
{tried a new thing here}

{A/N: tell me if you like the variety of POV's you will see. If you do I can do it again that way we don't need to miss what's this is doing or whatever. If you don't also tell me so I can not do it again.} (I will remove this later when I hear your answers)

After leaving the confused Delvin alone in the village, Lu Yao sprinted to Westeros, trying to find if anything had happened to Xue Mo.

It has been a whole week since then, and with Lu Yao empowering her body with three types of energies and sometimes even combining them to make herself faster, Lu Yao was able to cross a distance that should have taken her more than a month in a week.

This meant that the burden her body had to endure was that much stronger to the degree that her body almost broke down, Lu Yao, however, didn't care about this, for the only thing on her mind was that she had to get to Xue Mo.

Arriving at Westeros, Lu Yao immediately entered the desert where countless fissures, and sand particles surrounded her. Lu Yao didn't know what to do or how to start her search when she suddenly felt a tug of energy from the north.

Since Lu Yao didn't have a direction to go to anyway, she decided to follow the source of energy that she felt. And her instincts didn't help with swaying her otherwise as they hinted for her to go there.

Lu Yao, whose body was already about to breakdown as countless cracks started appearing on it as if it was about to start peeling off, arrived at the place where the source of energy she felt after a few days of flying.

What she saw in front of her was the biggest hole she had ever seen in her life, even bigger than the one that was caused by her exploding experiment back in Endros, Lu Yao stopped in her place after arriving there. She started applying her energy cultivation technique that by now, she could use it easily.

Starting the Nephilim Void Sacred sense, Lu Yao closed her eyes and let her senses start identifying where the biggest source of energy is, although she didn't know how Lu Yao was sure that Xue Mo would be there.

Lu Yao's senses encompassed the whole terrain around her as she started detecting everything around to the smallest part. This easily would have made her have a headache or, in the worst-case scenario, flood her with so much information that she couldn't handle it and bleed to death.

Lu Yao's body cultivation training, although it was short, was highly productive as it not only reinforced her body and vessel that can now house more energy. But also upgraded her mind and fortified, giving her the ability to process the information she is taking easily.

After a thorough search of her surroundings, Lu Yao suddenly opened her eyes as a glint flashed through it, and she shot into the direction where her senses detected a concentrative amount of True Qi (Arch) energy mixed with another two kinds of powers.

Lu Yao only knew of one person who should have that amount of pure energy, and that is Xue Mo, but even if she was wrong and it somehow wasn't Xue Mo, Lu Yao would still choose to go there as if it's her only clue to finding him.


Delvin stared absentmindedly at the figure of his young Miss disappearing after suddenly using some kind of energy that seemed more substantial than Mana, and he only knew of one person who had it. Although that person had only used it once, and it was by mistake, Delvin was still able to remember the feeling and pressure that was exerted on him.

'It really is the young Miss,' Although the ole Master knew that it must be the young Miss when he sent him on a journey to get her, he wasn't sure if it was her even if she was able to wipe the floor with his three subordinates. All doubts that Delvin might have unconsciously had were quickly dismissed when Lu Yao empowered herself with Chaos energy and left him since only his Master Lu Yao's father had a kind of energy similar to it. She must indeed be the missing young Miss since she shares it.

Delvin didn't know what he did that made the young Miss so mad at him, but he wasn't dumb, and when he heard her threatening words, a shiver went down his spine while remembering her tone. 'She's scarier than Master!!' The implication of this thought made him almost doubt himself, how can a little girl (compared to him), be scarier than the Master that he was used to, although she was his daughter this doesn't explain it much.

Delvin unknowingly stood there for more than a week as he felt that much in awe at Lu Yao's demeanor, personality, and power. When he regained his consciousness Delvin's first thought was 'What happened?' He honestly didn't know why he was standing there like a fool. Everything suddenly returned to him as he remembered what he had done and the young Miss's reaction before her leaving. Although Delvin had other questions in mind like 'How did I not notice?' Delvin had unknowingly wasted a whole week without him knowing how, but it wasn't the time for him to think of useless thoughts such as these, he should instead track down his young Miss.

Finding a trail of where his young Miss went, Delvin started thinking of the energy he felt from Lu Yao and compared it to his Master's energy, and he had a conclusion, 'They have similarities, but they aren't the same.' He felt that Lu Yao's energy was different from his Master's. It was more refined, purer, and...… more Chaotic in nature. Where his Master's energy that he saw a for a moment before tamer and more powerful, it was because his Master was stronger, but the denseness, sturdiness, and purity of Lu Yao were on a completely different level, its as if comparing a cub to a lion.

The strangest part was that he felt threatened. Yes. Delvin felt threatened when he remembered that energy that Lu Yao emitted was as if it could shake his whole existence and make it unstable; it was chaotic. While his Master's energy was able to inflict some fear on him with its pressure, Lu Yao was different. He felt like he is a powerless lamb in front of it like it could erase him from existence.

'The track ends here.'

Although Delvin wasted seven days standing in Altonia, it only took three days to arrive at the location of his young Miss's trail leads. The reason is he is more powerful, and he has higher physical prowess thanks to his stats.

'I am coming, young Miss.' Delvin, wanting to know what's wrong, started moving to the place he felt Lu Yao's trail end at.


"Damn. This is taking too much time. We should have used 'that,' at least we will know where he is faster through it." A man suddenly spoke to his companion.

"Since when are we that weak that we need to depend on some item to move. It seems that you have become too old. Maybe you will even die soon." The other man's friend replied in a neutral tone as he responded to his complaining friend, but his friend had known for far too long that he was quickly able to spot the sarcasm in his emotionless voice.

'Ya, ya, like you are one to talk about age. Aren't you the oldest one among us? Tsk. Still dare say that.' Although the other person thought that he didn't say it out loud, less, he gets scolded as a child by his companion.

"Say, little third, how about we drop by that planet on our way to Mo?" The red-eyed kid said to his companion, who turned out to be Proud Monkey.

"But, Big brother Kul. This is already the fifth planet that you destroyed. Isn't the biggest reason that we are late is because you keep wanting to drop by and destroy planets? Have you forgotten about that energy we felt from second brother's location?" Proud reminded his big brother that he was so happy after knowing that their second brother is alive again that he kept destroying more planets every time they got closer.

"It is because I know that second brother will be safe because I am so carefree. Don't think about it too much. It's not like we will be able to see our second brother and talk to him anytime soon. After all, he still doesn't remember us, and we can't let him think of us as enemies before getting his memories back." Proud stayed silent after that since he knows that his big brother is right and would have absolutely been there immediately if anything dangerous were to happen to his second brother.

"Fine. Just search for any rare creatures or special abilities before destroying the planet. We can use it as a good welcoming gift for our second brother when we meet him." Kul waved his hand dismissively but still complied with his third brother's wishes.


"Have we got any news back from him yet?" A feeble but majestic looking man asked a young-looking woman who was holding his hand with tenderness.

The woman didn't answer him but shushed him to be quiet.

Another young man that was holding the woman's other hand and looking at the feeble man with worried looks answered instead: "Not yet, son. But soon. I'm sure of it. Now rest." The man's voice was faint, but it commanded some kind of power that had made the weak man fall asleep immediately.

"Chao. Tell me the truth. How long will it take for him to come back?" After checking and confirming that the man was asleep, the young black-haired woman turned her eyes to her husband. She spoke with tender eyes, but as time passed, her eyes initially black eyes started becoming greyer by the second.


Xue Mo and Lu Yao's current new shortened stats


Infinite Darkness

Name: Xue Mo

Points 1690 SSP energy points



Realm: [Foundation Opening, early Phase, level 1]

Technique: Ultimate Fundamental Racial Technique


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)]

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Infinite darkness

Name: Lu Yao

Points 4000 points Chaos energy (New)



Realm: [Qi (Arch) Foundation Opening, early phase, level 1]

Technique: Nephilim Void Sacred Sense


Realm: [Rank 1, level 3, (Soul Understanding)

Technique: Boundless Soul Control


Realm: [Body tempering first stage] (No ranks or other things it can Infinitely be upgraded. no limit. Only Technique's grade is the only limit)]

Technique: Real Body Cultivation Technique



{Guys this is for anyone who searches for good and unique novels but doesn't always find it, look at the names that i thank in author's thoughts as some of them are authors with great and amazing novels.}