I Hate You....I Mean It...

Y/n's POV

"Jungkook I I want to tell----" i couldn't finish my words as he held my face forcefully "i hate you .....I mean it this time Y/n...I fucking Hate you with all my heart " he said as he forcefully kiss me...just to show me he is hurt...he is broken but this time...he does hates me...for real...

I closed my eyes letting him do it...image of jimin flashed infront of my eyes as tears welled up again...He pulled back "let's see how you gonna marry your so called lover " he said as he smirked my eyes widened....."Jungkook...Jung----" I couldn't complete my sentence as my phone rang I sighed I want to hug him..I want to hell him,but he is not in his right mind ...now...I don't wanna hurt him more..I looked at my phone it was jimin shit he must have reached Hannah's house.."hello ? jimin am coming am on the way---" I said but jungkook snatched my phone from my hand I tried to take it away but he litrally held both my hands behind my back as my back faced him.."Oh hello there Park Jimin " he said as he pecked my neck making me widened my eyes in shock "Oh Listen there you shorty Y/n is with me and she will be back with me ...." he said as he turned me around still holding my hands together damn this man is still strong as hell "Jungkook stop " I said as he didn't listen "oh baby we just started and you wanna stop this early??? Don't you miss your Mad Lover huh?" he said as he cutted the call and got out of the car...and opened the door as I looked at him "What are you doing ???" I asked as he held my hand and pulled me out of the car and dragged me somewhere...

My eyes widened as I saw the river side...he left my hand and looked at me putting his hands inside his pocket.. "what are you doing jungkook we must go back " i said as i tried to leave but he again held my hand.."Wait babygirl....let daddy see if his babygirl still loves daddy or not huh ?" he said as my eyes widened babygirl daddy ??? The memories started flashing making goosebumps appear on my skin ,there was no one at the river side accept me and him..."If you go now..you won't see me again ever...and I'll make sure I make fake reports ready and take cooky away from you as my child legally " he said as I turned around immediately "Jeon Jungkook !!" I yelled as he smirked "looks like I got your weak point " he said as I closed my eyes "stop your games I ain't coming back to you " I said as he laughed while clapping his hands..."babygirl you have to leave people in order to come back to them...but you ,you never left my mind and heart ,your soul was with me all the time it's just your body was away from me....Your heart,Your every breath you took it was with me...it was for me..." he said as my eyes burned from the tears...and heart started aching badly "No No No " I said as I put my hands on my ears...I don't want that feelings back...

Jungkook's POV

I smriked...Don't worry babygirl...I'll make sure I cure your all pains.. "okay you don't love me right ?" I asked as she nodded as yes while tears left her eyes more than before ,I started walking back...towards the river..."You know I can't swim right ?" I asked as her eyes widened "Jungkook noooo" she said as she tried to come close to me...But I stopped her..."stop there baby ,you see this phone just one call and the fake reports will be ready " I said as I showed her my phone...I wanna see if she will choose me or her child..."No jungkook your not in your right mind "she said as I reached the edge ..."You don't love me...But I do I did I'll do ,but I hate you too so I can't do both right? I can't stop doing both too so I'll just kill myself...so you can live a good life ahead because as long as am Alive...I'll make sure you belong to me and not any other man..."I said as I closed my eyes Spreading my arms...i let my body fall back....What if she really doesn't come? then does it mean I die for real ? no no jungkook you won't die alone I'll take her too what am I even thinking at this moment seriously "Jungkook" I heard her yelling as I fell into the water,the water went in my mouth ,nose ,eyes speedily I didn't moved my hands...not at all am going deeper.....I closed my eyes I love you Y/n...

Authors POV

Y/n cursed under her breath as she took of her jacket and jumped into the water thanks to those swimming classes she took,she went deep inside searching for him as he was deep down..almost not breathing...she swimed towards him fastly ,keeping his arm around her neck she held his waist with one hand and swimmed up....but the weight of his body was much which was putting both of them deep down no matter how hard she tried...."I love you " she said as she closed her eyes hugging his body closely afraid to let him go...she gave up...She is ready to die with him....but she is not gonna leave him alone there...He opened his eyes as he felt her hugging him she said something but he couldn't hear it...He immediately held her waist and started swimming up ....Soon enough they were at the ground.. as he looked at her waking her up ,he pushed her stomach and plenty of water came out of her mouth as she coughed opening her eyes "You idiot who told you to jump when you don't know how to swimmmm !!!!!" Jungkook yelled as he looked at her angrily she sat up as she slapped him making him shook ,he just saved her and she slapped him ???? before he can argue he froze on his spot as she hugged him tightly while crying hard.."I I thought I lost you again...You idiot why are you doing thisssssss?" she cried while hitting his back as he just smiled and hugged her back "am fine am here see with you " he whispered as she cried more when he started patting her head "I Hate you .....I hate you " she screamed as he chuckled tears falling from his eyes "I love you too ,I love you "