"Naaraayan, Naaraayan" always chanting,
With his veenaa always singing,
Naarad entered Vishnu's abode
Vaikuntha. Praise bestowed,
"Jay Naaraayan" he exclaimed,
"O the Smiling One, blamed
You are for inaction in Dharitree - the holder Earth -
Even by the greats, to whom You give birth.
Unbearable to hear words maligning
On You, I could not stop
But come to You. Tears drop
In the worlds You create,
Jeevkul - the living beings - are surrendering to fate.
Faith is loosening, can't anything be done?"
Thus spake His favorite son.
Vishnu, quiet, smiled a little.
A voice arose, "Brittle
World is falling apart,
A poor ruler as thou art."
"Who says?" Naarad's stare
Brought forth a demi-god fair,
Handsome, strong, with piercing eyes
No-nonsense, that capsize
Easily any average being,
Making him surrender in just seeing.
"Sudarshan Chakra - the discus - I am,
Harbinger of death to people sham.
I help Vishnu to finely cut through
All ignorance, who sins accrue.
Pranaam Naarad Muni-var - the great.
With me the worlds would have a different fate.
Ruler needs an iron hand
Making sin forever banned.
Shree Vishnu! You are too complacent,
Your ways of act are too ancient.
In fact, it is I, in whose power
People's praise on You shower.
Come to think of it, who are You without me?
Enforcing my power, You establish decree.
True, I am a part of You,
But the most important avenue
Am I that makes You the world run.
Now all are undone
By Your modest approach.
People are beginning to broach
Questioning Your authority.
You sidelined my power, that's a pity."
"Killing", saith Vishnu, "is not the aim,
One has to come out of this birth-death game.
Even if one dies, his karma stays
With his Aatmaa, moves always.
Even after pralay, it stays in fine body,
Infinitely small, embody
To his past karma, emotions, level
That you reached. It's travel
Rebegins with Srishti - Creation - anew.
So nobody dies, really, in grandest view.
In My world nobody's death-sentenced,
Everybody here is unlicensed.
People go by sense, or learn by mistake,
Should put their heart full at stake,
To perform most. And then I
Destroy hindrance that stand fie
To reach Me the quickest way
Blowing up all dismay.
No karma stays, he is one with Me,
Forever immortal, full of glee.
Know, even the sinner greatest
Joins one day in the divine fest.
But if power destructive takes over
Ferocious I act as blower,
Ensure positivism, constructiveness;
Dharma prevails with consciousness.
If no sin, no virtue either,
No godliness in world bitter.
That's why I require to be careful
To ensure jeevs are not uprooted from the mool -
Root, - connection - yog - stays,
People remember Me always.
There is one law, which forever prevails-
The Sanaatan Dharma, another excels
Appropriate for the age only,
Reflecting the Sanaatanee boldly.
You say you are My power, do you?
Part and difference you not knew.
From Purna - the complete - anything taken
Leaves Purna unaffected, unbroken.
From Purna if Purna deducted
Still Purna remains uncorrupted.
Let's take a challenge, you go to earth,
As a king take your birth.
I will follow, without any weapon
But I will acquire anything I leap on
Except you, my Chakra dear.
You can use mortal killers- sword, spear
Or any shastra - weapon - celestial,
But we'll go naked initial."
"Agreed" said Sudarshan. "One heck of a fight
It will be, let's test our might."
"Om Naarayan, Om Naarayan", Naarad, perplexed,
Exclaimed utterly as the divinities flexed
Their muscles, "You have unique ways
To hit hard adharma, ablaze
It in no uncertain term,
From place unguessable, out You come."
He unrevealed himself. Avijit sings
The song of God, the joy that brings
Happiness, in world unknown,
That purifies all dark sins grown.