
I'm this half a year of seclusion Lu Yao had enlightenment.

Enlightenment is a rare state that rarely happens that not even geniuses might get, anyone can get it, even those with the weakest talent might get it. They will definitely improve their cultivation.

When Lu Yao was enlightened, Xue Mo directly cut off everything to let her get the most benefits, as this might not happen ever again.

It was five days later when Lu Yao left the enlightened state. She looked at Xue Mo with eyes filled with someone who understood something important; these eyes weren't unfamiliar to Xue Mo as he also was lucky enough to get enlightened in his thousands of years of existence.

After she returned to her normal self, Xue Mo finally moved, he hadn't moved from his place or breathed for five days. Normally no normal person can stop their movement or stop their entire being from moving and five days for that.

The only reason Xue Mo was able to disregard this rule was thanks to his peculiar existence that allowed him to have the bloodline of undead and other creatures coupled with his excellent control on his Soul, Xue Mo could have survived without moving forever.

Although his bloodlines have been suppressed with his Soul's seals, Xue Mo found that when he reached rank 1 level 1 in Soul cultivation, the first Soul has moved a little.

Xue Mo and Lu Yao were able to cultivate for six months without stopping, this allowed them to get to rank 1 level 3 in soul cultivation, in an amount that they have estimated.


Welcoming the visitors Xue Mo and Lu Yao moved to the living room, Lu Yao as always acted as a simple animal to not attract any suspicions towards them.

Looking at the Young man in black and red robes in front of him, Sakamoto was surprised by his demeanor. He seemed as if he was looking at a senior that should be respected instead of a kid.

Xue Mo, after all, has cultivated his Soul, which allowed some of the aura that he usually keeps in check to leak a little.

Giorno and Dio also noticed this; they exchanged flames, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes, they kept themselves in check.


Dio coughed to gain Xue Mo's attention, seeing that he got the result he wanted, Dio, although he acknowledges Xue Mo as someone who doesn't need his teaching as he might be even better than him, still put on his teacher demeanor.

Xue Mo quickly caught on what he was doing and played along, "Teacher, why did you come here?"

Seeing Xue Mo play along, Dio nodded his head inwardly in satisfaction before putting on a stern expression on his face: "You rascal have disappeared for six months without any information, and you still dare ask?!!" Dio raised his voice at the end to sound more worried than he was, as he definitely understood that Xue Mo was probably immersed in his studies.

Xue Mo put on a confused expression on his cold face, by letting his eyebrows seem as if he was confused, "But, Teacher Dio, I did tell you I will be cooped up in my house so that I can study the books in it.���

Seeing that they are being ignored, Giorno suddenly spoke: "Student Xue Mo, Dio said many good things about you, and we are happy to have you in our Academy." Seeing that he got everyone's attention on him, Giorno was about to continue when suddenly Sakamoto smirked at him and started talking.

"Student Xue Mo, you might have already guessed, but I am the Vice Dean, and that man who just talked is the Dean of the Battle Mage Academy." Sakamoto pointed at himself and Giorno, seeing Xue Mo mod with his cold face showing no ripples in his expressionless cold front, he continued, "The reason we actually came here was to tell you, that there will be a portal opening to the MidGrade World that rules this planet, and there is a chance for some students of our academy to join that Superpower." Seeing Xue Mo not interested but still nodding his head, Sakamoto paid him no mind as he continued.

"But to be able to get a spot in that SuperPower and a spot to leave the Ash Expanse, This time we decided to make it different from the previous times where only the top three elites were able to get there.

This is, of course, an order from above, but to make it fair, we decided to make a competition where only the top hundred students would compete for five spots to leave and join the MidGrade world."

Catching what he was trying to say, Xue Motood then understood what they wanted from him.

"So you want me to go on missions and collect points, So I can join the competition and win one of the spots, first place is possible. But you don't have much faith in me, as even with my talent, you think I didn't have enough time to grow stronger, especially with this half a year of doing nothing but stay here." Xue Mo made the three men freeze and look at him wide-eyed, as he deduced everything they wanted to say and even what they didn't.

Seeing the shocked looks on the three men, Xue amp knew he guessed everything correctly. It was more of him utilizing his experience than guessing. As someone who lived thousands of years, it is easy for him to deduce what three old men that aren't even one-tenth of his age think.

"You don't have to worry yourself about me being weak, as I can totally win the competition," Xue Mo confidently declared with his cold voice emanating a proud aura.

The three men were going to advise him, thinking that he has too much arrogance because of his talent, knowing what they were thinking Xue Mo stopped them before they gave him useless unneeded advice, "I know what I am doing, just tell me when the competition is, and I will show you then that I'm not arrogant and too overconfident." This might have been one of the longest times Xue Mo spoke to another person than Lu Yao, but he had to since he doesn't want interruption anymore.

Seeing Xue Mo being confident and the irritated expression that he wasn't even trying to hide, the three old men didn't get offended for being treated like this from a 'Junior.' Hence, Giorno just Spoke: "The competition will be a year and a half from now, to join it you will need 100 million points.

To receive missions from the information Pavilion when you are ready." After Giorno spoke, he got up with Sakamoto following his lead and finally with Dio standing up.

Xue Mo showed them to the door, as he was about to close it, Dio turned towards Xue Mo and spoke concernedly, "I know you don't like anyone's company but that fox of yours, but do try and socialize with other students, you might even find a girl that you fancy."

Hearing what Teacher Dio said, Xue Mo nodded his head to hurry Teacher Dio in leaving, although Teacher Dio spoke this casually, and so Xue Mo would be able to find someone when he was young, the idea of it made Xue Mo want to destroy an entire world.

Xue Mo on the inside was furious and mad after he closed the door, a cold and ominous aura spread from Xue Mo, just the thought of him being near females other than Lu Yao upset him and disgusted him to the bone.

Calming down, Xue Mo coldly scoffed, 'You want me to find other women? Can these trash even compare to the dirt my Lu Yao walks on?'

Lu Yao was silent the entire time, but after seeing the look that appeared on Xue Mo's face, Lu Yao felt happy and relieved that he didn't even consider the idea of having another girl beside him.

Xue Mo regained his natural facial features as he took Lu Yao and made his way to their room so they could discuss their next step since there is now a change of plans.

Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1065 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 1000 SSP energy points (Shared from Xue Mo)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Guys for anyone that would like to, I made a p@treon where you can donate, this isn't obligatory or anything as I do this for fun and enjoy interacting with you, but for whoever wants to you can doante there.

I won't lessen the chapter word count or anything as I will still write chapters that goes between 1000-2500 words so don't feel like I am pressuring you or anything please keep enjoying my story and I would thank anyone who does donates, I appreciate it.

The P@treons link will be in the author thoughts.


{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}

Note: I made the a =] @ because WN turned the word into a censored