The Jester

As the grey-haired reptile eyed man was about to speak, another man beat him to it.

"So, every one after hearing what Poison Tail said I think that we should do as he suggested, I know that you all want to see Master that much but letting creator get stronger first is for the best, and if we help him we might stunt his growth and change him into someone else that we don't know." The one that spoke was the blue-haired young man that seemed in his early twenties with a book and glasses hanging over his orange-colored eyes. He would have seemed like an ordinary scholar if a dark menacing aura wasn't leaking out of him.

Hearing what the blue-haired young man said, the grey-haired man that was going to speak calmly agreed.

"What reili said is right, you guys should know that creator wouldn't recognize us if we go to him now, his Soul would have already been locked by the Seals which means his memories are also locked, but there is one thing that can assure us, and that is, the creator is with that vixen, which means he will be safe," Hearing what the grey haired man said, they calmly analyzed his words and saw that he was definitely speaking the truth, seeing that they digested the information he deduced, the grey haired man continued: "what are we even worrying about, the creator is too powerful for these planes and worlds of that Universe, the only thing that he might need help with is those old people from the high-grade worlds, and he has that woman with him, and even if we don't want to acknowledge her, she is the creator's wife always and forever, with the two of them together what could go wrong, they are both very powerful, so no need to fret."

The grey-haired man might have unknowingly cursed Xue Mo and Lu Yao with bad luck.

Seeing the atmosphere get awkward, one of the two remaining people that were quiet took it upon herself to try and change the subject.

A brown-haired brown-eyed girl with big teeth and a slim body subtly diverted the subject.

"Hey, guys, what are we going to do about the jester? You know that he would do anything to get to the creator when he finds out about his situation if he didn't already." Hearing what the bunny looking girl said, the last guy who hadn't said anything spoke: "little rein is right, although we are powerful we are nothing in front of that man, not to mention the even more powerful brother of his, those two are masters, real family, even if not by blood they are all brothers and the three of them make the strongest people in all the four universes."

After the man finished speaking, he took the hand of the pink-haired girl making her blush but not resist, he squeezed her hand, and they wandered off in their own world as if they weren't just now speaking about their creator and much other important stuff concerning him.

Seeing this Poison Tail knee that the man did it to lighten the atmosphere, he silently thanked him. 'Nice work, ely.'


While these eight people were discussing important stuff in another Universe, a monkey that has markings of a clown on his face suddenly sneezed.

"Who's talking about me, is it someone who wants to fight, at any other timer I would gladly accept but not now, now I have to find my second brother."

After saying this, the monkey turned around, seeing all the corpses strewn around him, he admired his work with satisfaction before turning his attention to the man he was holding in his hand, the man was beaten up so badly his face distorted, his limbs were cut off, and one of his eyes was next to him on the ground.

"So, where were we? Oh right, you were about to tell me where to find that b*tch weren't you?" The Monkey trickster smiled evilly, "even if you don't tell me, I can just extract the information from your Soul….." As if he just got a brilliant idea, the sadistic monkey who likes to fight, widened his grin as a light flashed past his eyes.

"Yes, yes, Hahahahahaha, why didn't I think of that before, I can just extract the information from your soul and at the same time enjoy torturing you."As if realization dawned on him, the monkey became even more excited to torture the information out of the beaten-up man after speaking to who knows himself or the man, the monkey, suddenly pierced his hand through the man's chest.

The weird thing was that the hand passed through cleanly as if it wasn't entering flesh, after tampering a bit in the almost dead man's body, the monkey extracted a transparent looking orb, making the suffering man's body hit the ground.


Looking at the Soul in his hands, the monkey materialized a black looking card, like the cards used by the joker in card games.

The monkey sliced the transparent orb using the black card cleanly. Looking at the now two pieces of the now dead man's Soul, the monkey contemplated the idea of eating it, before scrunching his face in disgust, as if it was beneath him to swallow such a weak Soul.


The monkey sighed as his job now became tiring, "Now, I have to read all his memories, damn it if he only had a higher and purer ranked Soul, even Exilia level would have been fine." The monkey kept lamenting his misfortune and the waste of time that he was about to endure. Still, thinking, about his second and first brothers, his eyes carrying his determination, "No matter if I have to do this to meet my second brother, I will do it no matter what."

"I wonder what the first brother is doing now," the monkey suddenly had a random thought, "He must be on his way to meet the second brother, even though we agreed to let him fumble on his own for a while and even without us he would eventually get back his strength and memories, that first brother of mine," sigh the monkey sighed a second time today, "that first brother of mine, always dark and sinister, known as the strongest in the Universe, he only becomes excited and shows emotions to us two, but he worries too much about the second brother," the monkey voices out his complaints out loud, "Well he sure has the right to after all second brother died before."

After speaking all of this to who knows who, he suddenly turned to one of the corpses on the ground and strived towards it.

Picking the corpse of the ground, the monkey frowned "Tch, to think that one of these guys escaped, it must be that guy, as no one else could have escaped my senses." throwing the dead shell on the ground roughly, "I'll just leave it to the first brother he probably already knows what's happening and even if someone tried anything on the second brother with a first brother there, I doubt anything wrong would happen unless…." letting his thoughts wander elsewhere, the monkey shook his head and added, "No impossible that person won't dare go near any of us after what happened last time."

The monkey still speaking out loud as if he is sure no one would hear him continued, "I can't let the first brother have all the fun. If I don't get there in time, I won't have anyone to fight."

A sadistic grin played on the monkey's mouth again before rising to the air and soaring away.

Back in the place where the monkey made a massacre, a woman suddenly sneaked out from under one of the corpses, with yellow hair and pink eyes, she would have been a beauty enough to topple worlds if not for her current haggard look and tattered clothes.

The woman sighed, thinking that she was able to escape the monkey's grasp.

"To the think, one of the strongest in the Universe is so stupid that he would say such important information out loud even if he were the strongest he shouldn't be so sure no one would find out," the yellow-haired woman said before getting up and getting ready to leave this hell hole.

Just as she was about to leave a voice that made her back stiffen was suddenly heard by her, "Did you actually think that you could escape from me, or that trashy hiding technique of yours, naive truly naive," the monkey crept up from behind her as a red-colored card that has seven hearts on it was at the tip of her neck, any sudden move would kill the woman.

"h-Howw?!!!" The woman that was insulting the monkey's intelligence before was so terrified that she shrieked out loud.


The monkey smacked the woman across the face before snapping her neck and killing her, "Tch lucky you got a quick death there. I wanted to torture you for a couple of days before that too bad," The monkey complained about killing her before he reassured himself with, "it's not like she has any useful information, just a low-level goon to think that she thought she would be able to escape my senses."

"Do people really think I'm stupid, just because I love to fight? Do they think that I'm dumb, and that stupid girl she thought I was saying all that out loud because of what, if she really were smart, she would have thought it was a suspicious move, dumb people are everywhere?

They think I one of the people who have the most brilliant mind since the beginning of time is stupid?!!!!!!" At the end of that sentence, the monkey got mad that he destroyed the whole planet he was on, just by releasing his aura.

Getting his composure back after destroying a planet, 'Hah, that felt better,' a pleased expression appeared on the clown monkeys face.

This monkey is known by many names such as the monkey, the trickster, and the one he likes the most the jester.

He is one of the most influential people in the Universe. Other than his two older brothers, he is the strongest person, and only two or three people could match his power.

'I wonder what my second brother is doing now.' The monkey got a curious expression on his face, 'I will find out soon enough.' The monkey ended his thought process before slicing the void that he was in with a spade that has number 9 on it through the void and opening a portal to who knows where.

Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1065 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 1000 SSP energy points (Shared from Xue Mo)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Guys for anyone that would like to, I made a p@treon where you can donate, this isn't obligatory or anything as I do this for fun and enjoy interacting with you, but for whoever wants to you can doante there.

I won't lessen the chapter word count or anything as I will still write chapters that goes between 1000-2500 words so don't feel like I am pressuring you or anything please keep enjoying my story and I would thank anyone who does donates, I appreciate it.

The P@treons link will be in the author thoughts.


{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}

Note: I made the a =] @ because WN turned the word into a censored