The Heart Screams But No One Hears it.

Jungkook's POV

I got out of my room as soo-in was getting Freshed up I wanted to meet tae hyung damn I missed him so much its litrally been 3 years I didn't meet I came out and saw a blond hair man running behind a child..."cooky you will fall baby " I looked at the child who was running towards the stairs and ran into someones arms..must be his mom...I smiled but wait who is this man again i looked at him as he also looked at me but as i heard her voice i stopped ,the world around me stopped "mama is here baby " it was her voice, I couldn't look at her...mama ? it it's her child....."aww did you missed mama this much my baby ?" she asked again in aww as I heard tae hyung chuckle behind eyes froze on the man who was watching them with a warm smile on his face "wher wer youu" the little boy said in his soft voice as even I melted for a second but taehyung hyung said "awww so cute " I smiled a little indeed cute.." and Mr.park let's go dinner is ready " ajhuma said as I kept looking at the blond man who was now looking at me raining his eyebrow ...

"I have to take of my jacket " she said as I heard hyung walking away....She was about to say something but she stopped....I wanna see her...I turned my self towards her..and saw her....breaking up.....her eyes full of tears threatening to fall down...My eyes turned cold ? "Y/n ?" the man said as I couldn't hear anything anymore the worry in that mans eyes making me angry as soon as she heard him calling her name she looked at him...there was something in her eyes for that man hands I watched them talking don't tell me.....

Y/n's POV

"you sure ?" jimin asked as I nodded I know he knows am crying but because of the other man here he is not reacting that much he knows I need my space alone with him....."babe " I heard a girl i looked over and saw a girl standing beside jungkook holding his hand as he looked at her ....."what happened?"he asked as she smiled "am hungry let's go " she said as he nodded smiling a little it's been 3 years I didn't saw his smile...its still the same but something is missing...the smile didn't reached his eyes..

They went down and we followed we went towards the dining table my eyes widened as I saw my another bestfriend there "YAAAAAAA KANG Y/N HOW DARE YOU DIDN'T TOLD ME YOU WERE COMING ?" she yelled as she ran towards me immediately hugged me Making me stumble backward thank God jimin was behind me supporting or else I would have fallen down.. "am sorry I missed you daeun " I said hugged her back she pulled back "where's my little chillie ?" she said as my eyes widened as I looked at jimin who was now angry too "what did you said ?" he asked as he was ready to throw hands at her I immediately held him "she is talking about cooky " I said as he looked at Me "you tooo ?" he was now more furious I laughed as daeun also started laughing soon enough taehyung joined in and yoongi also..."you guys seriously " i said as i looked at jimin pouting "euuu Y/n look your 2nd baby is pouting " yoongi said as I glared at him "yoongi " jisoo said as yoongi looked away scared of his wife "okay okay chill am sorry okay was just joking " Daeun said as she hugged jimin greeting him.."okay okay let's eat first " jisoo said as we all nodded sitting down..."mama here " cooky said as we all looked towards him..everyone smiling at his cuteness "aunty " he said as he ran towards daeun she picked him up pecking his whole face and said "call me noona cooky am not aunty yet am still single " she said as I laughed "okay okay we will talk later first eat " I said as I sat beside jimin and then my eyes met his....who was sitting infront of me ..."um yes guys I forget to introduce meet soo-in our kook's girlfriend and cooky this is Jeon jungkook Your another uncle " jisoo noona said as my eyes widened a little heartbeat fastened....jimin held my hand as I looked at him...his eyes full of anger...but I held his hand he looked at me I nodded as no as he calmed down a little under my touch...."Umm hello Soo-in shi am Kang Y/n and this is my child Park Jiwoon but you can call him cooky and this is my boyfriend Park Jimin " I introduced ourselves as she smiled "nice to meet you all am Kim soo-in " she said as I smiled at her..."wait what ?" jungkook said as he looked at Taehyung ,taehyung sighed and said "we will talk later kook first eat " jungkook nodded and looked at me "it's been a long time sis--i mean Ms.kang " he said as I looked at him...."yeah mr.jeon " i said as we started eating "so Y/n when are you and jimin getting married?" jisoo said as i looked at her...bewildered by her sudden question marriage ? i looked at jimin as he nodded a little "Umm maybe next year jisoo shi because my work is almost at the peak once the project is done I promise I'll marry your Y/n as soon as possible " he said as jisoo unnie smiled "Before her marrying her you have to ask for my permission " I looked at yoongi at his comment I laughed "min yoongi don't be harsh on him seriously " I said as I looked at jimin who rolled his eyes at yoongi "did you saw he just rolled his eyes at me Yaaa this is how you behave with elders " yoongi said as daeun and me laughed making cooky and taehyung laugh too "Yoongi samchun is grandma " cooky said as I looked at cooky bursting into laughter "lmao hahahahahaha " jimin laughed as everyone laughed "yaaaaa what did you said you little kitten " yoongi said as cooky smiled at him cutely "your cute that's why am leaving you " yoongi said as we all laughed "indeed my child is cute" jimin said smirking proudly "yeah yeah " I said as daeun said "Well then guys after tomorrow's party lets go to a Trip like picnic or something?" we all looked at her "umm sure Cooky always wanted to roam around her but before he was too small now that he understand's everything let's go " I said as jimin nodded "sure am okay with whatever my babys are okay with " jimin said as I smiled at him making someome scoff at the table we all looked at the owner and it was none other than jungkook "what happened?" tae asked as jungkook nodded as nothing "nothing " he said as we all sighed.....

Time skip

The dinner was almost done as everyone decided to take a walk out...."mama am sleepy " cooky said as I picked him up and decided to take jimin with me cause I know he will surely go to jungkook and maybe beat him up "Guys you go first me and jimin will be back after putting cooky to sleep " I said as they nodded "come fast Y/n " Daeun said as she linked her arms with taehyung as they both started walking away while pulling eachothers hairs..."Let's go " jimin said as put his arm around me as we walked towards the room...we got inside jimin putted cooky to sleep as I looked outside the room for a maid " you want something?" I looked behind and saw ajhuma "ajhuma me and jimin are going to walk with others can you please look after cooky he won't wake up and but if he does he will try to run downstairs I'm afraid he might fall " I said as she smiled and came towards me.."don't worry I look after Little master cooky " my eyes widened as I looked at her "little took it wrong ajhuma " I said as she smiled "I know everything Y/n ,you can't hide it from me..go ahead I'll take of little master " she said as I nodded my heart beating fast

Me and jimin started walking downstairs "its him isn't it " jimin said as I looked at him and sighed "we are not related anymore jimin don't do anything stupid " I said in a low voice as i heard jimin chuckled "sure but if he tried to come near my child and you I won't hesitate to kill him " he said as my breath hitched...I knew jimin loves cooky but till this edge I didn't knewed it...."Jimin " before I can complete he held my hand dragging me with him towards others...I kept quite knowing he was angry...soon we reached others..they were all sitting down..."Y/n let's go " taehyung said as I saw jungkook nowhere "I'll be back" I said as I looked at jimin he ignored me but said "come back soon " I smiled a they all started talking

As we walked further we saw jungkook standing there drinking some the bar which inside the house..."Oh Hyun-- come sit " he said as he glared at me "so how have you been kookie ?" taehyung said as he pulled a sit for me to sit such a gentleman I swear "Been fine and doing great how about you and Ms.kang" he asked giving two glasses to us..."I can't drink " I said as taehyung nodded "bring a orange juice for " he said as I kept looking down..."so what happened?" jungkook asked I know what he is asking about, "well it didn't worked out between us so yeah we parted our ways " taehyung said as i looked at him...i feel really sorry for him... "what ? you mean you guys are divorced?" he asked as he kept the drink aside "it's been 3 years " taehyung said as I nodded as yes "wait a minute than who's child is Cooky ?" jungkook asked as I immediately looked at him "jimin's " I said as jungkook eyes burned in anger but he controlled himself "I see " he said as I sighed "umm tae I'll get going jimin must be waiting " i said as taehyung nodded "we will join soon " he said I nodded and left from there and came where my friends were and saw them drinking too ..

Jungkook's POV

The child is jimin's ? but I thought it was taehyung hyungs how is that possible...when did she mate him.."how old is cooky ?" I asked as taehyung hyung smiled "2 and half years old " he said as I nodded it must have been after I left....i guess but still how can that woman do this ,if she divorced hyung she could have atleast tried to call me or something or did she really didn't loved me at all ? "let's go there " he said as I nodded and stood up to go to them as we reached I saw Y/n sitting with that jimin guy his hand around her waist as they chatted with others a smile crept on her beautiful face as she talked with her besties ,her eyes shining like a star in the sky....I smiled it's been 3 years I haven't seen her .

Y/n's POV

Soon jungkook and tae came and joined us "so I heard Mr.jeon is a doctor?" jimin said as he looked at him "yes Mr.park what about you ?" jungkook asked as I felt nervous why am I nervous well my life sucks my ex boyfriend, my ex husband and my current boyfriend are sitting together in one place isn't it uncomfortable as hell ??????? "Well you know parks enterprises?" jimin asked as jungkook nodded "ofcourse who doesn't wait do you work there ?" jungkook said as yoongi laughed at his comment I glared at yoongi he immediately shut ed up "Am the Owner and CEO of that company nice to meet you " jimin said as jungkook smile faded away "it's nice to meet you too " jungkook said as I felt the atmosphere a little dull "jimin stop drinking I'm sleepy lets go " I said as I took the wine away from him...he looked at me "are you tired?" he asked as i nodded "araseo baby let's go cooky is alone too " he stood up helping me "yeah guys it's late we have to wake up early tomorrow too,for the shopping and all " jisoo said as I nodded "I'll get going home " Daeun said as taehyung stopped her "yaaa your going home this late stay here I have many rooms " he said as she looked at him "no no I have to go home " she said as she looked at me "no stay here daeun " I said as she nodded as no "girl try to understand I have to go " she said as I sighed "okay should I come to drop you ?" I said as Yoongi looked at me "yaa you crazy what if your child wakes up ?" he said as jimin said "shall I go to drop her ?" I looked at him "yeah babe " i said as he nodded "wait why you going I'll go " taehyung said as we all laughed "shut up all lmao okay taehyung you come with me " Daeun said as we all nodded yoongi took jisoo to there room ,as I sended daeun off "come early tomorrow so we can go for shopping " I said as taehyung horned the car "yaa come fast " he yelled from the car "go inside and take care of yourself..." she said as I I saw them going away...I sighed in relief and turned around to see jimin waiting there for me..."come fast baby it's cold " he opened his arms as I smiled running to him...."How are you feeling now ?" he asked as we walked towards stairs "am feeling fine " i said "so tomorrow morning we are going for shopping and your coming " i said as he nodded "yes ma'am anything else ?" he asked pecking my cheek "umm nothing just cuddle me to sleep ?" i said as he laughed a little "okay anything else anything my queen ?" he asked as we reached the top of the stairs "nothing jimin " I said as we both laughed but soon enough we both stopped smiling as we heard someone calling my name "Y/n " My heartbeat fastened My started screaming but no one can hear it..I looked at the owner of that voice "can we talk ?" he asked as he looked at Jimin "I'll be In the room if you want something just call me " jimin said pecking my forehead going inside the room ..... I looked at him...the one who left me at my worst....Non other than the man I love the most the man that I adore the most...Jeon Jungkook