Too Late....

Y/n's POV

I woke up as I felt Someone caressing my head i thought it was jungkook I opened my eyes but it was taehyung my eyes widened "tae ? what are you doing here what about your meeting ??"I asked as he sighed and said "it's been 4 days you've been unconscious Y/n I came yesterday " he said as my eyes widened Jungkook..."why were running on the road though?" taehyung said as he hugged me I smiled a little and hugged him back "i wanna go home " I said as he smiled..

Time skip

We reached house as the maids bowed to me i looked at head maid as she was looking at me worried..."Your family still doesn't know I'll call them" taehyung said as I stopped him "don't worry tae am fine I don't want them to worry over nothing " I said as he sighed "okay take a rest come " he said as I stopped "I I want some chocolates can you bring them for me ?" I asked as he smiled "I'll go bring them " he said as he went out...I smiled as i looked at ajhuma "ajhuma where's jungkook ??" I asked as she looked down "what happened is he not home again ?" I asked as she finally looked up and said "young master left this for you " I looked at her confused and took the envelope from her...I decided to read it in my room...


Y/n I know there is something your hiding from me ,I waited for you but you never came..I tried to call you but you didn't pick up ,I I love you I really do but I can't watch you in other mans arms,I can't see your name joining with some others mens name..,your mine..I want you to be mine for forever but looks like this is not what you want ,and on top of that the other man is my hyung Y/n yaa if you don't love me can I ask you a favour please do me ...Please atleast give happiness to my hyung...Please love him ,he is not a playboy your his first love, he will take care of you ,he will always be there for you so please be happy with him...And don't search for me am leaving the country.... And lastly I love you my love like crazy I'll always love you..

Your Lovingly

jungkook... )

Tears kept falling from my eyes like river who does he think he is ....He said he love me,he made me his ,he made me stronger to fight against everyone but now now he is breaking me like this...I started crying the letter in my hand fell down....

Authors POV

Taehyung knocked on the door but no one opened it so he opened it and saw Y/n sitting on the floor with a letter in front of her..she was silent...he came Inside "Y/n " he said she turned around but what she did next shocked him ,his heart broke into thousand of pieces ,she kneeled infront of him as she looked down...."Am Am sorry Taehyung shi...Please Please divorce me " she cried as his breath hitched "I I love him...I love him so much...I I can't live without him...please help me ...please help me find him " she said as his eyes became full of tears "who?" he asked afraid that what he was thinking was right "J jungkook my love please help me find him...please please free me..from this marriage I I love him so much...I I want him..." she cried hard as his tears left his eyes watching her in pain ,her crying became more hard by every minute as he wasn't answering "I'll I'll do it..I'll I'll divorce you but please don't cry it hurts me too see you cry Y/n " he said as she looked up at him finally his heart breaking more watching her face which was tired from all the crying but her tears didn't stopped falling "do do you know where jungkook jungkook went?" she asked hesitant "I I dunno he he never told me...he didn't said anything to anyone " taehyung said as he saw her closing her eyes his eyes widened as he catches her immediately and picked her up bridal style...."Y/n open your eyes maids call the doctor immediately " he yelled as he laid her on the bed..

Time skip...

The doctor sighed as he looked at Taehyung and smiled "congratulations your wife is 1 week pregnant ,but you must take a good care of her she is weak because of the accident thank God nothing happened to the baby " the doctor said as he got up to leave...

Not knowing he left a heartbroken taehyung behind..Tae looked at Y/n as she was asleep...He smiled he was happy for her...but his heart clenched...She will never be was too late.. now...

Y/n's POV

I woke up as I looked at taehyung he immediately hugged me "congratulations Y/n your gonna be a mom " he said as my eyes widened a little mom?? Does does it means jungkook's gonna be a dad ???