You Never Loved Me...You Never knew My Love For You...

*Play This songs as background for more feelings*

Let me down slowly

Done for me ...(punch )

Dynasty (on repeat if it finishes before your reading )

Y/n's POV

We walked towards the garden as it was a silent ,my hands were cold even though they were inside my coats pocket, my heart was beating fast and the nervousness was growing by each second..."How did you met that jimin guy?" he asked as he stopped at a place,I stopped dragging my feets and looked at him "I met him 3 years ago at Jeju island " I said as he chuckled "Were you that desperate " he said as I looked at him,my heart beating fast as my hands clenched turning them into fist letting my own nails dig inside my palms flesh "mind your tongue I won't hesitate to slap you " I said as I lost my cool "you never loved me did you ? I did had the hope till last ...that you would come there to meet said you wanted to meet but I decided the place and you didn't even came what a joke I made of myself " he said as he poked his tongue his eyes turning red as he started walking towards me...I moved backwards "You don't know anything so shut up ,you have no right to blame me for anything " I said as he kept coming forward making me stumble on my steps ...I closed my eyes as I felt like I'll fall but his strong arms held me ,pulled me up close to him...making my heart beat most faster than it was already.....tears welling up in my eyes "Was I not enough? was your own husband not enough ?" he said as he held me close tightly that is started to hurt "shut up and mind your tongue and leave me jungkook " I said as I tried to push him with both my hand but he wrapped his other arms around my waist and pulled me more closer if it was even possible....."Why ? Why you never loved me...I left this place my own house my own brother my own family for you to live happily but no you had to make my brother hurt, you had to be with that man.....Was all of this not enough that you even had his child?" he said as my eyes widened at the mention of my child "don't you fucking dare to talk bad about my child I swear..." I said as almost threatening him..."Why is it because it's your jimin's child ? only if you would have listened to me it would have been our baby now !!!!!" he yelled as I closed my eyes "but no you had to carry that fuck----" before he can complete my hand flied on his face ,making him turn to his left..."DON'T YOU DARE JEON JUNGKOOK" I yelled as I pushed him breathing went uneven as anger,guilt,hurt everything welled up in me..."WHY WHY YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS DO YOU HAVE TO BE MY HATEFUL LOVE WHY ??????" he yelled back as he held both my arms harshly "fucking leave me " I said as I tried to push him but his grip tightened but it wasn't hurting anymore as my heart was hurting from the words he used....."did you had to be like this ? did you had to sleep with him ,give him love ,give him the happiness ?" he asked as I looked in his eyes "yes ,yes I had to be like this ,yes I had to love him ,yes I had to give him happiness I'll keep doing it why ? why do you care when you already have someone too just forget it,forget about everything that happened yes right I didn't came that day ...hell I'm happy I didn't came....because I didn't knewed that the man I loved was this toxic ...was this low that he will talk to me like this " I said as I held his collar letting my tears fall ...."I I didn't mean " he said as he tried to wipe my tears but I pushed him away "I fucking did it ,yes I did it " I said as I cried....but soon enough I calmed myself because crying for this man he is not even worth it....."Just answer my one question did you even loved me ???" jungkook asked as I laughed "I did I fucking did but you never knew my love for never wanted to know....if i wouldn't have loved you i wouldn't have made love to you, i wouldn't have accepted that marriage, I wouldn't have ran..." my words stucked inside my throat "You got your answers now let me live my life and you live yours..." I said as I turned away from leave....but my heart stopped for a moment when he hugged me .....tears kept falling he hugged me.....the arms where I felt most secured...the man for whom I wanted to do anything "I missed you....." he said as I closed my eyes I missed you tooo "why you didn't came that day....only if you would have came everything would have been different " he said as he let go of the hug...."let you live your life ???? i can't do that not anymore.....I was letting you do that for past 3 years but now anymore because You proved that your indeed my Hateful love" he said as he turned me around and slammed his lips on eyes widened as the world around me stopped...tears didn't stopped falling as I closed my eyes for them to stop but they kept coming out more....his lips sealing mine perfectly molding with mine....the slow yet passionate kiss making me crazy...thousands of butterflies started flying inside my stomach....I was about to give In but the image of someone ,someone who is important to me came infront of me....Jimin...I can't do this to him...I opened my eyes as I saw jungkook's eyes closed I'm sorry.

I pushed him away as he looked at me shocked "Y/n...." he said as I looked away "I don't love you anymore...." I said as his eyes widened and tears welt up in his eyes "don't lie to yourself My love " he said as he took a step ahead but I took a step back "we are far away....there's no choice to go back...." i said as he kept walking "there is Marry me...come to me I'll I'm ready to accept jiwoon too....just come to me....please " he said as my heart hurt.....when he mention jiwoon...."I I can't am sorry " I said as I ran away from there....towards my room..I can't hurt anyone anymore.....the sins I did in my past are enough I can't hurt any pure heart again.....I wiped my tears as they kept falling...I can't..

Jungkook's POV

I stood here...watching her leave me....she again turned her back on she did in the past....she again did it...I closed my eyes to stop this fucking tears but hell they don't stop my heart its aching so much I I feel like I'll die....I fell on my everything flashed before my eyes....her smile,her eyes,her everything, our kiss ,our touches...our memories.."Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh " I let out a Yelp to let my pain out thinking it will help ....but no it doesn't "it hurts" I said as I kept crying....but no she wasn't here ....I bite my lip as I kept crying....."Its alright " I heard his voice I looked up and saw my brother....patting my back...I ended up crying more hard...."hyung it hurts so much I I can't do anything to it even though am a doctor myself " I said as I cried more harder when he hugged me....

Authors POV

Taehyung held his brother as he left him cry on his shoulder, after jungkook's mother's death he never saw jungkook crying like this but was the first time he let his feelings out...he always have feelings to was the first he let it must have been something he can't handle now.....Taehyung thought as tears left his own eyes....."am here " he said as he patted his brothers head....


Jimin kept looking at the door the unsettling feeling inside his heart wasn't helping the situation, he was worried not because she will leave him because she will suffer again...only jimin knows how much she have been through past 3 wasn't something someome should this young age.....his heart kept beating fast as he heard footsteps he immediately stood up going to the door ,his heart clenched hard as he saw her walking towards him.....lifeless.....her tears kept falling...but she wasn't crying looks like she lost again...she lost herself him "Y/n" jimin said as he pulled her inside closing the door behind them "Y/n what happened?" he asked as he hugged her....closer to his heart ,his hands wrapped around her securely...didn't want to let go "jimin ahh naa othooke(what do I do )? " she said as she hugged him struggling to hide in his arms...her head closer to his chest....almost crashing in his chest....hoping I would have been someone....someone "Y/n tell me everything what happened I swear I'll not leave him if he hurt you again " jimin said as anger raised inside him..."jimin ahhh I I lost to myself....I lost again.....I fucking lost myself to him again....." she said as she started crying silently afraid she might scare her child jimin's hug tightened as he he held her close....he closed his eyes tears falling from his eyes "but your not alone have me have me and cooky " he said as she cried hard...letting sobs out...."I was about to tell him but he is already broken so much broken that I I can't tell him..." she said as looked at her child sleeping peacefully she smiled a little as heart calmed down watching her child sleeping peacefully...He was there for her....jimin was here for her...but what about him...who is there for him ???