God Morning, I'm God & You ???

Next Morning..

Y/n's POV

I woke up as I felt Somone pecking my forehead I know who It was I smiled "good morning my baby " i said as i hugged cooky "good morning mama " he said as i opened my eyes and looked at him "mama cooky is hungry " he said as he pouted I smiled "okay wake chimchim up I'll make some breakfast for you " I said as I sat on the bed and stretched myself.."mama should i wake hyung too ?" he asked as I looked at him hyung ? oh yes jae I forget about him I looked beside me and saw Jae sleeping peacefully, somehow watching him sleeping was really relaxing to me "don't wake him up let him sleep " I said as cooky nodded I looked at jimin he was also sleeping like a baby I smiled "let your dada sleep too " I said as cooky smiled while pecking jimin's forehead "let's go baby " I said as I picked him up and brushed his and my teeths and gone downstairs to make breakfast...

"good morning Mrs.kim " The Ajhuma said as I smiled at her "good morning ajhuma " I said as I looked at cooky who also greeted her "God morning halmonie " he said as I laughed again what the hell again God..."baby it's good morning not God morning " I said as i pulled his soft cheeks "but mama i said God morning only " he said as all the maids giggled "his so cute just like Mr.park " the maid said as I looked at her "are you calling my child cute or complementing my boyfriend???" I asked as she looked down immediately "she is doing both Y/n " I heard tae's voice as I rolled my eyes at him "oho I should be the one doing it " he said as he sat beside cooky "good morning cooky yaa " he said hugging cooky like bear indeed he is winter bear "God morning uncle taetae " cooky greeted him as I again laughed "now I know why you say God because your uncle is taehyung " I said as taehyung glared at me "stop it " he said as I laughed hard "cooky yaa you wanna know when your dada First met Tae uncle he was talking in English asking him how was he doing and you wanna know what your uncle tae replied???" I said as I looked at taehyung who was glaring at me "Y/n stop " he said as cooky smiled putting his both hands on table and putted his head on his hands "what is it ?" he asked excitedly "I'm God and you ???" he said this we all busted laughing as cooky laughed hard I smiled watching him being happy he is the only baby I have now...I won't lose him like what happened before.."mama am hungry I want Strawberry shake " he said as I smiled "okay I'll bring it " soon enough jungkook also came down in his PJ while rubbing his eyes "good morning everyone " he said as everyone greeted him.."God morning uncle kook" cooky said as I smiled "awww good morning baby " he said as he patted his head I gave them there glasses I handed Tae and Cooky there strawberry shake and jungkook his banana milk "have it I'll go wake jimin up and Jae too " I said as I walked upstairs towards our room and saw jae already awake.."mama" he said as he rubbed his eyes aww he must be thinking am his mama because we look same I hugged him "good morning Jae " I said as he hugged me back "I missed you " he said as I smiled "jae baby it's me aunty Y/n " I said as he pulled back "am am sorry aunty " he said as I smiled patting his head "its alright get brushed and take a bath I'll bring some clothes for you " I said as he nodded and went to washroom..I kept the clothes in the washroom and locked the door behind me and looked at jimin the big baby who was still sleeping "wake up sleepy head " I said as he moved a little and again slept "babe wake up " I said as I tapped his cheek "Hmm what is it Y/n ?" he said as I smiled "wake up baby remember we have to go to my sisters house today?" I said as he opened his eyes and looked at me smiling "good morning baby where's our baby ???" he said as I smiled "he is downstairs having his breakfast now wake up and come downstairs I'll get showered in other room "wheres the baby jae ?" he asked as he looked beside him and the whole room "in the washroom baby " I said as he nodded "should i help him ?" be asked as i looked at the washroom "i dunno he is fine with himself he says " i said as i did the duvet perfectly.

Time Skip

Author's POV

Everyone got ready and came downstairs to have proper breakfast soon enough the maids served as they eat while laughing and talking "When are we leaving?" jisoo asked as yoongi looked at his watch "I'll be going to office first baby I'll come there in the evening directly" yoongi said as jisoo nodded ,i looked at jimin "well i also have a meeting to attend with some investors here I'll also come there in the evening I'll leave together with yoongi hyung "Jimin said as I nodded "what about you two ??" jisoo asked her two brothers as taehyung looked down and said "I also have a meeting " without waiting for taehyung to complete she looked at jungkook "yaa you what about you???" he looked at his sister and said "am coming with you guys don't worry I'll drive My girlfriend is going back to Busan because of some urgent work" he said as he sipped his banana milk as beside him was Jae drinking the same milk "araseo kookie but aren't you supposed to drop her or something?" jisoo asked as he looked at her and said "um her driver is coming " jisoo nodded and said "okay so me ,Y/n and our childrens and jae ofcourse will be going from here Bambam and daeun will be already there they said " Y/n nodded as yes and looked at jimin "come fast jimin and yes come back with Yoongi only okay ?" she said as jimin smiled "okay ma'am as you say " he said as everyone laughed except two people one was jealous of them and other was sad...