The DNA Reports...

Jungkook's POV

Everyone was gone to there room to get ready as yoongi,jimin and tae hyung already left for there works and soo-in was gone too its best time to do run the DNA test...I called the driver and told him to drop Jisoo noona her daughter first .

Time skip

I got out of the room with my bag in my hand and knocked on Y/n's door...many memories flashed in my mind...I smiled she opened the door smiling but her smile went away as she saw me "what do you want ?" She asked I smiled "let's go noona went first only we are left " I said as she looked at me like I'll eat her...

Y/n's POV

"mama ?" cooky said as I looked back and saw the 2 kids right I have them too I'll just go with jungkook I guess "araseo we are coming down you go first " I said as he sighed and said "give me the bags " I raised my eyebrows "bag ???" I asked as he smirked "oho not yours or your boyfriend's I'm talking about cooky's bag " he said as I sighed in defeat..."jungkook ahh you know what just let's do the DNA test for your own sake " I said as he looked at me with wide eyes "are are you really ? seriously?" he asked as I nodded...

Time skip

We reached the hospital as they both were Inside I sighed as Jae was sitting beside me "umm aunty what's a DNA test ?" he asked as I looked at him "umm it's like a test for the identification of father and the childs relation " I said smiling as he smiled "but why cooky and jeon uncle doing it ??? " he asked as I sighed "well I'm not sure if your mama told you or not but me and Uncle jeon used to be in relation before I got married so yeah he is just dumbo nothing else " I said as I heard him giggling "aunty is cute " he said as I smiled "jae is more cute" I said ruffling his hairs "mama " cooky ran to me as I smiled "my baby your so brave hmm " I said as he smiled proudly ,jungkook followed from behind ..."we have to wait for the results for half an hour they said "he said as I nodded as I looked at the time "Kook--- I mean jungkook how about you drop us at her house and then come back to take report ?" I said as he nodded as no "let's go together please " he said as I sighed just say your afraid of the report ..."araseo we are going to cafe you wait here let's go boys " I said as I held there hands "bring me some banana milk " he said as I sighed ...

Time Skip

We came from the coffee shop as kids eated some pastry and I drank some coffee and brought banana milk for the big baby as soon as we reached the hospital I saw jungkook sitting there with reports in his hands...I sighed as I bite my lower sorry jungkook..I said in my mind as I went towards him "jungkook " I said as he didn't looked at me and crumbled the paper in his hand..."let's go " he said coldly as he got up and held Jae's hand and we got in the car...I didn't said anything...."What happened 3 years ago ?" he asked as I didn't said anything "am asking something " he said as I rolled my eyes "nothing happened " I said as he gripped the staring wheel hard trying to speed up "don't you dare there are 2 kids in the car " I said as he slowed down a little....soon we reached her house as he got down and let the kids out first as I was about to open the door he locked the car "what the hell are you doing ??????" I said as he looked at jae "take cooky inside with you aunty and uncle will be back soon okay ?" he said to jae .

Author's POV

The kid nodded being the obedient he is cooky looked at his mother "mama" he said as he tried to open the car but jae held his hand "let's go cooky mama will be back soon lets go hyung will show you his house " jae said as cooky looked at jae again looked at the car which drove away..."mama" the little kid said ..."am here cooky hyung is here with you mama will be back soon " jae tried to console him as it worked somehow the kid calmed in Jae's touch...Jae smiled walking inside his house while holding Cooky's hand...The maid Bowing at him at his arrival....

Jungkook's POV

I drived the car fastly towards somewhere I dunno mind was blank...Tears were threatening to how it is possible...He He isn't my child....? He is really not my child ? but how ?does it mean she never got pregnant with my child ?

I stopped the car at the side as I looked at her "Didn't I told you he is not your child ?" she said as she didn't looked at me but out of the window "how is that possible?" I asked as she chuckled "And why it's not possible ?" she asked as I lose my shit "2018 August, 5th Han river...I saw you...there with hyung...I didn't saw things you were pregnant it was crystal clear...Your baby bump was there !" I yelled at her as she flinched a little and looked at me "How does does it mean you came to Seoul...."she said as I looked away....

Y/n's POV

I looked at him shocked..He he did came back then...."you you did came back then " I said as I pulled his collar.. "why aren't you replying....I I tried to find you everywhere...but you " I said as he looked down..."I I thought you were happy with hyung that's why I went away..." he said as i left his collar....Only if he would have reached us...only if I would have searched for him some more...My baby my baby....I closed my eyes should I tell him...?