Village destruction (1)

"You said that there is an entire tribe of Elves, Ogres, and Triants here in Altonia?" Lu Yao asked while a glint flashed through her eyes as she thought of the 'resources' that she could accumulate.

In Lu Yao's eyes, anything that she doesn't care about is just 'resources' for the taking. These Elves, Ogres, and Triants will be used to nourish her and Xue Mo's bodies even better if their levels are higher, which means the quality of the eaten 'Products' would also be better.

Although Delvin had some idea of why Lu Yao asked that but he didn't mind and asked to make sure while replying to her: "Yes. The young Miss is correct. There is an entire village of these three creatures that I made accompany from a higher realm; otherwise, there shouldn't be that many high leveled creatures in this weak world. Does the young Miss want to go and see them?"

Lu Yao finally understood why those three were her, it's because Delvin brought them. She at first thought that they were here from the first place and that there is some treasure in Altonia that helped them gain their strength or even level so much. Lu Yao felt that she is stupid for thinking of these things as this is indeed a low-grade world, so these kinds of resources cannot be in it.

Lu Yao didn't let the disappointment show on her face as she nodded her head at Delvin's inquiry.

Delvin didn't ask more but quietly led the way while taking Lu Yao to the village that he just came from, but this time, he had a happy look on his face as he had finally found his young Miss, which will surely please the Master.

Lu Yao and Delvin kept walking for almost an hour before they reached the village's entrance, although Lu Yao didn't have much time before, now that she found a good source of 'resources' she can take her time arriving before having to leave for her next destination.

Delvin entered the village and saw everyone moving and doing their businesses. Still, three old people with red faces were standing in the same position that he left them with, which he felt was an embarrassing scene that his young Miss shouldn't look at, which made his happy mood plummet and an annoyed look appeared on his face.

Delvin approached the three people who were the only three True Mages in the village and of their respective clans, them being Toro the Triant, Tuil the loud Ogre, and Akai the smartass.

Seeing the Oracle enter in a good mood made them almost sigh in relief before seeing his expression sour while looking at them, which made them stifle the sigh and swallow it down, not daring to move.

Before they can say anything or give excuses, the Trio heard Delvin's voice, which was low but cold, and a dark tone was exuding from it, which made them shiver, "What the hell are you doing? What kind of view are you letting the young Miss see? Do you want to die that much?" Hearing Delvin's tone that wasn't joking made them uncontrollable shiver and fall to the ground while begging for forgiveness, which made Delvin even angrier.

Lu Yao was amused by the scene, and Delvin didn't miss that which made him relieved 'So the young Miss sees them as clowns then that's good. I shall make them act as clowns until the Miss gives the order to annihilate them.'

Delvin misunderstood the mocking look that Lu Yao was giving the three which meant for them to know that their time is limited so they can do whatever they want since they will die soon anyway for being amused, which is honestly kind of the same thing from Delvin's point of view.

Akai, although scared, was still the smartest of the frightened Trio and even when he was afraid he didn't miss the way Delvin addressed the fox in front of him as 'the Young Miss' which made his eyes contract as various ideas flashed through his mind and sweat started rolling down his back.

'She's that 'YOUNG MISS.' Is she the strong person the Oracle mentioned before? Does that mean since those three didn't come back that they have offended the young Miss?!! What have those fools done? They have doomed us all!! Damn it!! What can I do to salvage the situation? It seems there is only one way to save myself and maybe even my tribe.' Akai quickly calculated his chances of survival after having his nephew that he raised as a son offend the young Miss. He knew he would probably die.

"Akai of the elf tribe greets the young Miss." Although he didn't know who this fox is or why Delvin called her the young Miss, but he had some idea about Delvin's real background, so for him to call Lu Yao, the young Miss must mean that her identity is that much higher than his.

Seeing their friend disregard the Oracle and greet the fox in front of them, the other two weren't stupid and knew what that meant; they were the leaders of the tribe for another reason than their strength, and that's how they were able to cope with the situation so fast.

Delvin nodded his head, seeing the three in front of him greet the young Miss. 'For them to neglect her in the first place. HMM HMM. I shall make them pay before killing them and giving them to the young Miss to eat. True Mages will probably be better for her to eat than any trashy Magic Master.' Delvin started making plans to help Lu Yao since her 'skill' is like gluttony. He can help her get better products to eat.

Akai and the others didn't know that their fates were already sealed by Delvin's hands as he plans to turn them into valuable nourishment for his young Miss to feast on.

Lu Yao didn't even look at them but directly told Delvin: "Take me to a safe place where we can talk." Understanding the young Miss's intentions, Delvin quickly answered, "Yes. Young Miss. This way, please."

Delvin led Lu Yao under the eyes of the many disbelieving tribe members to his home. Entering his cottage, Lu Yao was able to understand from its simple design a little more about Delvin's character.

Sitting down at a chair that Delvin prepared, Lu Yao asked the question that was on her mind ever since she found out that Delvin works for her family: "Can you dispel whatever my mother did to put me in this form?" Hearing the eagerness in Lu Yao's voice that she tried to hide, Delvin smiled while thinking, 'Even the calm and cold young Miss can get excited.'

What Delvin didn't know was that Lu Yao didn't want to stay as a burden for Xue Mo, and that's why she was eager to have a positive answer for that question.

Delvin, although wanted to help her, didn't have the ability, so he apologized again as he said: "I am very sorry young Miss. Only your grandfather or grandmother know-how. Even your father doesn't. Although the Madam your mother never met your grandparents, she found out from your father about their races, so when she made you get this form, she made it that only someone who has two opposite bloodlines or some bloodline that shouldn't exist just like your grandparents be able to dispel it. Although your father has their bloodlines, he doesn't know of the way that will let him dispel it, and only your grandparents can. The Madam was such a brilliant woman that she was able to create something like this. How I wish I were able to meet her." Hear how Delvin praised her mother, made Lu Yao happy and smug but also sad, remembering that she is dead.

'Mother, although I wasn't able to save dad, I will be able to meet him. If only you were here, it would be perfect.' Lu Yao smiled sadly and felt bitter, remembering that her mother died.

'Wait. What if….. maybe I may have to ask him later on?' Lu Yao just had an idea that if anyone heard it would think that she is crazy, but she believed that with that person, it is highly plausible to work.

Lu Yao didn't get disheartened after hearing Delvin's words as she remembered what Xue Mo told her: "You will be able to unlock your true form after reaching a high state of cultivation." Although Xue Mo didn't say what stage that is, Lu Yao instinctively knew that the realm Xue Mo talked about wasn't far away.

Seeing his young Miss be silent, Delvin was about to comfort her and tell her that she can get her humanoid form soon when they meet her grandparents. Still, Lu Yao spoke before him as she suddenly looked at him in the eyes and asked: "Can this storage device stop items from rotting such as food or flesh, or is it just like space rings where you can only store things inside it."

Lu Yao's question baffled Delvin as he shot her a weird look before answering: "Of course it can, young Miss. That's why it's called a storage device and not some low-grade item like that space ring or whatever that spoke about. It has the function of stopping time, whatever is put inside of it. But unfortunately, the one I gave you is a low-grade one and can't store anything living in it."

Now it was Lu Yao's time to have a weird look as she shot a look that screams 'I don't believe it' at Delvin who just said that there are storage devices that can house even living beings inside them.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Realm: [Body tempering first stage] (No ranks or other things it can Infinitely be upgraded. no limit. Only Technique's grade is the only limit)]

Technique: Real Body Cultivation Technique



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}