The Past....

Y/n's POV

I smiled as jimin dried my hairs for me...but suddenly the thought came in my mind making my heart clench...will I be happy with jimin ? I've been doing good past 3 years because there was no jungkook i was believing we will not meet again but deep inside was dying to meet him ,but now that i met him...I saw him will i be able to live the rest of my life without him ?? Will He will be happy? But again what if we do get together and it doesn't work out ? the past memories will keep hunting me back..suddenly there was a knock on the door as I turned around jimin was already out with cooky my poor baby was so happy..."Aunty ?" as I heard that cute little voice I immediately opened the door and looked at him smiling "hey jae " I said as she smiled "aunty uncle jeon asked you to make him some hot chocolate " he said as I rolled my eyes "who does he think I'm? his maid ???" I yelled a little at his room direction but then it clicked me its perfect moment for me to tell him.

"okay I'll make some would you love some too ?" I asked him as he smiled "sure " I smiled he held my hand as he took me to kitchen i saw cooky and jimin playing games "Jimin cooky baby you guys want hotchoco mama is making some ?" I asked as I put my hairs in a bun "mamaaaaaaaa " cooky immediately ran to me as I bend down picking him up ,he pecked my whole face "I missed mamaaaaa" he said as I smiled returning my affection same way he did "mama missed cooky tooooo" I said as I sat him on the dinning chair same as Jae "wait here both I'll make hot chocolate for you okay ?" I asked as they both wonderful it would have been if my baby would have been in this world...I looked at jae as he was playing with cooky ...I'll think of him as my child...I smiled ,suddenly jimin backhugged me putting his head in the crook of my neck "I love you " he said as I smiled but my heart pained I felt burdened..."I know " I said as I couldn't say back what he said..."I'll make sure cooky sleeps fine go and share the past because he has all rights to know it.." he said as I smiled..

Serving them there cups I took 2 cups with me and knocked on his door as he immediately opened it I got inside and he locked the door behind me..I kept the cup away and gave one to him ,he took it and kept it beside him "have a sit " he said as I smiled and sat on the bed he took a sit infront of me on the chair "stop looking at me like that " I said as I was reminded of the moments we used to share..."Your beautiful " he said as I smiled a little "kook" I said as he smiled "before you tell me that can I ask for something?" he said as I nodded "can can I kiss you ???" he asked as I looked at him ,he asked for a permission i closed my eyes for a moment and opened them "no " I said as he sighed "okay say " he said as i closed my eyes again and took a deep breath .

3 Years Ago

Jungkook and Taehyung's shared house

Y/n's POV

I wore the clothes and decided to go down first to see if jungkook was there..but as I went down I saw no one but maids "good morning " the head maid said as I smiled at her "morning ajhuma umm where's jungkook ??" I asked as she smiled "he is gone to his class " she said as I nodded "what would you like for your breakfast ?" she asked as I smiled "anything would be fine " I said as she smiled serving me the breakfast.

Time skip

It's almost 4 PM now his class must be over I decied to call him and he picked it up "hello " I said as the other line was silent "meet me at Han river At 6 PM I'll be waiting " he said as he didn't even let me say anything and kept the call..I smiled so he did remembered what I said last night I smiled...I must get ready..

I took out a light pink dress and wore it did some makeup and didn't tried to hide the hickey because I want the world to know I belong to him..I smiled as i thought about the face of his when I'll confess to him..I want him to know I love him more than anything....

I took the car it was almost 5.45 PM I drove towards the han river road.. as There was no much of traffic...The light turned red as I stopped the car and saw a mother walking with her baby I smiled...The lights turned green I started the car but it wasn't starting fuck it had to be stop now ahhh I called the driver soon he came with a mechanic "how much time it will take ???" I asked as he looked at me "well it will take about 2 hours ma'am " he said as my eyes widened it's almost 6.30 now I can't wait he must be waiting for me..."no worries after done take the car to house I'll get going on my own " I said as I started walking towards the road...soon enough as I was near I decied to run...but i guess that was the worst decision of my life...

Authors POV

Y/n ran towards the road in order to cross it as the light was red...but just at the moment she was about to reach the side the lights turned green and a car drove fastly towards her she moved but the car hitted her...making her unconscious, peoples started surrounding as soon ambulance and police came...And took her and the driver...

Meanwhile Jungkook's POV

I stood there till 12 Am still she wasn't there...tears welled up in my eyes as I wiped them and got into the bus and sat on my registered sit...I hate you kang y/n...I'll never forgive you....