaaa you said that the shop won't be closed at this time ?" taehyung said as he looked at Y/n who was looking away "what I don't stay in Seoul anymore I didn't know they changed the timing you should have known it better than me " she argued back as jisoo looked at them shocked "what happened to both of you ?" she asked as Y/n immediately hugged her "oh my I missed you unnie " she said as jisoo smiled hugging her back "i missed you more Y/n " they both pulled back as they looked at the grown ass baby who was pouting "what happened to him ?" jisoo asked as Y/n rolled her eyes "well we went to drink hot chocolate were we used to go always but the shop was closed not my fault okay ?" she said as jisoo nodded and said "you guys both of you go to the dining table dinner is ready and am hungry yoongi is on his way too go hurry " .

Y/n's POV

"okay I'll bring jimin and see if cooky is awake " I said as I started walking towards the stairs and taehyung followed still pouting "remember you promised me we will go there tomorrow " he said as he held my jacket from back as I nodded "yes yes tae I promise pinky promise okay ? now leave my jacket it's my favourite if it get ripped I'll make sure I rip you too " I said as we both reached upstairs "yeah yeah whatever " he said as I turned around and looked at him his pout was so cute..I patted his head " be good okay now stop pouting I can't handle 3 babies at a time " I said as he sighed we both looked at eachother and started laughing.."Mamaaaaaaaaaaaa" we both looked back and saw Cooky running towards me and behind him was jimin who was almost scared because cooky was running "cookyyyyy you will fall baby " jimin said as he held him I looked at tae and he just laughed "mama is here baby " I said as I sat on my knee and opened my arms to take him up as soon as jimin heard it he left cooky's hand and let cooky come to me I picked him up "awwww did my baby missed me ?" I asked as he wrapped his arms around my neck,putting head on my shoulder.."Wher wer you?" he asked as I heard taehyung laughing at his cute talking "awwwwwe so cute " he said as I laughed too making jimin to laugh "ohh and Mr.park dinner is ready let's go " ajhuma said as we all nodded and was about to go downstairs "I have to take off my jacket " i said as taehyung nodded and took cooky away from me going down first i looked at jimin who was looking at somewhere I followed his gaze and whole world around me stopped....tears started welling up as everything started everything heart felt like someone was stabbing me with thousands of breathing became uneven as my eyes met his confused one....but soon turned cold....."Y/n ?" I heard jimin's voice as I came out of my dilemma "huh ?" I looked at jimin as he immediately came towards me "what happened?" he asked as I nodded as nothing "Dust went inside my eyes " I said as I didn't looked at Him.....because the past scars are opening again...which were not even cured yet.....