Torture and Loose ends {2} (Gore)

After dispelling the tension in the air, that started appearing ever since Xue Mo began torturing Axel and Deckim. Knowing that Lu Yao had no problem with his methods but was rather happy and wanted to learn his techniques instead, Xue Mo thought to himself, 'I am really fortunate to find someone like Yao'er.'

Xue Mo and Lu Yao on his shoulder made their way to an empty destroyed house where they tied Mey to a wall and left her there unconscious. After all, although Xue Mo and Lu Yao never met her before, they saw how she called Dio her father, and so they concluded that she must be the one Dio wanted Xue Mo to leave Lu Yao for.

Entering the almost completely ruined house, Xue Mo and Lu Yao made their way to a small room in that house. The room only contained three things, the now awake and tied Mey, a table that has a spilled pot of tea on it, and a chair. This room was clearly designed by the owner to be a tea room, but Xue Mo and Lu Yao are now going to use it to torture Mey.

Seeing how Mey tried to desperately struggle even after they incapacitated her and broke her limbs to stop her from going anywhere, was both amusing to Xue Mo and Lu Yao.

Xue Mo tried his best to suppress his disgust for this woman, that is screaming out in pain from having her limbs broken while staring at both Xue Mo and Lu Yao with bloodshot eyes.

Xue Mo looked closely examining Lu Yao's methods to see where he can help her improve. Seeing that the broken bones aren't fractured entirely evenly, Xue Mo pointed this to Lu Yao, who took it seriously and noted it for next time.

Mey started with bloodshot eyes at the couple who were examining their work. Each time she sees what they are doing she becomes angrier and more frustrated as Mey doesn't know what she did to deserve this treatment. If they want to kill her then do it like they did the rest, why are they torturing her so much?!!!!

She then decided to ask when it was too much; it was already weird for her to endure this much. As it should be commendable knowing that she was usually just a spoiled girl who used her father's influence and power to obtain whatever she wanted.

"W-w-Why ar-re you-u doing this?!!!!" Mey was barely able to utter those words, gaining the attention of her torturers. Xue Mo totally ignored her as he continued listing where Lu Yao can improve, and Lu Yao didn't even pay Mey attention from the first place, wholly immersed in understanding and furthering her torture techniques.

Mey was getting more frustrated by the minute. Still, her pain was also lessening by the second, so after another ten or so minutes, Mey was finally able to yell and throw a tantrum. Thinking that this will get their attention and annoy them, assisting her in dying faster, before they realize that they still wanted to continue torturing her for whatever reason it was.

Mey started yelling, "Why-y, are you doing this? My father told me how he helped you out on so many things before, so why are you repaying his kindness by treating his only daughter like THIS??!!!!!!" Mey honestly did want to know why they are doing this, they couldn't have known about their plans since they hadn't even started to execute them, so there was no way for them to know, or that's what Mey thought.

Getting annoyed, both Xue Mo and Lu Yao finally snapped after an hour of hearing Mey rant. Although they could let her continue to rant for as long as she wants, she was disturbing them too much, and interrupting Xue Mo's lesson on torturing, so both Xue Mo and Lu Yao yelled at the same time: "SHUT UP!!??!"

Lu Yao coldly smirked before finally explaining to Mey, "Did you B*tch think that you and your F*cker of a daddy was able to trick us? You thought that we hadn't unearthed your plans by now? It was easy for us to ultimately make a complete deduction of what you two wanted to do with MY Mo'er." Mey blanched out but was about to shake her head and deny everything, but Lu Yao didn't let her or even give her a chance to try anything.

Lu Yao directly hit the throat acupoint to stop Mey's annoying voice from being heard. After she did that, lu Yao was going to suggest for Xue Mo to continue his lesson, but seeing how the atmosphere was ruined thanks to Mey, she suddenly had a thought.

Smirking sadistically, Lu Yao jumped onto Xue Mo's shoulder and whispered something in his ear, at the same time she kept glancing at Mey and giving the glares that could have killed her a thousand times already.

"Mo, I will now try one of the methods that you explained. I will break her both mentally and physically by putting pressure on her psyche and at the same time inflicting physical torture on her, to make her even more miserable." Lu Yao whispered to Xue Mo's ear as she already started executing her plan by giving her death glares.

Xue Mo nodded his head before saying: "Try to start by knocking her teeth, then remove her fingernails one by one. After it, you can peel her skin off as you did to that woman whatever her name was, and finally, you can cut her toes and fingers, making her suffer a heart wrenching pain every time you cut off a finger or a toe." Xue Mo advised Lu Yao, who kept nodding her head while organizing what she wants to start with to express the maximum amount of pain. She finally decided to use the order Xue Mo described. Xue Mo had forgotten Lara and the names of the others since they were of no use to him and were already done, so he completely removed their names from his memory.

Mei had a terrible feeling come to her at that moment. Lu Yao jumped from Xue Mo's shoulder and approached Mey slowly to increase her fear, after arriving in front of Mey, Lu Yao started whispering into Mey's ear: "You and your shameless father wanted to get your filthy hand on MY Mo. I will now let you pay and regret ever having any thoughts towards Mo'er.


If only your father weren't dead, I would have enjoyed torturing him more than you, but for now, you will do just fine." Lu Yao sighed sadly before concentrating on the now almost unconscious Mey.

Lu Yao started torturing Mey, in the order Xue Mo suggested. Lu yao held Mey tightly as her claws dug into her mouth and started to remove her teeth one by one. After she was done, she looked at the ground, filled with many teeth and blood that kept coming from Mey's mouth.

Lu Yao waited for Mei to get used to the pain and for the bleeding to stop before she started using her now cleaned by Mey's clothes claws to remove Mey's fingernails one by one in the slowest way possible to add more pain in the process.

Lu Yao kept going from finger to finger, then toe to toe until Mey had no more nails for her to remove. After she was done with the nails, Lu Yao started peeling Mey's skin but with more finesse and better control than before. After an excellent lecture from Xue Mo, Lu Yao improved her skin peeling technique even further.

It seemed as fate doesn't favor Mey, as even after all that happened, she was still conscious, and breathing, which will allow Lu Yao to finish the last section of the methods Xue Mo suggested to torture Mey with.

Finally, Lu Yao sharpened her claws and started to slowly and carefully get Mey's fingers. One by one, Lu Yao cut a finger, and every time she did, Mey felt more and more heart and gut wrenching pain. The fingers are known to be directly connected to the heart, which will allow more and more pain than anyone can imagine happening when someone gets their fingers cut off.

After all the methods were used and seeing Mey suffer so much, Lu Yao finally felt a little better before glancing at Xue Mo and saying: "From now on, hide your face, don't let just anyone see it."

What lu Yao said made Xue Mo speechless, but he still nodded his head and complied seeing that Lu Yao was completely serious and not joking about the matter.

Xue Mo suddenly suggested when after Xue Mo put Mey's body with her father and the other's corpses in the Void Samsara Parasite ring: "How about we go and raid the Treasure Pavilion." Lu Yao was in a good mood after killing Mey, so she readily agreed while on her usual cold face was a small smile.

Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1065 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 1000 SSP energy points (Shared from Xue Mo)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}